Thursday, July 5, 2018

This Is Why President Trump Will Win The Trade War. The U.S. Economy Is Booming

CNBC: The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

* Private payrolls grew less than expected in June, likely due not just to a slowdown in hiring but also a decline in the labor pool.
* For the first time, there are more job openings than there are eligible workers to fill them.
* Economists expect wage pressures to continue building as part of increasing inflation.

America’s labor shortage is approaching epidemic proportions, and it could be employers who end up paying.

A report Thursday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics cast an even brighter light on what is becoming one of the most important economic stories of 2018: the difficulty employers are having in finding qualified employees to fill a record 6.7 million job openings.

Truck drivers are in perilously low supply, Silicon Valley continues to struggle to fill vacancies, and employers across the grid are coping with a skills mismatch as the economy edges ever closer to full employment.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The booming economy is giving Presdient Trump cover on his trade moves. But will it last? Only time will tell. 


  1. He's definitely got the drop on everyone...if even China accuses him of being a bully he's right where he wants to be.


  2. I am still incredulous that this economy has responded with such strength and so rapidly.
    Has anyone gotten obama's take? After all he laid it's foundation. He said so. He and those economic whiz bangs before him who passed the crippling regulations and tax policies that were responsible for the situation before Trump took over.
    Now for the adjustment to the tariffs.

  3. Wrong. When did recession begin and who was president then.

  4. Guys let's not argue over what Trump did and what Obama did. The point is this: China is threatening the US and has stolen trillions over the years, building their shiny cities while telling everyone how awesome they are. They're thieves. And the US has all the right in the world to want it back, and with interest. I'm 100% with Trump on this one (and I voted for obama before. .it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive)

  5. The Chinese will not only lose the trade war but also will lose face and no one will believe in their lies of a Chinese century anymore either
    Just look at the numbers
    The US/China trade deficit is 350-500bn/year in favour of the US
    The US economy is booming and twice the size of China
    The world trades only like a percent in yuan but 75% in us dollars lol

    Bye China
