Friday, July 6, 2018

Are Western Armies Losing Their High-Tech Edge?

China unveils its J-20 stealth fighter during an air show in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China, November 1, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer

Peter Apps, Reuters: Western armies are losing their high-tech edge

When America goes to war, its soldiers, sailors and pilots typically have long been used to having a spectacular technological edge. Those days are ending fast.

From the South China Sea to Eastern Europe – and even the Korean Peninsula – U.S. commanders are now considering the prospect of war against enemies who may be capable of deploying overwhelming firepower and sophisticated new technology. Confrontations with Russia and China in particular are escalating far faster than predicted – with the realistic prospect either nation could outgun U.S. forces in their immediate neighborhood in the early stages of any conflict.

The Pentagon is increasingly worried about rapid proliferation of Chinese and Russian anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, putting U.S. military planners in an unfamiliar position. The last time U.S. forces went to war without an overwhelming advantage was against Nazi German troops in North Africa in 1943.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The big player will be China when it comes to losing one's "tech-edge". 


fazman said...

Pilot training ,combat experience, and planning and logistics count for even more . China has zilch

Anonymous said...

And factor in that for the most part their major weapon systems remain unproven in combat. If we go off of the baseline your setting IE high tech and off of claimed abilities or manufactures literature then one oy has to look at a bevy of major American weapon systems that seemed to work fine in a test environment only to prove less than reliable or capable. Just compare early Patriot systems claims to actual hits/kills during the first gulf war.
Hell if we are just going off of what papers or people say and not real world experience my 6yr draws some pretty bad ass planes that would defeat anything.

Anonymous said...

Or let's not forget about Iraq's feared Republican guard and how many casualties that the us would suffer during the first gulf war and that is was probably better off to just let Iraq have Kuwait to avoid countless us deaths......

Your blog is starting to sound like the national interest. They had a good article about could an f-22 defeat and iranian f-14...... A model.......

It looks like we need to start watching old episodes of gi Joe to come up with some new super duper weapons!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should start stealing their tech and then build stuff that looks exactly like theirs.
How would they feel about it? They'd declare war the next day and call us all kind of names. The biggest threat to us is to let their hackers and their many spies in the US her away with this. If you spy in China you get the death penalty. I think we should have death penalty as well if you give our tech to China. Simple as that..things would change over night and the 10,000+ Chinese spies in industry military and academics would immediately think twice about living the American life and filling their pockets by sending our secrets back to their folks in China. You're either American or you're
atraitor and a spy and there should be 0 tolerance for traitors and spies.

Anonymous said...

Hell, you mean train their hackers and spies in our Universities.......

And I agree 100% with you. Whenever a drug user can go to jail for longer than a spy or worse an American who steals and sells national secrets...... Where's the deterrent??

And you are correct, if you spy in China you disappear. Now let's take in to account their upcoming social rating system which will not only punish the offender but also family/relatives, most Chinese know there will be repercussions. In the us we let them out on bail and take years to take a case to trial, so again we appear and are weak on a key national security issue.

I truly hope that trump does not back down from a trade war. The us is more or less propping up their Yuan and giving them the money, technology and know how to position them to fight us.