Thursday, August 16, 2018

Is America Great?

Daily Mail: ‘We will not go back to discrimination, sexism, or the KKK’: Cuomo doubles down on claim 'America was never THAT great' after Trump accused New York's governor of having ‘a total meltdown’

* Governor Cuomo made the remark Wednesday at a Manhattan bill signing event
* The Democrat is considered a potential 2020 contender for the White House
* Cuomo tried to make the point that America has never had full equality for all
* He is battling Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon in the Democratic primary
* Conservatives on Twitter were outraged by Cuomo's remark

America 'was never that great' and won't be great until all Americans share true equality, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday in a speech blasting Republican President Donald Trump and his slogan, 'Make America Great Again.'

Cuomo, who is considered a potential White House contender in 2020, made the remarks at a bill signing event in Manhattan.

He said Trump wants to return to a period of greater sexism, racism and intolerance toward immigrants.

He said New York would strive to be a liberal alternative where people of all backgrounds have the same opportunities.

'We're not going to make America great again - it was never that great,' said Cuomo, who is running for a third term this November.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If given the opportunity, I would say that half the planet (if not more) would immigrate to the U.S. in a heartbeat. And for those who have moved to the U.S. and who have gone through the legal process of becoming an American citizen .... in my experience everyone I know tell me that becoming an Amercian citizen was one the highlights of their life, and that each and everyone of them see America as a great country. Governor Cuomo has a different point of view, that descrimation/sexism/racism/etc. still dominate, and it is why America is not great. OK .... that may appeal to some progressives. But I sincerely doubt that this is an opinion shared by most Americans.


  1. the earth is doomed the way the government fools control the population and forgot the true purposes why we exist. the is wisdom for good and evil. the odds are agent us all might be right after all. god the grate


  2. Anon, a tad difficult to follow. The first sentence was clear. The ones that follow weren't as clear. Nonetheless, I did read your comments and gave them some thought. More thought than many on this site, to be honest.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
