Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Growing Opposition In Canada To Taking In More Immigrants

National Post: Record opposition among Canadians to taking in more immigrants, but too soon to call it a trend, pollster says

Growing opposition to accepting more immigrants includes 'a significant segment' of the left-of-centre base, says Shachi Kurl of the Angus Reid Institute.

OTTAWA — Canadians have been dubious for decades about the merits of increasing levels of immigration, but a new report also suggests growing opposition to immigration over the past few years.

The report from the Angus Reid Institute analyzes polling data going back to 1975 to show that, throughout that period, a relatively constant number of Canadians — around one in four — have always said they think immigration levels should be decreased, while support for keeping levels the same has tended to be slightly higher. Only about 10 per cent of Canadians have supported increasing the levels during that time.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is causing political headaches for Prime Minister Trudeau .... especially in the French province of Quebec. And if not resolved, he will not win re-election next year when Canadians go to the polls.


  1. This is it. Canadians must all be racist. Right, Fred,right? All of them despicable human beings just like those republicans.bad people. Right, Fred?


  2. anon:
    I don't know where you live or where your DNA roots trace back to, but I know people who fled Nazi Germany and were refused entry into the U.S.
    I can not speak for Canada and tell them what they should or should not do. However, many if not most nations have immigration policies in place...We also know that in a number of nations the demographics in dicate a need for either a lot more births (to replace deaths) or immigration.
    Now, do you really think that wherever it is you live that your ancestors did not immigrate from somewhere to be where you now find yourself? But now there, you want to pull up the ladder.
    There are legal immigrants
    There are refugees taken in for political reasons
    There will soon be climate and economic refugees
    these situations are bound to make for instability, no matter how nations address this
    Adjust to that reality rather than wasting your time trying to belittle me

  3. Lapides,
    I await the answers to my questions.


  4. The refugees from the middle east and some areas of Africa, some of them, put a black mark on the noble and humanitarian idea you champion here. Unfortunately.

  5. So what about those white farmers in Africa? Someone taking them in? Land stolen by the government and not even a news coverage.
