Thursday, July 5, 2018

Editor's Note #2

WNU Editor: A few years ago I put a counter on this blog to monitor traffic. I just noticed tonight  that it has passed the ten million mark. (this counter does not include the first 6 years of this blog). Google tells me that WNU has received over 25 million page views during the lifespan of this blog .... which (to me) is a more accurate read on this blog's traffic and impact. To say that I am humbled by this recognition is an understatement. After-all .... I first started this blog to practice my English, and to record my thoughts and observations. I never expected anyone to pay attention, and I certainly never expected the journey that it has put me on. And what a journey it has been. 93,000 posts. Tens of thousands of comments. The making of many friends and contacts. And learning a lot about the world in the process. So .... it is fitting that I should say thank-you to everyone for being supportive of this blog. To read what I write. To send me a comment or two. To criticize me here. To praise me there. To give me a lead on a good story. To share your own thoughts and understandings. Yup .... for someone like me .... it has been (and is) a truly humbling experience. So again .... to everyone .... thank-you.


  1. It’s been a pleasure. Thank you for your work.
    I’ve learnt so much as well as enjoyed reading your unique perspective on events, big, small and terrifying.

  2. Congrats on the success, and might I add your English has improved by leaps and bounds as well.

  3. Please use some of your considerable energy to immediately remove and block racist comments and commentors. You seem to have a high tolerance for racists and bigots.
    Thank you.

    1. There's a lot of name calling on this blog by two three users (Fred, Aizino and Anons) ..those users reflect what's going on in the US right now. ..for a historic record I'd encourage WNU to keep these posts as is. I believe the media (mostly CNN and MSNBC with their over the top portrayal of Trump) is causing this polarisation and we should all pay attention.

      WNU, congrats to your blog. I've been reading for 5+ years

  4. Congratulations WNU. Keep it going please.

  5. Congrats WNU, you deserve it.

  6. Best site of its kind in the World!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Aizino, you're funny most of the time. .don't get me wrong, I like reading your comments (and Fred's).. it's just lately you two are getting a bit harsh on each other. I know Fred from his website - he seems a cool dude - but it's just left vs right and it doesn't have to be that way. I really blame the media at the moment (not this blog) in causing so much anger and misinformation. ..that's all. .sending you a virtual beer :)

  8. Anon (the one who is accusing me of being tolerant of bigotry and racism)

    I have spent a good part of my life being active in charity and providing services at no charge to those who who require my expertise. I am currently helping an Afghan family on their immigration status in Canada.

    I am the co-founder of the second oldest online library in the world. It was founded to provide free ebooks and educational tools to primarily third world nations who lack these tools. One of my business partners and I started it a month after 9/11 because we wanted to provide ebooks to these countries as an alternative to the extremist teachings that they were receiving.

    In Russia .... in memory of what my father did in the Second World War when he fought against the Nazis .... I was a Director of a group that works to preserve, document, and educate the public on the crimes that the Nazis did during the Second World War.

    I have had (and have) business partners from Haiti. I have also worked with Canadian indigenous groups.

    Being labelled as someone who tolerates bigotry and racism does not impress me. I am well aware of the guidelines that I must follow from Google-Blogger, and I do monitor very closely what people say on this blog. And while there are times when I prefer they focus on sticking to what I post, I do permit a certain amount of venting. I have never banned anyone from this blog, but I have deleted in the past six months a number of comments that did cross the line. This policy will continue.

    1. You're doing a superb job. And I'm sure the other anon just hasn't been around long enough to see for him/herself...

    2. Ps just clicked on some Ads for you :) everyone, do the same hehe get this man a good night out with his GF

  9. To AzuLike,
    No one never leaves this blog.
    They are all here, but they prefer to not post comments.
    Nothing wrong with that. It is just how it is.

  10. WNU,
    You're family's getting bigger.
    Good job.

  11. I found this blog about 3-4 years ago, and have since made it my primary source for news. As young as I am (25), I do not have much insight on these topics. The comments allow me to feel out the insights of those who have way more knowledge about these topics than I do. History doesnt teach you much of anything in school. That being said, I value the back and forth comments almost as much as the posts themselves. If WNU were extremely restrictive on the comments, I more than likely would not find this blog so appealing. Keep up the good work WNU. I really do appreciate it.

  12. Congrats on all the success, WNU, it's well deserved. I've been reading you from Mtl for around 3 years, it took me some time to realise you're posting from here. The breath of coverage as well as your dual Russian/North American perspective are priceless. Keep up the good work!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Awesome! Have only followed this for past year but would agree one of the best sites around. Kudo's!

  15. Way to go bro. I have been a steady daily reader for about two years. You run a great site and i appreciate the work you put in.


  16. 1st opened every morning. Love the breadth, personal experiences and comments about same. In particular incorporating your father's experiences into this blog. Your admiration and love for him seems to transcend the often soulless nature of the internet. I very much appreciate this.


  17. I found this website about a year ago, perhaps a little more. You have really opened my eyes to many things. Topics and events you cover that I otherwise could not follow nor completely comprehend. I do not mean just the culmination of the sources, I treat the WNU Editor comments as gold. Thank you for all of your hard work, as one who has been truly enlightened to the world around, I cannot express enough gratitude.
