Friday, August 17, 2018

Former Yazidi Sex Slave Came Face-To-Face With Her ISIS Captor In Germany

Daily Mail: 'I feel safer in a refugee camp': Yazidi former sex slave is pictured back in Iraq after fleeing GERMANY when she came face-to-face with her ISIS captor in Stuttgart - as police say they are now trying to track him down

* Ashwaq Ta'lo was kidnapped by ISIS aged 15 with her family and taken to Syria
* She escaped to Germany but fled the country after meeting captor Abu Humam
* Ashwaq is now living back in a refugee camp in Kurdish Iraq with her father
* Police are trying to find him but said progress has stalled in Ashwaq's absence

A former Yazidi sex slave who escaped to Germany but fled the country when she met her ISIS captor on the street has been pictured back in a refugee camp in Iraq.

Ashwaq Ta'lo started a new life in Europe after she was kidnapped and abused at the age of 15, but revealed her captor, Abu Humam, had stopped her in the street and said he knew where she lived.

Now back in Iraq, Ashwaq said she 'wanted to leave Germany immediately' after the encounter in Stuttgart and said she 'felt better staying in a refugee camp' with her father.

German police are investigating but said they had not yet been able to identify the man with certainty and said progress had stalled because they could not speak to Ashwaq.

Read more ....

WNU editor: So much for Germany's vetting process.

More News On A Former Yazidi Sex Slave Coming Face-To-Face With Her ISIS Captor In Germany

Yazidi woman encounters 'Islamic State' captor in Germany -- DW
'I met my IS captor on a German street' -- BBC
Yazidi 'ex-sex slave' trapped both in Iraq and in German exile -- AFP
Teenager Who Escaped ISIS Slavery Says Her Captor Found Her in Germany and Police Didn’t Do Anything -- Newsweek
Refugee returns to Iraq after coming face-to-face again with ISIL abuser in Germany -- Euronews


Anonymous said...

Hopefully a Kill Bill ending for this scumbag.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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fred said...

Tedious...overwrought...snarky...girly boyish

Unknown said...
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fred said...

Trump president now and for the past nearly two years:
days at his golf club: 140; days visiting troops in Afghanistan: 0
tired of winning?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

So much for Germany. I read today that in this fiscal year approximately 18,000 refugees have been admitted into the USA. That’s half the ceiling Trump set for fiscal 2018. Now for 2019 let’s see it set to zero for the Middle East and 100,000 for persecuted white Christian,Jewish refugees from Europe and South Africa.

Unknown said...
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fred said...

O. lied? Trump is the president, no?
stop dwelling on the past. who is in charge and are you tired of winning or do you simply want to kvetch like an old lady from Lithuania?
you are so tiresome

Chase jones said...

u tired of losing and being a cry baby

Unknown said...

Unfortionly - Black Ops requires some compromises, Miss - His was to create chaos in Syria - You are part of that Chaos - Both get EU visas, you by telling your story to the you-porn libs and him by making the story - The good news is he will be double-crossed the next time he refuses his next deployment, otherwise he will be in Afghanistan (ISKP) and you'll be in Syria - Although your German is very good.

Hans Persson said...

This is insane. And this is all over Europe. This is why there is a major political shift going in in the West.

Those Words: "I feel safer in a refugee camp"

Anonymous said...


If Truly you Are In Need Of A LEGIT PROFESSIONAL HACKER Who Will Get Your Job Done Efficiently With Swift Response, Congratulations, You Have Met the Right HACKERS.

• We are a Team Of Professional HACKERS , a product of the coming together of Legit Hackers from the Dark-Web (pentaguard, CyberBerkut, White Hack and Black Hat,) we have been existing for over years, our system is a very strong and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas and directives.

Whenever We Are been hired as a Team Hackers We typically only take jobs that We find somehow original, challenging, or especially helpful to the community. We’ve never wanted to sit around defending some video game company’s source code from network intruders – We prefer to help nonprofits, private investigators, Private Individuals, government contractors, and other traditionally underserved populations. 
And We’d rather match skills against the best in the field of state-sponsored hackers engaged in economic espionage than put some kid in prison for pranking the phone company. When a company tries to hire Us, the first question I ask is: “Who is this going to help?”
I know COMPOSITE HACKS is Well known for LEGIT HACKING SERVICES, but i always try to avoid people thinking We’r proud or making Many individual think its only the big companies that can hire Us, fine, here is Our mail: “””””””” You Can Reach Out To Us for Your Desired HACKING Services Ranging from:
* Penetration Testing On your Website.
* Phishing
* Jail Breaking.
* Phone Hack: Giving you access to the Target’s Call Log, messages, chats and all social media Apps .
* Retrieval Of Lost Files
* Location Tracking.
* Clearing Of Criminal Records.
* Hacking Of Server, Database And Social Media accounts e.g Facebook, twitter, Instagram Snapchat etc

* Bank Accounts Loading ( Only USA Banks)
* Credit Cards Loading (Only USA CC’s)

★Our Team houses a separate group of specialists who are productively focussed and established authorities in different platforms. They hail from a proven track record Called “HackerOne” and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture or recapture all relevant data needed by our Clients. Some Of These Specialist Includes PETER YAWORSKI, FRANS ROSEN, JACK CABLE, JOBERT ABMA, ARNE SWINNEN And More

★COMPOSITE HACKS is available for customer care 24/7, all day and night. We understand that your request might be urgent, so we have a separate team of allocated hackers who interact with our Clients round the clock. You are with the right people so just get started.

* For Binary Options Recovery
* For Other Hacking Services
Wickr: compositehacks

★We Treat Every Request With Utmost Confidentiality★

SCOTTYD said...

Fred (A lefty) "stop dwelling in the past" The left "Trump said grab her by the pussy in 2005!!!!!!!!!!!" Again and again the left turns a blind eye to the left, all while criticizing the right for the same things happening on the left. That is why the left lost the election. That is why there will be no blue wave, and that is why the left will lose the next election. I dont know when and how so many Americans were fed a stupid pill, but the rest of us with brain cells are tired of it. Were tired of the lefts rigged elections. Were tired of the lefts one sided "journalism". Were tired of the lefts propaganda, and were tired of the lefts bullshit. Russia didnt win the election for the right, the left did. Had Trump rigged the primaries, the left would of nailed him to a cross. The entire FBI would be breathing down his neck. But since it was Hillary that rigged the primaries, silence. Pathetic.. The moronic left said Trump committed treason for speaking to the Russian president. Desperate stupidity at its finest. Good luck next election. As WNU would say, easy prediction. You're gonna lose again.. The stupid that spills off your tongue convinces more people every day. Fyi, I decided 10+ years ago I would never affiliate with a party. I practically decided that I would not vote entirely. I do not believe in our two party system. I did not believe my vote would matter, and I always felt it was like picking your poison. However, after the stagnant economy Obama offered, and the shit show our last election became. I went and registered. Then I voted Trump. I wonder how many more like minded individuals the left also convinced? Whatever the number, it was just enough to make America great again.

Unknown said...
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mike said...

If you really need a professional hacker to hack your cheating boyfriend's/girlfriend's/spouse phone, whatsapp, facebook, bank account hack etc. Or credit score upgrade, I would recommend

WHATSAPP +18456436145

He has proven to be trustworthy, His jobs are fast and affordable. He has carried out over 3 jobs for me including helping me hack my ex wife's mobile phone and i can't forget when he cleared my credit card debts and improved my credit score to 750. I can put my money on him at anytime!. He's one of the best out there. Spreading the word as my little favor to him for all he's done. Thank me later.

Anonymous said...


We are group of certified hacker, we don't advertise our services, people testify our goodness for us.

Be rest assured that contacting us, your problems are already solved.

So if i were you i will just take my time and go through this little aim of ours.




*SOCIAL MEDIA E.G(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc).




Contact or write us on: or


Anonymous said...

I offer best quality professional hacking services that can’t be matched with other hackers. I am a professional hacker with the most advanced hacking technique to hack Facebook,Snapchat,Whatsapp,Twitter,Instagram, Email accounts, Gmail, SmartPhone, Website, Database and many more. Also you can request for customized hack. These days hiring a professional hacker is difficult. You might get scammed for wrong hacking services or by fake hackers on the Internet. Don’t get fooled by scammers that advertising false professional hacking services. Some noteable services above that I'm providing 100% gurantee of success. Hit me up through; lucidionysus/at/gmail./com

agent mark said...

Hi. We are a best of hackers called international Group and we offer hacking services for everyone. Some of our services are: - Get any password from any Email Address. - Get any password from any Face-book, Twitter or Instagram account. - Cell phone hacking (whatsapp, viber, line, wechat,wire wire transfer Western union/money gram etc) - Grades changes (institutes and universities) Blank ATM - Websites hacking, pen-testing. - IP addresses and people tracking. - Hacking courses and classes. Our services are the best on the market and 100% secure and discreet guaranteed. Just write us and ask for your desired service: OUR EMAIL ADDRESS: or Call/WhatsApp: +1(929)390-8581

Unknown said...


Have you ever wondered why people get so easily scammed by imposters all over the Web?

It's no other reason than their vulnerability caused by desperation to get a problem fixed, which has led to Millions being ripped off their hard earned wealth and that's why Classic Cyber Notch has come to bring a stop to this wicked act and help already scammed victims get their hard earned wealth back.

Classic Notch is a body of well Seasoned professional Hackers whom are well equipped with what it takes to getting your lost fund either probably through Binary options recovery scam back or lost via other means.

We do jobs ranging from Securing Cyber Security stance to Cyber Hijacking of diverse types.

Such as:

☑ Private investigating

☑ Phone hack

☑ Social media platform hack

☑ E-mail hack

☑ Recovery of passwords/documents

☑ Increase Credit score

☑ Clearing of Criminal records

☑ Binary options Recovery

☑ Issuing of Blank ATM

☑ Bit coin mining

☑ And many more.. Etc.

☑ Our success rate is top notch ☑

Reach us via E-mail @

Classic cyber notch at gmail dot com

Classic cyber hacks at gmail dot com

to put a smile back on your face.


Collins .A.

Anonymous said...


Dear readers.

If you are actually reading these review, you are so lucky enough to be felicitous to see it. The globalhackers has had enough of complains from clients over the years who has one way or the other being a victim of the BINARY OPTION scam. Our legal department is dealing with the case of these unbearable swindle scheme taking over the intenet and taking a step forward to render solution to those affected by the fleece. We the globalhackers broke into conclusions to resolving these matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcomed. 

this actions are taken due to the fact that Scams are unfortunately all too common in the field of binary options. Dishonest brokers and reviews, or rigged robots and other auto trading services – the scams can come in many forms. So we feel it’s necessary to create a blacklist and list all known frauds and dishonest techniques in one place.

  Most importantly, We also go through the steps we can take to identify a potential scam and how to deal with the situation after the fact if you’re already a victim. If you know or suspect something is a scam, and we can't afford missing it on our blacklist, please let us know and we will look into it deeply.

NOTE:  These classified information is to go viral the internet. This platform is mostly created for those who are victims of this scam to help recover their funds in short time. visit:

⚠WARNING: Once helped, be careful where you invest your money after it's been recovered by the globalhacks. Be wary of adverts on the internet and mostly on social media promising high returns from binary options trading. The binary option is one of the highly recorded scam on the internet.
you can stay away from false businesses online surely to be highly oned firm by making enquiries for their firm reference number (FRN) and contact details and barter their calls on the switchboard number and also never make use of the link in a website or an email from the firm propitiating you for an investment.
HackerOne©️LLC 2018.
All rights reserved.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you‚re reading this means you've taken a positive step closer to surviving heavy threat on the internet. let me briefly emphasize on a simple fact.
●Be careful of those you see or meet on here. The truth be told, Not everyone found here are legit hackers. Only very few ones..
TO BEFORE WARNED IS TO BEFORE HARMED! I am going to be sharing with you few ways on how to prevent yourself from getting scammed by fake hackers and steps to be taken if throughly you are In need of a Legit anonymous hacker. You can put a stop to your anxiety and constant fear of you getting ripped off by forgeries. 
● They lack a website.
● Most scammers include numbers in thier email. (docked email)
● They have no solid prove to show they are real hackers
● you will be asked to pay some certain amount of money without a solid evidence before starting the job.
● No genuine recorded reviews.

Our candid advice is to Stay clear of these wrong people.

However, GLOBALHACKERS are ready to help you accomplish your entire chase through the HACKING headway.
The GLOBALHACKERS are skilled professional hackers driven by passion to make the internet a safer place and render proficient help to those having cyber problems. We would assign to you our best cyber security professionals who individually has acquired enormous exposure in the world of HACKING, trained & skilled in
▪Social media hacks (facebook, twitter, instagram,snapchat)
▪Email hacks
▪verified PayPal account hacks
▪database hack
▪credit card top up
▪score upgrade
▪money transfer
▪binary option funds recovery.
(There is more to be said concerning the binary option funds recovery) visit the for more information,
As part of our corporate goals, providing value added services to meet our client needs and requirements has been our sustaining impetus.

Note: enrollment web forms for hacking authentication are closed. Exclusively restricting to login screens.

For more enquiries and help,
HackerOne©️LLC 2018.

samuel ngenga said...

All recommendations are fake, fake IDs fake pictures in which peoples claims that someone are the hacker

And they help them with money and they appreciate him/her on Internet. Western union sellers

Are fake they don't even knows the limit if they claim they send Western Union then ask them to invite.

you in their computer and ask them live proof instead fake pictures.

I'm Professional seller.

On Deep / Dark Web

Following products are available for business.

1. Selling cvv, fullz many country as: Canada,USA,Australia,UK...

2. Shipping Products

3. Drugs / Guns

4. Hacking tools / software

5. Fake Documents Passport / Driving License / Degrees

6. Online Record Change / upgrade

telegram= @kanseq_Deep

Tor link= http://2ogmrlfzdthnwky.onion

ByTech Hacks said...

I'm selling Western Union , Bank and Paypal Transfers all over the world.
USA,UK,EU,Canada, Australia, Russia, Netherlands, China, Malaysia, France, Thailand, Ukraine. I'm getting much stuff through emails but also have a big experience in botnets etc. I've got 5 western union main computers data with the help of a strong botnet. Now I can change the info of a WU MTCN and can redirect any payment on any name. Simply I change the receiver name and country and payment goes to that person to whom i want to send. If anyone want to make big and instant money than contact me for deal. We do reliable work and give good service to all our clients. We make our clients for long time business. First we prove our work then make a deal.

Info needed for WU Transfers / Money Gram:-

1: First Name
2: Last Name
3: City
4: Country

Price List For WU Transfer / Money Gram / Paypal / Bank Transfer:

$1500 Transfer = $150 Charges
$2000 Transfer = $300
$3500 Transfer = $450
$4500 Transfer = $500
$5500 Transfer = $600

Terms & Conditions:

A person can take transfer once in a week and maximum 2 times in a month.

If anyone want to do regular business with me then you must have many bank accounts, Paypal, Money bookers and fake ids for western union because after 2 or 3 transfers in a week your Paypal and WU receiver details can be black listed or banned. So think before deal. Make big transactions and get a side and give other peoples chance or try to gather many fake accounts and work with me on regular basis.

You can Contact us 24/7

Email –

ICQ – 728 446 133

Anonymous said...

James IS AN hacker who offer best quality professional hacking services that can’t be matched with other hackers. I am a professional hacker with the most advanced hacking technique to hack Social media, Email accounts, SmartPhone, Website, Database and many more. Also you can request for customized hack. These days hiring a professional hacker is difficult. You might get scammed for wrong hacking services or by fake hackers on the Internet. Don’t get fooled by scammers that advertising false professional hacking services. Some noteable services above that I'm providing 100% gurantee of success. Hit me up through; HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM or text+16692252253

Daura said...

Do you need a hacker? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent,if you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks (This includes facebook, twitter ,instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is,Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience.Contact him at or call/text to (315)-681-5963 …Contact him and Its done.Tell him Daura referred

Ryan Harris said...

Cyber hacking has caused problems for various companies and customers...
Are you in search of a Professional Hacker..
• A cyber security service
• An advance IT specialist
• A web or Software developer
• A tracker of mobile phone or any social media account.
IF YOU NEED GENUINE AND PROFESSIONAL IN THIS SERVICES CONTACT US AT ULTRASPYHACK@GMAIL.COM OR VISIT OUR CEO WEBSITE AT WWW.ANDREWHAY.CA We are a professional group of hackers based in United State of America. We are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with us to get the best Algorithm software. Our services are 100% guaranteed.

We offer the following services;
* 1 . School Grades Change; hacking of school server , removing of parental or guardian details , processing of original academic document . Etc
* 2 .Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails,private facebook,whatsapp,skype and many more account?
* 3 . Altering of Permits and licenses ; driving license, job practicing licence . Etc
* 4. Retrieve deleted data and recovery of messages on mobile devices .
* 5 . Money Transfer and Credit cards hacking and we also load paypal,bitcoin block chain account . Etc
* 6 . Monitor your partners phone or any social media account
* 7 . Removal of Criminal Record and arrest long.

• JOB GUARANTEE: we always give 100% clean job with no trace.Your identity will be hidden,Hacking is our job and professional
• PLEASE NOTE : You can only contact us to only one e-mail:
I don't care who you are and I don't care about your real identity. The reason why I am hired is to simply get the job done however, I engage in "silent" attacks so the target remains unaware of the hack, with no trace.
Your identity will be hidden,Hacking is our job, for all your hacking need,just contact us:

Ryan Harris said...

Cyber hacking has caused problems for various companies and customers...
Are you in search of a Professional Hacker..
• A cyber security service
• An advance IT specialist
• A web or Software developer
• A tracker of mobile phone or any social media account.
IF YOU NEED GENUINE AND PROFESSIONAL IN THIS SERVICES CONTACT US AT ULTRASPYHACK@GMAIL.COM OR VISIT OUR CEO WEBSITE AT WWW.ANDREWHAY.CA We are a professional group of hackers based in United State of America. We are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with us to get the best Algorithm software. Our services are 100% guaranteed.

We offer the following services;
* 1 . School Grades Change; hacking of school server , removing of parental or guardian details , processing of original academic document . Etc
* 2 .Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails,private facebook,whatsapp,skype and many more account?
* 3 . Altering of Permits and licenses ; driving license, job practicing licence . Etc
* 4. Retrieve deleted data and recovery of messages on mobile devices .
* 5 . Money Transfer and Credit cards hacking and we also load paypal,bitcoin block chain account . Etc
* 6 . Monitor your partners phone or any social media account
* 7 . Removal of Criminal Record and arrest long.

• JOB GUARANTEE: we always give 100% clean job with no trace.Your identity will be hidden,Hacking is our job and professional
• PLEASE NOTE : You can only contact us to only one e-mail:
I don't care who you are and I don't care about your real identity. The reason why I am hired is to simply get the job done however, I engage in "silent" attacks so the target remains unaware of the hack, with no trace.
Your identity will be hidden,Hacking is our job, for all your hacking need,just contact us:

Anonymous said...

If you need to hire a real hacker to help monitor your cheating partner's cell phonee remotely, visit or finessehackers(at)gmail(.)com
He was very helpful and i promised to refer him.

Rheece Lambart said...

I never knew that a phone could be hacked without having physical access with it, all this hacker asked for were a few information on my partner to got into the phone. I immediately contacted him and got everything that my fiancee had been hiding, She was having an affair with 2 other men which was sickening I must say..

I can confidently recommend for any one interested in hacking any device, app,upgrade of school result and credit score upgrade.He would be willing to help you.You can contact him via his details below


+1 (727) 939-7078

Unknown said...

Cyber hacking has caused problems for various companies and customers...
Are you in search of a Professional Hacker..
• A cyber security service
• An advance IT specialist
• A web or Software developer
• A tracker of mobile phone or any social media account.
IF YOU NEED GENUINE AND PROFESSIONAL IN THIS SERVICES CONTACT US AT GLOBALKOSHACK@GMAIL.COM / ULTRASPYHACK@GMAIL.COM We are a professional group of hackers based in United State of America. We are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with us to get the best Algorithm software. Our services are 100% guaranteed.

We offer the following services;
* 1 . School Grades Change; hacking of school server , removing of parental or guardian details , processing of original academic document . Etc
* 2 .Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails,private facebook,whatsapp,skype and many more account?
* 3 . Altering of Permits and licenses ; driving license, job practicing licence . Etc
* 4. Retrieve deleted data and recovery of messages on mobile devices .
* 5 . Money Transfer and Credit cards hacking and we also load paypal,bitcoin block chain account . Etc
* 6 . Monitor your partners phone or any social media account
* 7 . Removal of Criminal Record and arrest long.

• JOB GUARANTEE: we always give 100% clean job with no trace.Your identity will be hidden,Hacking is our job and professional
• PLEASE NOTE : You can only contact us to only one e-mail:
I don't care who you are and I don't care about your real identity. The reason why I am hired is to simply get the job done however, I engage in "silent" attacks so the target remains unaware of the hack, with no trace.
Your identity will be hidden,Hacking is our job, for all your hacking need,just contact us: or

Dimitri Fabiyan said...

Money Transfer Service

Bank Transfers / Western Union Transfer / Wire Transfer / Bank Logins / PayPal Transfer / Money Gram are now available to the following countries :

USA, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, Russia, Netherlands, China, Malaysia, France, Thailand, Ukraine, Nigeria

Our Services for Worldwide and we exclusively deal with Western Union / Money Transfer / Bank Logins / CVV, Fullz / Money Gram. The global nature of our service enables us to interact with clients all over the world who have access to our services. Our proxy dealers process your transfer request(s) and we subsequently provide you with the details of your transfers the transactions are carried out in 1-2 hours. Our services are available 24/7/365 we strive to build a strong relationship with our clients.

Services We Provide to our valuable Clients:

Bitcoin Transfer
Wire Bank Transfer 
Paypal Transfer
Western Union Transfer 
Credit Card (cc) for sale
Random CC for sale
Contact us 24/7: or WhatsApp our online representative on:+601164000826

Anonymous said...

Here are some of the warning signs that an individual may not be who they say they are:

You meet someone online and after just a few contacts or a short time, they profess their love or strong feelings for you.They ask you to start communicating by text or personal email, away from the original site you met on.Their profile you read on the site might not match with everything they tell you.After gaining your trust, they start telling you stories of bad luck or medical illnesses.They indirectly/or directly ask for money, gift cards, or money to pay credit cards.Their messages could be poorly written, inconsistent, and sometimes vague.They offer various excuses for why they can’t show you more photos or pictures of themselves.They delay meeting in person or talking with you on a video chat.When you do agree to meet, they cancel or postpone due to some emergency.

If you think you or someone you know has been affected by a romance imposter scam, we recommend that you act immediately, by following our guidelines below, and then proceed to contact our cyber security experts :
Or WhatsApp our representatives on:

Some Immediate Action Steps to Take

Stop all contact with that individual.Block your phone, email, and/or social media address from the user.Contact your bank or financial institution to close or change any compromised accounts.Gather together any saved information, messages, pictures about the individual. You may need to provide this information when you file a report.Reach out to a friend, family member or counselor who can help you with the emotional difficulties. (If you believe that you’ve received a phishing email)


These resources have been gathered, selected and vetted to help simplify the process of recovering after a cybercrime incident has taken place. Results will vary depending on your circumstances.


Once you have notified the appropriate organizations and you are on the road to recovery, it is time to reinforce your cybersecurity, using resources and tools.

Our Cybercrime Support Network has partnered with industry-leading cybersecurity organizations to provide you with reliable Individual support tools to enhance your online safety and beating on love Scams.

Contact Credit Reporting Agencies

e cyber hacks is an organization of cybersecurity experts who tackle some of the unique challenges of online love scamvictims. If you or someone you know is a victim of online scam of any kind and needs help with disconnecting their online accounts and devices from their scammers, learn more about Operation Safe Escape.The group can help identify if the scammer has installed a spy app – such as Spy Phone App, Spyzie, or Spyera – on a cell phone or mobile device.The organization uses self-‘doxing,’, private networks.
Contact us on: Or

Taylor mason said...

Are you looking for hacking solutions; then contact cyberhacker55@outlook com. They are a professional hacking group based in U S A, TURKEY, JAPAN, INDIA AND EUROPE. They are the best hackers and also software developers to penetrate all websites, all other hackers contact them for the best Algorithm Software. Their services are 100% guaranteed too, with their penetration software unreachable. They offer the following services; - illegal card hacking -Phone, WhatsApp, facebook hack -Removal of the old credit score -Student Grade Increase -Bank accounts hack -Procedures of crime - personal mail accounts -Grade Changes hack - Policy blocked on site -server crashed hack -Skype hack -Dates hack -Word Press Blogs hack - Individual Computers -Control devices remotely -Burner Numbers hack - Verified Paypal accounts pirate - Any social network account you make -Auto and iPhone Hack Text message intercept text - Trapping in the mail - credit card for free online transactions Credit Card and Credit Card Blank Atm -Intraceable Ip etc. Contact NOTE they are the solution to all your hacking problems.
Cyberhacker55@outlook com

Fixit said...

Hello all
am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like

Available Services

..Wire Bank Transfer all over the world

..Western Union Transfer all over the world

..Credit Cards (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, NZ)

..School Grade upgrade / remove Records

..Spamming Tool

..keyloggers / rats

..Social Media recovery

.. Teaching Hacking / spamming / carding (1/2 hours course)

discount for re-seller

Contact: 24/7

Mercury group of hackers said...

Mercury is a group of multinational Hacker's with mutual interests obliged to fight online scam and scammers in general, in doing this we make sure by all means necessary that our clients get the best of services.
Having been on various headlines since 2004 hitherto, Mercury group of hackers hosted a conference in August 2006 tagged "The Hacker's profile", which was anchored by Morgan Marquis Boire a high profiled Hacker at Microsoft as the guest speaker. Also, Mercury group of hackers have acquired a hall of fame well deserved for solving tedious puzzles shocking the internet countless times. We possess highly qualified hackers recruited and registered under the right agencies.
Without any reasonable doubts, it is no news that Mercury group of hackers offer one of the best Hacking services world wide.
Amongst others, services we offer are listed as follows :
*bank accounts loading
●social media hack, (Facebook, Instagram, snapchat etc)
●Credit card top up,
●Credit card dept clearing.
●database hack,
●money transfer,
●Verified Paypal Accounts hack,
●email hack,
●College score upgrade ,
●Android & iPhone Hack
●BinaryOption funds recovery.
Waste no further time.
Email us now :
WhatsApp :+601164000826.

Dr Purva Pius said...

Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius, call/whats-App Contact Number +918929509036 via email:( Thank you.


I needed some assistance changing my daughter's summer school grade due in two weeks from an F to a C! Whilst searching frantically on the internet, I stumbled on Hack Ethics; a database penetration firm with thrilling reviews from people previously in my kind of situation get professional service and desired results. I was somewhat skeptical being a mum that I am and not wanting my daughter suffer any backlash. I reached out to and I must confess they blew my mind with their level of professionalism and result. It's been a week now since the grade reconstruction, not particularly proud of this but sharing my experience to aid desperate mums out there, like I was! Not my real names. -Tacha W

Jessica mason said...

I have been in search of a good hacker for over 2 years, of recent i was looking through some websites then i got cybertroll3@gmail com he was highly recommended on the website so i decided to try him out, he was able to carry out all the task i gave him within 24 hours, he is very good and reliable you can reach out to him if you are in need of the service of a good hacker.

Mills Dachin said...


We are one of the leading Software Engineer & Development company with the focus on Website Design & development, Mobile Application Development & Digital Marketing Services etc.

Our range of services includes:
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*Facebook Hacking Tricks
* Database Hacking
* G-mail/AOL/Yahoomail/ Inbox Hacks
*Control Device Remotely Hack
*University Grade Upgraded
*Wiping of Credit Cards/ Increase Credit Cards Hacks
*Western Union & Money Gram Hacks
*Loan Transfer
*Flipping mining
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*Recover your lost Btcoin password & regardless of any.

E-mail:- / and your job is done with %100✓ guarantee

PAIGE said...

definitely if you're getting a trusted ethical hacker to help you with hack or clone of your spouse phones or even their social media accounts, like messenger, whatsapp instagram, and mails, etc. especially for spouses in distant relationship I will recommend you to this hacker with the email address, superior.hack WITH . he has helped me on several hack jobs since my friend introduced him to me, he's been so spectacular. for obvious reasons, I would not want to go into details on how he's helped me hack my spouses social media accounts and even my friends when they gossip.
for relative hack jobs ranging from
accounts hack
and some other relative hack job, just hit him up
SUPERIOR.HACK@GMAIL.COM OR TEXT/CALL(+16692252253), thumbs up for a job well done, that's my review

Hacker said...

Fake peoples on this comments section
watch it before contact anyone

Anonymous said...

CONTACT US FOR ALL KINDS OF HACKING JOB @ We offer professional hacking services , we offer the following services;
-University grades changing
-Bank accounts hack
-Erase criminal records hack
-Facebook hack
-Twitters hack
-email accounts hack
-Grade Changes hack
-Website crashed hack
-server crashed hack
-Skype hack
-Databases hack
-Word Press Blogs hack
-Individual computers hack
Control devices remotely hack
-Burner Numbers hack
-Verified Paypal Accounts hack
-Any social media account hack
-Android & iPhone Hack
-Text message interception hack
-email interception hack
-Untraceable Ip etc.
Contact us at or text or call (601) 357-3187 for more inquiry..
Track Calls log and Spy Call Recording.
Monitoring SMS text messages remotely.
Cell phone GPS location tracking. Spy on Whatsapp Messages.
Free Update and 100% Undetectable.
Track BBM messages and Line messages. Track Internet Browsing History and Read phone Access Address Book, totally worth your money, please no time wasters, he won't under any circumstances work for free, you can reach him by email or add on Hangout or call on (601) 357-3187 and text


I had this hunch my significant other was having an affair but I wasn't sure. My gut told me to hire a private investigator so I was referred to an international penetration and investigative firm who had over 30+ good reviews online of jobs well done. I reached out to the firm and in less than 8 hours, I had a remote access to his Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram and phone conversations all in real time. It was a thrilling experience and I would recommend anytime T.

Eyja said...

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*you can also call or whatsapp us Contact us today for more enlightenment
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helen said...

Welcome. BE NOT TROUBLED anymore. you’re at the right place. Nothing like having trustworthy hackers. have you lost

money before or bitcoins and are looking for a hacker to get your money back? You should contact us right away it’s

very affordable and we give guarante to our clients. Our hacking services are as follows:
-hack into any nkind of phone
_Increase Credit Scores
_western union, bitcoin and money gram hacking
_criminal records deletion
_Hacking of phones(that of your spouse, boss, friends, and see whatever is being discussed behind your back)
_Security system hacking...and so much more. Contact THEM now and get whatever you want at


David smith said...

I know a hacker who can help you spy on your cheating boyfriend's / girlfriend's / spouse phone, whatsapp, facebook, or other platforms just contact, he is the best out there, he is a professional, trustworthy hacker, he helped reveal my ex wife's secret affairs, he also helped settle bank loans, thanks to him I am now a free man, contact him and he will leave you happy then you can thank me later.


Have you ever felt this sharp pain in your heart and in-depth resentment towards your significant other? Especially when you are well aware that he is cheating on you but you have no solid proof. My ex-husband had changed and it was becoming unbearable. His movement was becoming too unpredictable. I summoned courage and i discussed this with a friend. She introduced me to, he had worked on her daughter's grade reconstruction. I gave the priest the details he needed to get me access to all the running applications on his phone and his exact GPS location in real time. With my limited budget, He gave me the access in just 8hours... is incredible and it is only fair i recommend him on here.

Alex said...

If you owe money on your student loans, you’re not alone because BEST APPS HACKERS is here with you, More than million Americans are in the same boat. You may wonder if your student loans affect your credit score. The answer is yes they do, But the effect can be either good or bad. It depends for the most part on whether you make your student loan payments on time. I just want to say that I followed all of the steps listed above and they have proved to be excellent result. I received all 3 credit reports and my actual credit score and it has been extremely helpful in knowing where I stand and in which direction I need to head, So thank you very much for making this real to me. I will advice you guys should contact this hacker just like i did BESTAPPSHACKERS@GMAIL.COM

James said...

Hello everyone! If you require the service of a professional hacker to help track your partner's cell phone remotely, contact cyberhackanswers @ gmail com, he was excellent in helping me hack my wife’s phone without physical contact. you can also reach him on WhatsApp on  +1 626-578-5544 , tell him James referred you he would give you a discount.

Brett said...

You need access to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?, want to know what your kids do on social networks? Whatever it is, Ranging from changing grades, whatsapp hack, email hack. We can get the job done. change of grades?We are team and have great feedback. We are 100% legit. You don’t have to pay anything before we begin your job His contacts; SUPERIOR.HACK@GMAIL.COM Cell or mobile number-(+1 669 225 2253)


Have you ever felt this sharp pain in your heart and in-depth resentment towards your significant other? Especially when you are well aware that he is cheating on you but you have no solid proof. My ex-husband had changed and it was becoming unbearable. His movement was becoming too unpredictable. I summoned courage and i discussed this with a friend. She introduced me to, he had worked on her daughter's grade reconstruction. I gave the priest the details he needed to get me access to all the running applications on his phone and his exact GPS location. With my limited budget, He gave me the access in just 8hours... is incredible and it is only fair I share my story and recommend him to others

MICHAEL said...

i was lost with no hope for my wife was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on her. with the help a friend IN PERSON OFJOHN who recommended me to who help hack her phone, email, chat, sms and expose her for a cheater she is. I just want to say a big thank you to HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM . am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, you can also contact him for all sorts of hacking job..he is fast and reliable. you could also text +1 669 225 2253


Lilou says "My kids kept disturbing me to invest when I showed them the benefits of FAMILY PLAN on BTCINVESTLIFESTYLE. Com. They didn’t let me be. Well, I took the bold step and put in over £41,900. Well, currently, we (myself and my 3kids) are on vacation to Maldives on the free round trip tickets, spending some of the ROI. It’s a beautiful time to be alive to know such firms exist."

ANITA NOAH said...

My ex-husband gave out all the signs that he was having an affair but I chose to live in denial and ignore them. He treated me poorly and stopped showing me the love and affection that got me in love with him in the first place. My cup was full and I couldn't take it anymore. I file for a divorce but I needed proof he was cheating. I was referred to a penetration expert THE_PRIEST@TUTANOTA.COM who gave me a remote access to all applications running on his phone in real time. I had all the proof I needed to end the heartache and emotional torture. Don't lay back and do nothing ladies. If you have a hunch your significant other is cheating go ahead and hack into his phone. You deserve closure and most importantly you deserve a loving relationship

Helen said...

This is my testimony about the good work of Dr Fasoya who help me, I'm Helen Alex from North Carolina USA And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world top spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, My husband gave out all the signs that he was having an affair but I chose to live in denial and ignore them. He treated me poorly and stopped showing me the love and affection that got me in love with him in the first place

i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems In just 2 days, my husband was back to me, I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir, Please i want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, i advice you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app +2348151918774

MICHAEL said...

They are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $2000, i promised i was going to expose them.
I figured it all out when my colleague took me to Pavel

CELL PHONE +16692252253

He did perfect job, he hacks all accounts ranging from (Emails, Facebook, whatsapp, imo, skype, instagram, Phone cloning, DMV removal, tracking locations, background checks Kik etc. he also hacks cell phones, cell phone tapping and cloning, clears bad driving and criminal records, bank transfers, locates missing individuals e.t.c. You should contact him and please stop using contacts you see on websites to execute jobs for you, you can ask around to find a real hacker.

Andrea Robertson said...

He is no scam,i tested him and he delivered a good job,he helped me settle bank loans,he also helped my son upgrade his scores at high school final year which made him graduate successfully and he gave my son free scholarship into the college,all i had to do was to settle the bills for the tools on the job,i used $500 to get a job of over $50000 done all thanks to,he saved me from all my troubles,sharing this is how i can show gratitude in return for all he has done for me and my family.

Anonymous said...


i’ll recommend this for anyone in a distant relationship most especially . the kind of job i do Makes me stay far away from home in remote countries drilling and mining . Any time i’m away, i’m always curious on what my spouse was up to. some one recommended to me Q U A D H A C K E D @ G M A I L . C O M . and spoke so high of him. i decided to give him a try, . he helped me clone my spouse phone and tap into my spouse whatsapp and e m ails. i was shook with all that was revealed to me in a a very short while, even deleted messages from over 7 months ago, i promise to testify if he helped me which he did .ever since ,he has helped me on other jobs i’ll keep off here. reach out to him today and thank me later.
Reach out to him for hack services ranging from

Sophia said...

Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact
WhatsApp +18572012269

He is a certified hacker which will always give full proofs. If you need to
*hack into email accounts,
*all social media accounts,
*school database to clear or change grades,
*bank accounts,
*company records and systems,
+ Credit cards hacker
+ We can drop money into bank accounts.
+ credit score hack
+ blank credit card sale
+ Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
+ Monitor any phone and email address
+ Tap into anybody's call and monitor their
conversation contact
WhatsApp +18572012269

Fixit said...

Hello all
am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like

Available Services

..Wire Bank Transfer all over the world

..Western Union Transfer all over the world

..Credit Cards (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, NZ)

..School Grade upgrade / remove Records

..Spamming Tool

..keyloggers / rats

..Social Media recovery

.. Teaching Hacking / spamming / carding (1/2 hours course)

discount for re-seller

Contact: 24/7

Anonymous said...

sskrypt offer best quality professional hacking services that can’t be matched with other hackers. He's the best am a professional hacker with the most advanced hacking technique to hack Social media hacks, Email accounts, Gmail, SmartPhone, Website, Database and many more. Also you can request for customized hack. These days hiring a professional hacker is difficult. You might get scammed for wrong hacking services or by fake hackers on the Internet. Don’t get fooled by scammers that advertising false professional hacking services. Some noteable services above that I'm providing 100% guarantee of success. Hit me up through; sskrypt/at/gmail./com or Google Hangout.

johnny said...

Are you interested in the service of a hacker to get into a phone, facebook account, snapchat, Instagram, yahoo, Whatsapp, get verified on any social network account, increase your followers by any amount, bank wire and bank transfer. Contact him on= ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM

OR WHATSAPP +1 213 295 1376

Hack Ethics said...

Hack Ethics is a Verified Experienced Binary Options Recovery Specialist and Professional Hacker that provides the experience, intelligence, expertise in Asset Recovery and successfully solve ANY DESIRED HACKING SERVICES YOU WANT with ease.

People have lost their hard earned money through this BINARY OPTIONS TRADINGS, yet they would go to meet FAKE HACKERS who are also scammers unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. These Scammers also tend to put Fake Testimonies out there just to steal more from you by giving you False hope. I understand how heartbreaking it is to be a BINARY OPTIONS SCAM VICTIM after you've been promised your fortune by Binary Companies and then they ignore your Emails or Calls after stealing from you.  I'm taking every step to render solution to those innocent people affected and help them get every penny they lost.  CONTACT  EMAIL  -  HACKETHICS008@GMAIL.COM 

Nancy said...

My husband is so good at clearing all his chats and text messages
on his phone before giving me his phone to go through his phone
and each time I open his whats-app, text messages and call logs they are
always empty. Then I suspected something was fishing but all thanks to
my friend who referred me to contact
this hacker was so helpful because this hacker was able to provide
me with all deleted text messages, whats-app messages and also call
logs from 6 months back till date from my husband's phone this was
how i knew my husband has been playing on my intelligence for along
time thinking i wont find out… am so thankful for the accepting
to work for me more grace to you.
WhatsApp +18572012269

ELSA said...

Have you heard about programmed ATM card? I have my ATM card, already programmed BY Mr Perry Thomas. It is illegal but nice to have one not like other scammers pretending to have the ATM card. The ATM card can be used to withdraw cash at any ATM or swipe, stores and online purchase. Get yours today

DAVE COX said...

Generally speaking, it’s much more pleasurable to spend than to save. If saving was easy, we’d never have to read another story again about a multimillionaire who ended up broke.
By far the most important reason to save is so you can have enough money to do what you want, when you want, without anybody telling you what to do. Financial freedom is the best!
Sounds nice right? If only there was a formula or a chart like the 401k by age chart which gives people guidance on how much to save and for how long in order to reach financial freedom. Unfortunately, saving money is only the first step in hedging you against inflation. Figuring out how to properly invest your savings is even more important.
If you can max out your 401k or max out your IRA and then save an additional 20%+ of your after-tax, after-retirement contribution, good things really start to happen. But what I can really advice people to do with their money is to invest in the digital currency smart cloud mining with the reliable investment funds set up by CRYPTONEST.ORG. I have been investing in this funds for months now and trust me it is the best decision I’ve made so far.

Rodney Bernt said...

CONTACT US FOR ALL KINDS OF HACKING JOB @ ( and Text Business Whatsapp : +1 (470) 243‑4179‬ We offer professional hacking services , we offer the following services;
-University grades changing
-Bank accounts hack
-Erase criminal records hack
-Facebook hack
-Twitters hack
-email accounts hack
-Grade Changes hack
-Website crashed hack
-server crashed hack
-Skype hack
-BTC Recovery
-Databases hack
-Word Press Blogs hack
-Individual computers hack
Control devices remotely hack
-Burner Numbers hack
-Verified Paypal Accounts hack
-Any social media account hack
-Android & iPhone Hack
-Text message interception hack
-email interception hack
-Untraceable Ip etc.
Contact us at ( or text Business Whatsapp: ‪+1 (470) 243‑4179‬) for more inquiry.
Track Calls log and Spy Call Recording.
Monitoring SMS text messages remotely.
Cell phone GPS location tracking. Spy on Whatsapp Messages.
Free Update and 100% Undetectable.
Track BBM messages and Line messages. Track Internet Browsing History and Read phone Access Address Book, totally worth your money, please no time wasters, he or she won't under any circumstances work for free, you can reach them by email ( or add on Hangout( call on +1(501)732-7155

Anonymous said...


Have you ever searched for fund, loans, financial assistance or needs an accredited lender to help you meet with your needs and demands, then you have no alternative than to get an instant and reliable service from our loaning Agency. We offer loans ranging from Ten thousand Dollar to Twenty-Five Million Dollar($10,000, 000.00 – ($25,000,000.00). Loan duration is 1 to 20years (Maximum).

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Emma Claessen said...

Anon: I was tired of being frugal because it made me lose focus. Now, I am better investing and getting advices from SENIORCITIZENINVEST. C O M on making the right choices for a stable present and future. My wife has been really impressed. We are happier and earning even way more now.