Wednesday, July 4, 2018

President Donald Trump Asked Several Advisers Last August About The Possibility Of Invading Venezuela

CNN: Trump asked advisers about invading Venezuela in 2017

President Donald Trump last August asked several top foreign policy advisers about the possibility of invading Venezuela during a meeting about diplomatic sanctions the US was enacting on the autocratic government, a senior administration official familiar with the comments said.

Trump's aides, including then-national security adviser HR McMaster, vigorously urged him against the notion of a military invasion of Venezuela, warning him it could backfire and explaining that US allies in the region were firmly opposed to such drastic action. Taking military action against Venezuela would be a dramatic escalation of the US's so-far solely diplomatic and sanctions-focused response to the political and economic crisis roiling the South American country.

Still, the official with knowledge of Trump's private comments noted there was "no imminent plan for a military strike" and chalked the comments up to Trump thinking "out loud."

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WNU Editor: This is actually old news. There was talk last year on the U.S. invading Venezuela, and I remember commenting then in this blog (and I quoted Colin Powell at the time) .... that if you break it, you own it. A U.S. invasion of Venezuela would end quickly, but the cost of rebuilding Venezuela would be enormous. The disaster that is Venezuela today is going to take some time to sort itself out, and I think President Trump figured that out rather quickly. Best to stay away. As to the future .... as bad as Venezuela is today, it is going to get worse. When the water runs out and the electrical grid fails is when I expect the humanitarian crisis that it will produce (even bigger than the one today) will force other Latin American countries to come together and make the decision to intervene .... or support those in Venezuela itself to get rid of this wretched government. Until then .... the enormous suffering continues.

More News On Reports That President Donald Trump Asked Several Advisers Last August About The Possibility Of Invading Venezuela

REVEALED: Trump stunned top aides by asking why the U.S. didn't just invade Venezuela and oust the nation's president-turned-dictator Maduro -- Daily Mail/AP
Trump repeatedly suggested invading Venezuela, stunning top aides – report -- The Guardian
Trump reportedly floated the idea of invading Venezuela to top aides and world leaders -- Business Insider
Trump shocked aides with repeated talk of invading Venezuela, US official says ​-- Times of Israel
Trump Repeatedly Suggested Invading Venezuela, New Report Says -- Sputnik


  1. Obama surely discussed invading north Korea and Iran. .but it was never leaked. That's the bigger story here. .and how cnn completely ignored Obama's shadow war on the press - with the highest number of gag orders of all presidents. But he was a media darling in their eyes. Hypocrits beyond the pale


  2. And these once respected publications with their declning ratings and influence continue on the same path of bias and inaccuracy. An old race horse with blinders, limping to the glue factory.
    How the mighty have fallen.

    1. I agree. Just 5 years ago CNN was my go to channel. Now I can't stand watching 2 minutes of them and their over the top outrage acting. Everyone is a holy man over there and OUTRAGED at everything the republicans do, ..and I'd have voted for Obama both times - I really liked the guy and thought he was classy (and yes, Trump is a pig in comparison)..but the left is so over the top insane now that I wouldn't dare to criticise anything that Obama did (eg the Iran deal was really bad and didn't have proper verification and enforcement mechanisms)..but criticise him on facts and you're suddenly a bigot. However if you scream F you at president trump or call for him to be shot (Johnny Depp! ) you're a hero. Wtf. I truly believe that foreign actors are instigating this. The left was always a bit wacko - while I think for example that Bernie means well, he clearly has no idea how Europe and European social capitalism works. I know, I've lived there for 20+years in several countries and he's just repeating talking points but has no plan how to finance it. But the left cheered him on...hurling insults and inciting violence and wanting handouts and easing the border. .those are all things that could ruin the US..this cannot be in the interest of an educated, informed person.

  3. "the cost of rebuilding Venezuela would be enormous" yes enormous. Equal no doubt to the what it cost the US to re-build Vietnam. After being kicked out I remember Nixon on TV projecting a re-building process to exceed anything like it in history.

    I'd like to see them rebuild Puerto Rico first.

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