Saturday, August 18, 2018

Backlash In Brazil Against Venezuelan Migrants

Reuters: Brazilian border town residents drive out Venezuelan immigrants

BRASILIA (Reuters) - Angry residents of the Brazilian border town of Pacaraima ran riot and drove out Venezuelan immigrants on Saturday after a local restaurant owner was stabbed and beaten, residents and government officials said.

The demonstrations forced hundreds of Venezuelans to flee back across the frontier on foot and residents set fire to the belongings they left behind and to tires to block the only road crossing between the two countries, video images released by the state of Roraima government showed.

The outburst of anger was sparked by the robbery and severe beating of a resident in his home on Friday night by four Venezuelans, Roraima state security secretary Giuliana Castro said by telephone.

The four Venezuelan suspects stole 23,000 reais ($5,800) from the restaurant owner, identified only as Raimundo. He suffered head injuries and was taken to hospital unconscious but was reported to be out of danger, said Castro, who is also head of the state's police force.

Read more ....

WNU editor: I have a friend who lives in neighboring Guyana. He tells me that no one wants Venezuelan migrants inside the country, and they are going out of their way to make sure that no one stays permanently.

Update: Ecuador and Peru are tightening the border to Venezuelan migrants .... Ecuador, Peru Tighten Entry Requirements for Venezuelans (VOA).


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    1. Aizino please pay attention.

      Cnn and the MSM clearly communicated to us that the white republican man is the only racist group on earth or certainly the worst there is.

      Please stop dissenting from that narrative. It's not allowed if you want to hold a job or keep your friends and house. Dissenting is not cool. What are you? A free thinker? That's worse than violent crimes or holocaust.

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  4. and white racists? Trump supporters, over and over, the alt feel your people losing out to demographics? the way of the future. hunker down with wiki and foam at the mouth...are you tired of winning?
    this, then, will show you where we are going


    1. Fred is an example of a completely hypnotized person. Go on, drone.. keep pretending.. keep repeating your nonsense

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  7. dribble on, faker
    all you do is dump on Obama and liberals and wallow in the past.
    the demographics and stats indicate who supports Trump and the GOP. and they also suggest what is changing in our me names, what? me worry? nah
    fact: all nations tend to resent "outsiders" coming into their nation and view them as a threat. That is the history of the US and if you do not know that you are truly dumb
    there are political refugees; there are economic refugees and there will be climate refugees...wall them out if you want, but this future is not going to be pleasant.
    Now, Smith. Relax. find another target to pour your low self-esteem on
    Are you tired of winning?

    1. libs= picked on when young,no luck with the girls,broke,mad at the world, explains why they loath successful Americans and identify more with poor people from shithole countries and socialism because they want everything given to them and taken from us. we all know your type fred a loooooser!!!!

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  12. Since you lads can offer little but childish insults and calling me names I see little reason to comment st this site
    Enjoy all the winning you are having
