Monday, August 13, 2018

Chinese President Xi's Vision For China

Chinese President Xi Jinping. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)

Stratfor: Xi Jinping's Path for China


* Since assuming power, Chinese President Xi Jinping has taken many steps to reshape his country, de-emphasizing growth to build a more sustainable economy and engaging in more proactive diplomacy. He has also been rewriting political rules to establish himself as a strongman.
* But as China's economy slows while the United States escalates its trade attacks, policy debates inside the country are intensifying and testing core pillars of Xi's economic and foreign policies — as well as his own political strength.
* Despite the challenges, China cannot afford to dial back its progress in economic development and global involvement, especially considering its growing strategic competition with the United States.

There seems to be trouble on the horizon for China and President Xi Jinping. A year ago, when I visited my country, I sensed an upbeat attitude about the future, with public and media discourse dominated by discussions of China's meteoric international rise. When I returned this year, however, I sensed uncertainty. The media is engaging in less nationalist rhetoric and has shifted from trumpeting China's ambitious plans to quietly downplaying some of Beijing's starring development programs — such as the Made-in-China 2025 initiative — to avoid drawing more attention from Washington. Within several of the country's academic circles, there are ongoing debates about whether China has overreached in its global expansion and if it should shift to a strategic withdrawal to ease external scrutiny over its rise.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: All is not rosy for the Chinese President .... Now with power to long rule China, Xi beset by challenges (Christopher Bodeen, Associated Press).


  1. Path for China...hope that Mueller wins.

  2. Xi is a mad man. Think about it.
    Under Xi:
    1. Sanctions to north Korea have been repeatedly broken - helping a murderous regime that threatens us with nuclear holocaust
    2. Under Xi the nightmarish social scoring system was implemented that makes 1984 look like a fluffy dream
    3. Under Xi critical opponents and booksellers have been abducted without due process and tortured. Think you're safe? The people who were abducted and tortured include Westerners
    4. Under Xi the military has seen a massive budget increase. The military has also been sworn personally by oath to Xi and Xi told them not to fear death
    5. Under Xi the south China Sea has been militarised, artificial islands have been built to defend the 9 dash line which claims an incredible amount of territory. I recommend everyone to look at the claim. It's incredible in size and ignores international law.under Xi, fishermen from other nations have been roughed up, beaten, bullied,and abducted. Not to mention that under Xi many other nations fishermen's boats were seized and sunk.
    6. fill it in. I'm tired of warning people what's about to come. Just look at the decades of massive human rights abuse, torture and murder under this guy.

    1. Writing from phone. Ofc he's not been in office for decades. The torture and human rights abuses started long before him

  3. Xi is just like most leaders in History. He views himself as someone who is trying to help his country and rigging the system so he and his beliefs can rule the people. This leads to autocratic rule and usually ends badly.

  4. like it or not, there is a plan in place. And one controlled and directed by controlled capitalism, allowing the best of a capitalist economy to be directed and controlled centrally so that competing interests do not bring planning to a standstill, as happens in U.S. and other Western nations

    1. Actually governed markets are imperfect markets. You should brush up on your market knowledge. China is full of failed projects that the gov financed and OKed

    2. If you don't believe me, just Google ghost cities. Entire cities were built - China style - tens of thousands of buildings - following the dumb idea "if you build it, they'll come" . No one came. .and the Chinese government for some of the ghost cities at least - pays people to move there ..or they tried :)) but that doesn't work either as those cities are dangerous as you can imagine. So yeah. .if China is good at anything is making rubes in the west believe in the China myth which is never arriving ;) you'll probably still believe in the Chinese market after the crash which is likely to occur around 2019/20

  5. I guess I do not know enough about the market economy. Look how we have fixed our infrastructure and health care system and education and wage gap with a diminishing middle class...Poor Chinese. All they do is build and leave that which fails behind as they build more till something works. Their horrible trains: slow and ugly stations etc etc etc Of course it is true they are horrible when it comes to freedom and their human rights record etc but that is NOT the issue we are here discussing, nor how NOTHING is being done for our many needs
