Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Look At 10 Of The Largest And Most Important Tank Battles In History

Panzer IIIs and IVs on the southern side of the Kursk salient at the start of Operation Citadel, July 1943. Wikimedia commons

Ben Brimelow, Business Insider: Here's how 10 of the largest and most important tank battles in history played out

The tank is one of the most important weapon systems on the battlefield. Few weapons strike enemy soldiers with the fear that a fully loaded tank rolling towards them does.

After their trial by fire on the fields of Europe in World War I, tanks have become a necessity for any army that wants to be considered a serious foe.

In the one hundred years since its invention, tanks have been the winning factor in a number of battles. Entire wars have depended on their successful use.

Take a look at how 10 of the biggest tank battles in history went:

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WNU Editor: My father was near The Battle of Prokhorovka (during the larger Battle of Kursk). He was commanding an artillery unit, and as he told me more than once when I was growing up, it was in that battle that his entire unit was wiped up by another Russian artillery unit who thought they were the Germans. He suffered shrapnel wounds and a loss of his hearing .... but in a month later he was back at the front commanding another artillery unit.Such was war on the Russian front.


  1. I've read a few books on this one. Where your father was located was where the German thrust was stopped due to a number of costly counterattacks by the Russian Army. These actions kept the Germans from reorganizing and continuing their planned movements. While at the battle's end that evening the Germans controlled Pokhoravka, they withdrew to regroup. This was their high tide at Kursk.
    Hallowed country for Russia. A black eye for Hitler's alleged military genius.

    1. Hitler was no military genius but he had generals and field marshals that were.
      The allies were right to not assassinate him if they had things would have drawn out much longer with different alliances.
