Friday, July 6, 2018

More Details Emerge That The FBI Probe Into The Trump Campaign Was Politicized

FBI agent Peter Strzok, left, walks into a classified meeting after being interviewed by the House Judiciary Committee at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C., on June 27. (Photo: Toya Sarno Jordan/Reuters/Newscom)

The Hill: Memos detail FBI’s ‘Hurry the F up pressure’ to probe Trump campaign

Multiple reviews of whether FBI agents’ political bias affected the Russia-Trump collusion case remain in their infancy, but investigators already have unearthed troubling internal communications long withheld from public view.

We already know from FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok’s now-infamous text messages with his fellow agent and reported lover, Lisa Page, that Strzok — the man driving that Russia collusion investigation — disdained Donald Trump and expressed willingness to use his law enforcement powers to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.

The question that lingers, unanswered: Did those sentiments affect official actions?

Memos the FBI is now producing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general and multiple Senate and House committees offer what sources involved in the production, review or investigation describe to me as “damning” or “troubling” evidence.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This case keeps on grinding on. The FBI agent at the center of this investigation will be testifying again (but in public) in front of Congress next week .... After no-show threat, FBI agent Strzok's public testimony rescheduled (Washington Times). More here .... Peter Strzok, FBI agent who wrote anti-Trump texts, to testify publicly before lawmakers (USA Today).


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Americanadian soldier said...

Good stuff Aizino.... Thank-you

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