Thursday, July 5, 2018

Germany Wants A Trade Deal With The U.S.?

Merkel says any negotiations on lowering car tariffs can only be conducted internationally -- not just with the US

FOX News: Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers’ shares

Germany’s chancellor said Thursday she’s willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to the Trump administration – just one day after CEOs of Germany’s biggest carmakers reportedly voiced support for eliminating such tariffs entirely.

Angela Merkel said she would be ready to support lowering the tariffs, though the measure couldn’t just apply to the U.S.

"I would be ready to support negotiations on reducing tariffs but we would not be able to do this only with the U.S.," she said, as reported by Reuters, adding that singling out one country would violate World Trade Organization rules.

Read more ....

Update: Merkel says open to international talks on slashing car tariffs (AFP).

WNU Editor: I predict some version of this deal will be implemented .... U.S. offers German car bosses 'zero tariffs' solution to trade row - Handelsblatt (Reuters). President Trump offered the same type of deal with Canada on NAFTA .... but it was rejected. Bottom line .... everyone is now positioning themselves to negotiate a deal. At least that is what I hope they are doing.


  1. I hope Germany will remember how much they owe to the US. After the second world war, the US could easily have crushed them. Instead they helped them to rebuild the country and secure peace in europe and protect against aggressions from Russia. I know it's been 70 years,but Germany's debt to the US cannot be measured in decades and Ms.Merkel - who came from East Germany - should remember what life under Russian influence was like. Do the right thing ffs

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  3. Russki?!?!?!
    It has been years since I heard that.

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