Sunday, July 1, 2018

New York Times: Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein Felt Used By The White House In Firing Former FBI Director Comey

Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, publicly expressed confidence about the firing of James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, but privately appeared conflicted about his role in the dismissal and the tumult it unleashed.CreditZach Gibson for The New York Times

New York Times: ‘Shaken’ Rosenstein Felt Used by White House in Comey Firing

WASHINGTON — In the days after the F.B.I. director James B. Comey was fired last year, the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, repeatedly expressed anger about how the White House used him to rationalize the firing, saying the experience damaged his reputation, according to four people familiar with his outbursts.

In public, Mr. Rosenstein has shown no hint that he had second thoughts about his role — writing a memo about Mr. Comey’s performance that the White House used to justify firing him. “I wrote it. I believe it. I stand by it,” Mr. Rosenstein said to Congress last year.

But in meetings with law enforcement officials in the chaotic days immediately after Mr. Comey’s dismissal, and in subsequent conversations with colleagues and friends, Mr. Rosenstein appeared conflicted, according to the four people.

He alternately defended his involvement, expressed remorse at the tumult it unleashed, said the White House had manipulated him, fumed how the news media had portrayed the events and said the full story would vindicate him, said the people, who in recent weeks described the previously undisclosed episodes.

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WNU editor: If this New York Times report is even remotely true .... it tells me that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein is not up to the job, and if he has any integrity he should resign. I cannot argue with Zero Hedge's take on this New York Times post .... "Frantic, Nervous, Upset, Emotional" Rosenstein Was "Overwhelmed" During Comey Firing, Mueller Appointment (Zero Hedge).


  1. His reputation was damaged? It wasn't in my book until he began to grasp for lint specks on so many since there was/is apparently nada of lint on Trump. I am waiting for him to subpoena each and every stamp dealer in the country to see if one of them has Russian family who came over here after the 1917 revolution. Why.... the man might have sold a Russian Lenin stamp to Trump or even Trump's family last century! We don't know for sure. I feel so secure due to his efforts.
    Of course....I would feel more secure if he discussed his convoluted emotional state with Chelsea Manning. So would America's stamp collecting retailers.
    Now, one more time, how he did he get appointed? And why?

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