Monday, August 20, 2018

More Criticisms Of President Trump Revoking Former CIA Director Brennan's Security Clearance

Former CIA director John Brennan is sworn in to testify before the House Intelligence Committee to take questions on "Russian active measures during the 2016 election campaign" on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., May 23, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Reuters: New outcry over Trump's revocation of Brennan security clearance

(Reuters) - More than 175 former State Department and Pentagon officials added their names to a statement signed by national security officials criticizing President Donald Trump’s decision to cancel the security clearance of former Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan.

New signatories to the statement, which was initially issued last week by 15 former directors and deputy chiefs of the CIA and Office of Director of National Intelligence, include former political appointees and career civil servants. They worked under both Democratic and Republican presidents.

Among the most prominent individuals to sign a new version of the statement released on Monday by senior officials from the George W. Bush and Obama administrations are former State Department and National Security Counsel lawyer John Bellinger, former Deputy Secretaries of State Anthony Blinken and William Burns, former Undersecretaries of State Nicholas Burns, Wendy Sherman and Thomas Pickering.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Only 175 have added their names to a statement criticizing President Trump's removal of former CIA Director Brennan's security clearance?!?!?!? I expected hundreds. On a side note .... former CIA Director Brennan has threatened to sue, but President Trump is daring him to do so .... Trump dares Brennan to sue because his clearance was revoked (AP). I personally hope that the former CIA Director does sue. The discovery that will need to be produced and made public will be entertaining to read and post.


  1. Brennan won't sue. Someone else will sue on Brennan's behalf. Who? Creepy porn lawyer, of course. He knows a business opportunity and PR opportunity when he sees one. And it'll blend in perfectly into his presidential campaign..

  2. What if all security clearances were removed the moment you left public office?
    Seems reasonable right? Why should someone not employed in govt retain the highest clearances? What public good is it?

    Answer, none whatsoever. Its just a private boon to the holder. As we are learning now it's big meal ticket to all sorts of richly paying jobs in DC.

    Burn it down. Revoke on departure.

  3. "Burn it down. Revoke on departure." This is actually experiential common sense. Actually, by allowing people no longer with the government to retain such clearances actually undermines national security as control over the data, who can access, and how it is to be used can't be as readily controlled as it can be if such access were limited only to those within the organization or those who need it to conduct actual business of the organization. If a former government employee is needed for consulting, such security clearances as necessary can be granted for this work at the time and removed once the assignment is over.

  4. Screw Brennan!! Remove all clearances for people out of the administration or govt jobs/contract positions! Period. Everything is about the money people can make off their 'status'.

  5. Only 175?
    that is a heck of a lot of people putting jobs on the line for a principle

  6. Brennan is finished. I have no doubt the 175 idiots who signed that statement were highly compensated by globalists to do so, or else they are loyal Obama progressives. Either way, their careers are likely over and rightfully so. President Trump is cleaning house and it is his full right to do so. He is also fully supported by at least 50% of US voters.
