Monday, August 20, 2018

Facebook, YouTube And Twitter Will Have Only One Hour To Remove Extreme Content Or Face Heavy European Fines

CNBC: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter may only get one hour to remove extreme content with new European rules

Social media sites are likely to have only one hour to remove terrorist content in rules being drafted by the European Union, according to the Financial Times.

Removal of such content in an hour is currently voluntary, but draft rules by the European Commission that would force companies to remove it within that time frame are set to be published next month, the newspaper reported.

Companies such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter would have to remove the content within an hour of it being flagged as illegal by law enforcement bodies. The draft regulation would apply to websites of all sizes, according to the EU Commissioner for Security Julian King. He said that policies for the removal of videos and other posts were not always clear, telling the FT: "All this leads to such content continuing to proliferate across the internet, reappearing once deleted and spreading from platform to platform."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Who will determine what is extremist content?

More News On Reports That Social Media Sites May Face A 60 Minute European Deadline To Remove Extremist Content

Social media faces EU fine if terror lingers for an hour -- BBC
Europe is preparing another crackdown on Big Tech -- CNN
EU considers fining tech companies for extremist content -- The Hill
Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter could face fines if they fail to take down terrorist content within minutes -- Business Insider
EU considers 60-minute deadline for social networks to remove terrorist content -- ZDNet


  1. That's the one dollar question, WHO gets to decide what is extremist and why this is so dangerous. We all know the leftist will decide and kiss Freedom of Speech bye bye. Europe is going authoritarian.

  2. George Orwell was wrong about one thing. he thought Big Brother was going to be government. Turns out it's going to be internet billionaires instead who have made their fortunes off of our private information that we've foolishly made available to them.

  3. Well said Carl! Did you know that 1984 is no longer on the high school reading list for the vast majority of schools in the US? I graduated in 2005 and it was still around in both my high schools from CA to VA. Now these same schools no longer incorporate it, along with most of the country. Many high school grads and college students have never even heard of it. Very scary. Says a lot though.

  4. What we have is a few Oligarchs colluding with governments to further their objectives. In a past life this was at one time called Fascism. It is exactly what the likes of heads leading VW, IG Farbin, Henkel in Germany did with the National Socialists. Private capital in the service of political masters.

    Ironic that Fascism is returning to Europe.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Ironic that Fascism is returning to Europe.
    August 20, 2018 at 6:44 PM

    Fascist Watermelons.

    Environmentalist Green on the outside, Communist Red on the inner layer and rotten Fascist brown at the core.
