Monday, July 2, 2018

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Addresses Groping Allegation From 2000

Globe and Mail/Canadian Press: Trudeau addresses groping allegation from 2000, says he doesn’t recall ‘negative interactions’

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he does not remember any “negative interactions” during an event he attended 18 years ago in British Columbia – acknowledging for the first time allegations of sexual misconduct that recently resurfaced about him at the event.

Trudeau told reporters in Regina on Sunday that he remembers attending the music festival in Creston, B.C., in the summer of 2000, but said he doesn’t recall anything going amiss.

“I remember that day in Creston well, it was an Avalanche Foundation event to support avalanche safety. I had a good day that day. I don’t remember any negative interactions that day at all,” Trudeau said.

This marks the first time Trudeau has offered direct comment on the 18-year-old allegation that has resurfaced in media reports in recent weeks. However, his answer is the same one that has been provided by his office in response to recent questions about the allegation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is a story that has been brewing for the past few months. It was first reported by a Liberal insider (Warren Kinsella) who is also not a fan of Prime Minister Trudeau .... (link here). As Warren Kinsella mentions in his post ....  

“I’m sorry. If I had known you were a reporter for a national newspaper, I never would have been so forward”

Translation “I usually only get sexual assaulty with girls who won’t report on it in the national media”

And as Warren Kinsella further adds ....

There is shit tonne of stories about him from those days and more recent years. If the dam breaks………

This story was then carried by a few conservative blogs and completely ignored by the Canadian main stream media. But unlike other stories that are ignored by the main stream media .... this one had meat, and as Canadian conservative blogger Brian Lilly put it .... Trudeau groping allegations, from a whisper to a scream (Brian Lilley).

Yesterday .... a reporter finally had the chance to ask THE QEUSTION to the Prime Minister, and he gave the same answer that his office has been giving for the past few weeks .... "he does not remember any negative interactions". All further questions were then shut down. Hmmmm .... this is not what I would call a denial.

My prediction .... this story is not going to die. As I had mentioned before. The original source for this story is from Warren Kinsella, a Liberal insider who has a very good idea on where are all the skeletons for the Liberal Party are hidden. He sincerely believes that there is a pattern of behavior from the Prime Minister's past where questions need to be asked. And while the main networks are avoiding this story and/or discounting it when it is raised, they are not driving the news cycle for this story. Bottom line .... this is not going to be a pleasant summer for the Prime Minister.

As for the women who made the allegation .... she wants nothing to do with this. I am not surprised by her reaction. If her name becomes public she will be eaten alive by Liberal supporters of Justin Trudeau and (of course) by the media.

More News On Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Addressing Groping Allegation From 2000

'I don't remember any negative interactions,' Trudeau says of groping allegation -- CBC
Trudeau has to say something about groping accusation. Yet what can he say? -- Andrew Coyne, National Post
On groping allegation, Trudeau ducks the rules he set -- Tim Harper, Toronto Star
Groping allegations snare Justin Trudeau in a trap he created himself -- Joe Oliver, National Post


  1. Roger Bee-man SmithJuly 2, 2018 at 11:48 AM

    One of many reasons why I have never or ever will own a TV. Exposure to most of what is on there is insulting. Having been without one except through other's ownership of these things my entire 72 years is a constant reminder that I would rather be reading a book. As humans we can be above this. The world would not collapse if this programing were not produced and shown.
    A friend has cable. He and his wife hit the sack early. Years ago when they first subscribed and I would be visiting, they would show me how to work the remote when they retired. Up and down I would go looking for something enjoyable. 140 plus channels. Nada. I live in the desert. They live near the San Diego coast. Visually I felt right at home. Noting what was on that big screen was bewildering. It may even account for alleged UFO crashes. The cost to users on the earth's surface is beyond my comprehension. Not only our wallets. Shall we start with waistlines? Gray matter? Emotional health? And a bully pulpit for the likes of the obamas of the world.
    I will say Antique Roadshow was very enjoyable to watch. So was the late Huel Howser's program on PBS; California's Gold. That's all I can think of specifically. Nearly all of the rest is forgettable. What a huge CO2 producer for the global warming crowd!
    The internet is getting to be the same. A page of fluff is worth a pound of ad revenue.
    I think I'll go out to my garden and harvest tomato hornworms for the whiptail lizards that eat those hornworms from my hand without fear, the black throated sparrows that are waiting at sunrise when I open my door to cool things down every morning and evening, and to listen, believe it or not, for the click of an eyepoppingly acrobatic bird's beak as it catches an insect on the wing. Don't know it's name. The bird, not the insect.
    Thank goodness for reality. Cheaper than Prozac and better for me.

  2. Roger, there are no doubt people who say the same thing as you but about the internet.

  3. We need to stop weaponizing information and start practicing throwing stones only if your not a sinner. Oops, sorry brought religion into the conversation.

  4. Dear Roger:
    you do what you feel is right for you. Favor? let us do that which we find comfortable for us...I do not dump my "insights" on you and see nothing usefully gained by having you dump yours on me, esp. when they are in the nature of a put down

  5. On Minister Trudeau
    1. The Minister was asked about an alleged groping 20 years ago...he can not remember that it took place
    2. The girl that had been involved is not named nor coming forth about it
    3. there is no lawsuits in the court system
    4. the material here thus far cited suggests a political dynamic at work
    5. the editor at this site says he predicts more will come out in the future.
    6. in summary: smearing with not a shred of substantiation and no court of the land would accept this...

    fairness: compare President Trump evidence, statements, legal issues, numbers of incidents and evidence

  6. Fred,

    Of course politics is at play here.

    But you are missing the debate that is happening in Canada, and that is that Prime Minister Trudeau has mandated within his own party on how it should react to allegations of misconduct and inappropriate behavior. The problem is that with this story now out he himself is violating his own conditions .... or more to the point .... trying to ignore them. This is the "pickle" that he is in, and it effectively tarnishes his claim that he is a "feminist" when he addresses the issues that the #metoo movement is raising.

    Now Warren Kinsella is saying that there is probably more .... I know that you do not know him, but political junkies in Canada do. And when he is saying something like this, people are taking notice, and I am willing to bet that there are some in Trudeau's inner circle who are worried that another "story" may come out when it is appropriate.

  7. No dog in that fight so will leave others to sort out and deal with
    Truth trumps things
