Thursday, July 5, 2018

More Threats From Iran To Block The Strait Of Hormuz To Oil Traffic (Update)

CNBC: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards threaten to cut off regional oil exports amid US pressure

* Shortly after the Trump administration reaffirmed this week its threat to punish companies that buy Iranian crude, President Hassan Rouhani warned Tehran could soon disrupt oil shipments to neighboring countries.
* Washington’s sanctions against Iran are set to be re-imposed on November 4.
* International benchmark Brent crude traded at around $78.14 Thursday lunchtime, around 0.1 percent lower, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) stood at around $74.48, up 0.4 percent.

Iran is threatening to dramatically ratchet up its response to the U.S., if President Donald Trump succeeds in halting crude sales from the Persian Gulf when sanctions snap back on the country.

Shortly after the Trump administration reaffirmed this week its threat to punish companies that buy Iranian crude, President Hassan Rouhani warned Tehran could soon disrupt oil shipments to neighboring countries.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There definitely has been a poltiical shift in Iran .... Sudden shift in Iran as hardliners back Rouhani (AFP). The question that remains unanswered is .... will it last.

More Threats From Iran To Block The Strait Of Hormuz To Oil Traffic

Iran threatens to block Strait of Hormuz over US oil sanctions -- The Guardian
Oil Wars: Iran Says 'Ready' to Block of Hormuz Strait in Retaliation to U.S. -- Haaretz/Reuters
Iran Threatens to Stop Hormuz Oil Exports If Own Crude Cut -- Bloomberg
Iran is threatening to close the world's most important transit lane for crude oil -- CNBC

1 comment:

  1. Ya ummmmm they should really think this over. Trump needs a good distraction from a couple of stories/issues that are dogging him. Someone cue the acceptable bad guy from 80's action flicks....

    And I'm not sure if Iran has noticed but the us has been on a war footing for how long now?

    And let's factor in that any disruption of oil in the straits will ultimately affect Iran also.
