Tuesday, July 3, 2018

U.S. Is Determined To Reduce Iran's Oil Revenue To Zero

Daily Sabah, Anadolu Agency: US wants to reduce Iran's oil revenue to zero

The U.S. wants to reduce Iran's oil revenue to zero, the State Department director of policy planning said Monday.

"We are working to minimize disruptions to the global market but we are confident there is sufficient global spare oil production capacity," Brian Hook told reporters.

Hook sad more than 50 firms announced their intent to leave the Iranian market, particularly in energy and finance sectors, as the U.S. is moving toward placing sanctions on Iran.

"We have been clear with countries and companies around the world that we are bringing severe economic pressure on Iran until the regime changes its destabilizing policies," he added.

Read more ....

Update #1: US officials visiting Gulf allies to co-ordinate Iran sanctions (National Interest)
Update #2: Trump administration on Iran sanctions: 'We will not hesitate' to punish offenders (Politico)

WNU Editor: Iran will find buyers for their oil. But they will probably have to sell it at a discount, and the revenue that they had expected to receive from their oil exports will not match their predictions. Bottom line .... these sanctions are going to seriously curtail the money that the Iranian government receives, which IMHO is the ultimate (and goal) goal for these sanctions.


  1. "We have been clear with countries and companies around the world that we are bringing severe economic pressure on Iran until the regime changes its destabilizing policies,"

    So says the representative of the most destabilize country in the world and perhaps in all of history.

    1. Xi didn't say that

      See what I did there?


  2. Bob,

    Maybe you missed it. Iran is trying to destroy the United States. As such, any reasonable country would fight back in any manner that they can.

    As to the most destabilizing country in the world remark, so says America's enemies. One's enemies always speak ill of them and when one's enemies enjoy a world wide media bully pulpit that one (in this case America) does not naturally the view that is presented is going to get distorted to an anti-American one that many will blindly accept without bothering to examine the available information.

    With that said I probably would have kept the "crap sandwich" of the nuclear deal with Iran simply because I believed we had no other choice had I been POTUS. I would have then informed my team members that Iran was going to get nuclear weapons and we should be ready for it. Of course Iran is going to violate the deal!! Israel already supplied evidence proving what common sense would have known anyway. To withdraw us from the deal was a bold move by POTUS. I hope and pray it pays off.

    As I have said before, I would like to move this to a UN Tribunal. Unfortunately there are three basic problems. 1.)Iran is getting to my mileage from "death to America." They don't want peace. War is to profitable for them and it gives them a nice boogey man to keep their populace in line. 2.)The tribunal will simply rubber stamp whatever Iran wants. At present, there exists no mechanism to ensure America gets a fair trial here. 3.)Assuming we solve problems one and two and the tribunal should find in some way for America, how do we collect? There's no mechanism in place to ensure Iran pays up or to get them to do so. In contrast, America exists under a very large, biased against it, and often uncomfortable media microscope. As such, there is no possibility of America not living up to its obligations that may result from the tribunal.

  3. B.Poster.

    I get the feeling you think that the history between the US and Iran began when Iran took over the US embassy, true?

    Iran is the embodiment of my comment "So says the representative of the most destabiliz(ing) country in the world and perhaps in all of history."

    1. Actually I think the history probably started in the early 1950s with the overthrow of Mossadegh after he dealt treacherously with the Americans and the British.

      Some evidence would suggest that America's role in this is overrated. The Iranians are very good at, messaging. The Americans, not so much.

      This all, could be addressed in a UN Tribunal. I figure Iran would likely owe Btitish Petroleum and the Brits a LARGE SUM of money as the result of any equitable tribunal. At this point, any tribunal would simply be a kangaroo court where the judges slobber over the Iranian delegation before rubber stamping anything and everything the Iranians want.

      Perhaps we can get there some day. If I were POTUS, I couldn't agree to This, at this point. We need assurances we are going to be,treated equitably and it needs to be more than empty words.

      Additionally, there would need to be a way to ensure that Iran complied with the results of any tribunal. Right now there isn't.

      You suggest that I think the history began with the embassy take over. How little you understand me or Americans. Every American school child over 5 is aware of the Iranian narrative on this. Many are also aware of the media narrative against them.

  4. The poor war criminal USA. Please pass the crying towel.

  5. Bob
    while it is true that we have been involved in the affairs of many nations, we also were involved, with Russia, in stopping the Axis from taking over the world
    And is not Russia involved in one way or another with the affairs of other nations? And china? and Iran, funding Hezbollah and Hamas?
