Friday, July 27, 2018

Should The Pentagon Be Planning For An Occupation Of Iran?

Joe Karle, Modern War Institute: The Pentagon Should be Planning for an Occupation of Iran, Even Though It’s a Nightmare Scenario

If President Donald Trump’s most recent tweets about Iran are any indication, a military confrontation with Iran is not off the table. And yet, there is almost certainly little consensus, even within the administration, about the wisdom of such a course of action. Mark Perry’s recent Foreign Policy article about Defense Secretary James Mattis’s efforts to avert war with Iran notes Mattis harbors no illusions regarding Iranian threats, but that he is also keenly aware any military strike would have broad and negative repercussions for the United States.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above author should add a fourth point to his analysis on why occupations fail .... and that is the will of the population from the occupying power to occupy another country. From my read on what is the sentiment in the U.S. and the current political environment, I would say that 90% (or more) of the American population would be against any occupation of Iran ... . a guarantee failure in my book. As to the question should the Pentagon plan for an occupation of Iran, I say do it. All that it will show is how difficult/costly/and bloody it will be.


  1. A tiny little thought. Imagine a govt guy in Iran reading or getting hold of this post. Now he makes it widely available in print, the net. Now the Iranians, angry with their govt. see this and instead say: What! we are going to be invaded by crusader nation and occupied and have our women folks molested? No. We will all support our own regime against the non muslim invaders

  2. Anon , way a head of you , in september 2007 wesley Clark a US general and democrat nominee in 2004 said " the US is gonna invade seven countries IRAQ , IRAN ,SYRIA , LIBYA , SOMALIA , SUDAN ,AFGHANISTAN"
    Why did you think the Iranian are hell bent on nuke , they did get the memo .

  3. No, and l doubt anyone in Pentagon is,even entertaining this nightmare

  4. Iranian want to get rid of the mollah, not being under control of any other country.

  5. The Pentagon is always running scenarios, it's an active part of their program. We need Iran to implode, but we risk no real leadership (aka Afghanistan), so chaos will reign and this is the real problem.


  6. Trump Is Pursuing A Totally Incoherent Iran Strategy, Experts Say
    But it’s music to the ears of foreign policy hawks like John Bolton and Lindsey Graham.

  7. We will continue to support Anti- Regime forces and eventually arm them with more than cash and explosives..
