Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Foreign Ministers From China, France, Germany, Russia And The U.K. Will Convene In Vienna On Friday To Save The Iran Nuclear Deal

Bloomberg: U.S. Sidelined as Five Powers Set to Give Iran New Assurance

Top diplomats from world powers will meet on Friday in a bid to defend their landmark nuclear deal with Iran from attack by President Donald Trump.

Foreign ministers from China, France, Germany, Russia and the U.K. will convene in Vienna for the first time without the U.S. in order “to ensure the continued implementation” of the accord, which granted Iran a reprieve from sanctions in exchange for limits to its nuclear program, according to a European Union statement on Wednesday. Trump abandoned the deal in May and reimposed sanctions against countries and companies doing business with Iran.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  I am sure China, France, Germany, Russia and the U.K. will be giving assurances to the Iranians that they will find a way to do business with Iran, and that U.S. sanctions can be minimized. They may even ask the Iranians to give them time .... so that they can convince the U.S. that it is not in their interest to continue sanctions. But bottom line .... the help that they can offer is minimal. The U.S. has the power to punish those who break sanctions .... and that is something that the five powers cannot promise to minimize.


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  3. The resistance Axis remains strong. Quds liberation is coming soon, inshallah!

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  5. "Maybe we need a backward Anschluss. Austria can take over Germany from the Fat Faulein, Herr Merkel."
    1. call for war...for other to do
    2. Hitler came from Austria
    3. never do a comment without an insult...and, oh my, making fun of a woman's body...classy and for fakenamesmith as usually done

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  9. Why are these countries breaking over backwards to do business with Iran if that means weakening US position? I don't get it, the deal was honestly bad and put us all at risk because the Iranians got the money for terror financing (OK it was their money to begin with, but still, you don't give the number one terror sponsor billions of dollars to wage war!?) And on top you didn't have proper verification mechanisms. ..
    ..and now,instead of using the momentum
    as the sanctions are biting and the Iranian regime suffers, now those countries so badly want to pump money into Iran by weakening US sanctions. If this is some anti-Trumpism and they're just in this never Trump group it really must stop. This is quite insane. I can understand Russia to want to support Iran (which they often have done before)...and I even get China. ..,but Germany, France and the UK?! WtF?! The leaders of those countries have lost their way and they don't see it or something else is going on..

    It can't be just the handful of billions they make in trade with Iran. Wtf

    1. Anon,

      You are spot on. There's little I can add.

      Obviously the Iran deal was horrific. I've called it a "crap sandwich." If I were POTUS, I probably would have kept it based on the premise we had no other choice. I would have made full disclosure with the American people that yes this a crap sandwich that we had no choice but to sign on to providing full details.

      It was a bold move by POTUS to withdraw us from this deal. This is the kind of thing he was elected to do!!! If America is to become a great country, we won't get there by playing it safe!!

      While I disagree profoundly with the decisions of the Russians and the Chinese on this one, it is understandable. After all they are traditional enemies of America. At the end of the day, they are rational actors. As such, I am confident that POTUS and they will eventually come up with agreements that all of us can deal with. Of course we have our own "5th column" in the never Trumpets, Trump's political opponents, and the news media who will work to undermine anything and everything.

      You ask wtf with regards to the euros. I think they are being driven by anti-Trump and to a lesser extent anti-Americanism and this is clouding their judgment. Essentially with them and our own "5th column" we aren't dealing with rational actors.

      This is my "take." If I were POTUS, this is how I'd conduct policy.

  10. Anon as news happens around the world one thing is coming clear. Trump is an international disaster as well as a domestic disaster. Consequently it may well be that the majors in the world have no confidence in the confidence-man President who could very easily turn his back on them two days after they support his sanctions against Iran. He and by extension America has lost credibility and respect.

    Think about the comments that came out when people protested that he was back tracking on the Iran deal/treaty. The major argument being that it wasn't ratified by Congress which was true. Think about the treaty on torture that was ratified and how quickly the country came up with excuses for violating that ratified treaty. Obviously ratification to the US means dick all so why continue to support the US especially when their front man is Trump?

    There is a price to be paid for electing such an individual and it is beginning to look as if that tab is coming due.

    1. Bob,

      The "international disaster" is on the verge of solving the NK crisis. Tremendous progress has already been made. The Japanese and the South Koreans think so. Actions speak very loudly as their actions have. As the only new variable to the equation, I think it a reasonable conclusion that DJT deserves the lion share of the credit to be an accurate one.

      With a Trump/Putin summit days away I suspect much progress will be made here as well. The Euros are used to their Americans being submissive to them. This is changing.

      They made this bed. Now they must lie in it. The disaster is theirs. Of course they could change course. Unfortunately such actions are often impossible for the ideologically blind as they seem to be.

    2. I actually hope Germany gets a "German Trump." Such a person will obviously be tough as nails pro German and will be extraordioronly brilliant as our own version is with regards to our country.

      At least we will be dealing with a rational actor. With such a person reasonable agreements can be reached with them. With non rational actors such things generally aren't possible.

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    1. I actually remember when the media loved Trump. They couldn't get enough of him. What changed?

      Obviously Trump"s behavior has changed. Why did it change? While I do not "know" why, I can make educated speciation. Meeting Melania, marrying her, and having Baron late in life obviously has profoundly impacted him. Such things would impact anyone.

      The "Can could've been kicked down the road." The longer it's kicked down the road the greater the pain. DJT has chosen to deal with this NOW!!

      Continuing the status quo would have been obviously suicidal for America. Trump isn't the status quo. Many of us understood what the status quo meant. As such, voting in the unknown was/is a no brainer. So far it's worked out quits well!!

  12. B. Poster:

    Time will tell. I hope you are right but there is an awful lot of stuff that must be dealt with and I doubt the US will give up whatever it is Kim deems necessary for him to enter into a real deal. So far they achieved nothing new. The only thing Kim has done that might not help him should he decide to stop the deal is allow the North Koreans to build up hope.

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  16. Aizino,'re reflecting the extreme ends of both sides. Please just try to get along. ..Fred you honestly have to stop the AntiTrumpism (I know you from this blog for almost two years and for almost two years I'm telling you there's no Russia collusion and that evidence should be produced before networks go out of their way to call trump a traitor and ask for impeachment and worse things .what CNN has been telling you through subliminal messaging is changing your perception. .they are so over the top extreme. .for example today on their homepage they suggest literally "America may never be the same"-that's quoted -if Trump were to pick another supreme Court justice. The language used is clean but the suggestion is clear:Trump (despite just exercising his presidential right) is changing amercia for the worse (not wrong perhaps. . .BUT given that CNN has suggested for two years that he's been working with Russians and whipping everyone into a McCarthyism 2.0 frenzy it is of course understandable that over time you get completely consumed by this)... have you not noticed that the left has become so extreme that actually they are more dangerous to the fabric of the United states (and the country's security) than anything Trump has done? (What has he done? I'm a EU citizen and I think he streghtenes the US...yes he's vulgar and a pig, but you've got to look beyond that. .he actually tries to improve your standing and to done extent I'd argue he's succeeding)

    Aizino. . You just got to stop your ad hominem attacks and the name calling. About 2 years ago I thought you're a loony and told you to take your meds many times :) just saying because I've got no stake in this and from an arguments side you're less wrong than Fred by now.

    Play nice you two :)

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  20. This Deal is being considered like a focal point between those under US thumb and those outside it , which why everyone want to go with it despite US sanction .

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  25. go hide in your bunkers its too late suckers
