Tuesday, July 3, 2018

German Chancellor Merkel Averts Political Collapse With A Deal On Migration. But Austria Says They Do Not Want These Migrants

Daily Mail: Merkel's migrant domino effect: Austria say they will send asylum seekers back to Italy and Slovenia after German Chancellor agrees to restrict number of arrivals to save her coalition

* Merkel struck compromise deal with coalition allies over migrant crisis last night
* One plan includes sending asylum seekers back to Austria if they cannot be sent back to their countries of entry into the European Union
* But Austria has warned it could take similar measures along its southern borders
* It could spark a migrant domino effect with migrants ending up back in Italy

Austria has said it will send asylum seekers back to Italy and Slovenia - hours after Angela Merkel agreed to restrict migrant arrivals in Germany to save her coalition.

The German Chancellor struck a compromise deal with her rebellious Bavarian allies, the CSU, last night in a bid to avert a political crisis in Berlin.

Among the proposals is a plan to send back to Austria asylum seekers arriving in Germany who cannot be returned to their countries of entry into the European Union.

But Austria has since said it would be prepared to take similar measures to block asylum seekers at its southern borders with Slovenia and Italy.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Merkel's coalition do not want to go to the polls this summer. They will be trounced if they did .... and they know it. The hope is that the migrant crisis will not be an issue in the October regional elections .... but my initial predictions still hold .... this migrant crisis is far from over, and her coalition partners are going to suffer heavy losses when Germans go to the polls in a few months. As for the deal itself .... the Germans are going to dump these migrants on Austria, who in turn are going to dump these migrants on Italy. As one can understand, the Italians are not amused by this turn of events.

More News On German Chancellor Merkel Averting Political Collapse With A Deal On Migration

German government crisis: Chancellor Angela Merkel gets migrant compromise -- USA Today/DW
Angela Merkel's last-ditch migrant compromise under scrutiny -- DW
Merkel averts political collapse with a deal on migration -- CNBC
Germany's Merkel makes deal with interior minister on migration dispute -- CNN
German interior minister drops resignation threat over migration -- Al Jazeera


  1. Kicking the can down the road is a standard political move when facing an unsolvable problem. Many times the problem gets much worse as time goes on and with illegal migration of hostile tribes into unarmed and undermanned police populations, this problem gets much worse. AfD and those like them will become political power brokers 2 or 3 years from now. You want a European Trump in Germany? Merkel's idiocy gets you more Trump.

  2. Yes, this is an issue because people do not have the appetite to solve the problems at the source. I understand, the free world can't be expected to solve all the worlds problem but we need to strike a balance. Need to rid the world of useless leaders and make sure each country has solid legal and political leadership - Period!

  3. "You want a European Trump in Germany? Merkel's idiocy gets you more Trump." I couldn't have said this better myself.

    Idiocy on the part of America's leaders got us Trump. Now all the same people whose policies got us Trump have gone into hysterical criticism mode all while only offering us more of the same that got us in this mess in the first place.

    Trump may or may not work out well for America. When faced with the option of a semi unknown with obvious flaws or more of the same, many in the US voted the unknown recognizing that the status quo simply could not be continued. To do so was only going to lead to more heartbreak, misery, and was perhaps even suicidal.

    Of course to government buercrats, those feeding at the government trough, university professors, certain corporate fat cats who are in bed with the status quo aren't on the frontlines and don't fully grasp what they've wrought. Those on the front lines get this and knew they had no choice but to take the chance on the unknown candidate. If Germany wants to continue down their current road, Germans may have the same thought processes. Hence we would end up with a "German Trump."

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