Friday, July 6, 2018

This Reporter Gets Way Too Close To Low Flying Hind Attack Helicopters

Warzone/The Drive: Azerbaijani Reporter Gets Way Too Close To Low Flying Hind Attack Helicopter

This reporter got more than she bargained for from a group of low-flying Hinds in an attempt to get the perfect shot.

There's a certain type of filming style that has come out of Russia in which a host or reporter covering a military topic is filmed with all types of action going on around them as they stoically deliver their copy. It has a hint of Top Gear and a hint of Michael Bay, but it is definitely a unique style. Apparently, this production method is popular in Azerbaijan, too.

Certainly, we know the country has a flair for packaging its defense capabilities creatively on video, but in this case, the host may have gotten a bit more than she bargained for in an attempt to frame the perfect shot. Yet amazingly, she never flinched, even as a Hind attack helicopter gets too close for comfort as it rips by.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am not sure if the reporter is from Azerbaijan. Her Russian accent is not from the region. Still .... that is one very close call.


  1. Notice the crew members in the background scrambling as this woman didn’t even blink..... awesome

  2. The camera guy starts moving out of the way, and doesnt bother to warn her.

  3. All fun and games until a rotor clips a head.
