Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Germany Proposes EU Payment System With Iran To Avoid U.S. Sanctions And To Save The Nuclear Deal

Reuters: Germany urges EU payment system without U.S. to save Iran deal

BERLIN (Reuters) - Europe needs to set up payment systems independent of the United States if it wants to save the nuclear deal between Iran and major powers that was abandoned by President Donald Trump, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said.

“That’s why it is indispensable that we strengthen European autonomy by creating payment channels that are independent of the United States, a European Monetary Fund and an independent SWIFT system,” Maas wrote in the Handelsblatt business daily.

“Every day the deal is alive is better than the highly explosive crisis that would otherwise threaten the Middle East,” he added in the article to be published on Wednesday.

Read more ....

Update #1: In Europe, fears loom that the U.S. is seeking regime collapse in Iran (Axios)
Update #2: Swift turn: German FM says Europe needs bank transactions system independent from US (RT)

WNU Editor: This Bloomberg editorial is on the money.Tthat instead of holding out false hope, EU leaders should start working on a new agreement .... Europe Should Stop Trying to Save the Iran Deal (Bloomberg Editorial).

Update #3: This VICE report is probably right. Even though the Iranian government is blaming the U.S. for the country's economic problems, the people on the street have a different point of view .... We took a ride in Iran’s Uber to see how Trump’s new sanctions are really playing out (VICE News).


  1. The neocon dream of REGIME CHANGE will never, ever, ever, ever die.

    They are very stupid, awful people.

    1. Well, I may not qualify as a Neocon but I feel a regime change is possible. Would like to see a revolution from inside the Country.

  2. In other words the German FM is proposing that the EU join with Russia and China to eliminate the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Once done, if its done, the world wide repercussions will be thunderous and long lasting.

    Day by day the Germans are walking away from their decades long alliance with the US all because they are full time members of the #Resistance. Note to Germany, once you walk away there is no coming back.

  3. Who broke the deal?
    Why blame those not breaking the deal but trying to save it?
    Look homeward angel

  4. Why the f is Germany doing this? In whose name? The population doesn't want that?! Wtf is going on..why are they so hellbent in doing what Iran and Russia want? (While Fred will scream and shout suggesting trump is the one in everyone's pocket ofc)..there's some serious stuff going on in Germany that we don't fully understand. This is not normal behaviour by the German government is all I can say

    1. But that doesn't make sense. .it's a tiny fraction of Germany's 4 trillion GDP... to make a deal with Iran and increase their chances of getting the bomb? What the fxxx is going on?

  5. Fusion, obvious to all. Iran is the prototypical terror supporting state having launched or planned mass attacks all over the world, including on European soil. Fred keeps harping on the deal as if it was a treaty or other lawfully binding document. For the US the deal had for force of law behind Obama's voice and nothing more substantive. For Iran they didn't sign "the deal" and the deal had little restraint on Iran's drive to joining the nuclear club.

    Mirages for the Euro's. Reality for them as they dismember their US alliance because once it's gone there won't be support in the US to rebuild it, at least for a few generations.

  6. Iran enriched uranium. Other than that, no one has ever presented any credible evidence of an attempt weaponize and create a warhead. Where is their weapons program located? How much progress has it attained to creating a legitimate weapon?

    Israel and neocons have been crying and moaning about Iranian nukes since the 80's. Always saying that they were a year away, five years tops. Yet no weapon almost 40 years later.

    According to experts, you know, weapons designers and physicists, they said it was an OK deal. Not great, but good enough. It got rid of the Arak heavy water plant, put in place an extensive monitoring regime with equipment, sensors and monthly inspections by the IAEA. It would have lasted 10 years, put Iran on the back burner and allowed the US to concentrate on the Pacific and China.

    It was and is better than nothing. If Iran really wanted a bomb, they would have done it decades ago, they don't want one. Costs outweigh the benefits.

  7. The deal expressly excludes some military sites that Iran declares as off limits such as the Parchin base with a long history of nuclear weapons work.
    Israel captured Iranian documents proving Iran's long years of toil on nuclear weapons.
    Iran is given a long time to grant access to bases once the IAEA makes a request.
    The deal had no pre-requisite to account for Iran's past military nuclear related research nor production.
    Bushehr nucler power plant excluded from the deal.

    As long time observer Henry Sokolski, director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center has said, "Sokolski warned that "ultimately, this is a gamble on Iran not wanting to make bombs. If they really don’t, the deal will work. If they do, the fine print won’t stop them."

    Iran is waging war across the Middle East since the deal was signed and it got 10's of billions. You'd have to be very naive to think it will refrain from pushing its covert nuclear arms programs at the same time.

  8. Ok
    Then do what?
    Should trump attack?
    Yes or no


  9. Anon@ 4:39PM

    Lots of political risk, time, and $$$ for something they didn't really want.
    Care to clarify that statement anon, please?

    Thanks, Roger

  10. Bushehr was built by Russian contractors. They help operate and maintain it, do you think the Russians and Putin, of all people, are going to help Iran get a bomb?

    The Israel "captured documents" were a farce. All the "intelligence was already known by the IAEA and foreign spy agencies. Though it was a splendid publicity stunt by Nuttyyahoo. He makes a better used car salesman than PM. Remember the cartoon bomb he held up a the UN back in 2012! Classic, he said Iran would get a bomb within days!

    90 Experts in nuclear weapons research sent Trump a letter in 2017 to save the deal. But since Obama made fun of him at the 2011 correspondence dinner, he wants to remove everything Obama ever did. As I said before, if Iran really wanted a weapon, they'd have gotten it by now.

    Iran is waging war, huh? Not the Saudis, the Emirates, Turkey, Qatar, the UK, Russia, France, Iraq, Israel and the United States. That bomb that exploded the bus full of kids said made in the USA.

  11. Fred, the deal is a farce and never should have been done.
    Iran has proven day by day, year by year to be dangerous to the US and countries in the region.
    What to do, hmmm, gee, uh. I go it! I got it!

    Kill the deal.
    Invoke financial sanctions on Iran.
    Support any revolutionaries on the streets of Iran.
    Help our allies resist Iranian subversion.

    As for attacking Iran, that kind of idea is childish and suitable for conspiracy aficionados. Let Iran suffer from the above and step away while it implodes.

  12. Monitoring equipment and monthly inspections by the IAEA were in place and allowed. Iran was found to in compliance with terms of the agreement.

    So, yes, there was verification ongoing.
