Thursday, August 23, 2018

Editor's Note

My last batch of relatives visiting me from overseas have arrived. Because of time constraints Military and Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs will not be posted today.

Update 00:35 EST: What happens when you pick up two cousins at the airport .... who are also ex-paratroopers who served in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation and who are happy to see you .... is a steady flow of booze and food on the table .... and a lot of catching up on gossip.

Groan .... I am too old for this .... and I cannot match these guys (they are both six feet two, in great shape, and are use to drinking) . Blogging will return when I recover Friday morning.


  1. It's nice to have a large and widespread family that keeps in touch.
    Enjoy them while you are able, boss. The clock never stops.

    Roger Smith

  2. What is everyone drinking?

    (hopefully there's Bourbon)

  3. RussInSoCal
    Johnny Walker Blue .... 2 bottles.
    Groan. I am too old for this.

  4. Ok, but I want a full report...LOL.
