Monday, August 13, 2018

New U.S. Defense Budget Authorizes The Pursuit Of More Options To Stop North Korean and Iranian Missiles

© KCNA / Reuters

Reuters: Bill asks Pentagon to examine more options for stopping North Korean missiles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill signed by President Donald Trump on Monday asks the Pentagon to pursue more options for defeating U.S.-bound North Korean missiles by using radar and more missiles to spot and shoot down inbound threats.

The National Defense Authorization Act gives the Pentagon $716 billion, with almost $10 billion going to the Missile Defense Agency to fund the expansion of missile defenses, emphasizing the need to stop any North Korean or Iranian attacks.

The military is already exploring whether the United States can add another layer to defenses to those already in place for intercepting incoming missiles in flight, Keith Englander, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s director for engineering, said at the Space and Missile Defense Symposium in Huntsville, Alabama, last week.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The North Koreans and Iranians appear to be cooperating .... Iran, N. Korea Grow Stockpile of Ballistic Missiles Capable of Striking U.S. Troops, Allies, Israel (Washington Free Beacon).


  1. In his June 13 tweet, President Deals stated the threat from North Korea was over.

    We live in a golden age!

    "Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future! [0556 EDT]"

    We live in the dumbest times! SPACE FORCE!

  2. The WFB is low-grade neocon toilet paper.

    You can do better WNU. Give it a try.

  3. Anon,
    WFP is in this post because they posted the new Congressional report on Iranian and North Korean missile programs. No one else did. Read before criticizing.

  4. Anon # 1,

    Actually I believe the tweet by POTUS is accurate. Right now we are in a phase where we are attempting to help negotiate a peace agreement between SK, NK, and the elimination of NK's nuclear weapons program. If this fails, the final phase will be to cut the South Koreans loose, and end our conflict with NK without them. Once freed of the South Korean yoke, it is going to be much easier to deal with North Korea than tied to that yoke. As such, one way or the other this ends. Knowing he has an "ace in the hole" combined with the reduced tensions brought about by the current process gives POTUS reasonable confidence in making such assertions.

    In order to make this work, cooperation from Russia and China will be needed on some level. A couple of variables that may not have been considered are 1.)the over the top hysterical anti-Russian insanity has made it very difficult to work with this major power. 2.)China has taken an unreasonable position with regards to trade. I'm not sure anyone anticipated this.

    With that said once NK is cut loose (if this is where we have to go) China will likely be much easier to deal with and after the mid terms an increased Republican majority should be able to put to rest much of the insane anti-Russian hysteria. So far, at least, we are not to the point where SK would be cut loose. During the campaign candidate Trump called out several countries as users and abusers of America. SK was called out by name as they should have been. This sent notice to them that America would not be their b!tch boy forever!! As such, they knew it might be a good idea to try and make peace with NK. While often overlooked by the media, this is largely why we have made the progress we have made.

    The population of SK largely supports the current track. Not very long ago it/the leadership enjoyed 80% or so approval and the Japanese lowered their alert level with regards to NK. Those in the region and most affected by NK believe we are headed in the right direction by their actions as was recently confirmed by a US general operating in the region. As such, essentially the statement made by POTUS was/is materially accurate at the time he made it. Unfortunately the ability of Congress and the hysterical anti-Trump personnel to screw things up is legendary. So far, while they have hindered the advancement of American interest, they have not been able to undermine them entirely.

    Ultimately whom we believe is a judgment call. Without real time information on the inside and in real time we cannot "know" what is happening. Given the track records of the critics and the knowledge that they are the ones who have screwed up the things POTUS and his team are trying to fix, I would tend to treat anything they say or print with extreme skepticism and when in conflict I would trust team Trump over them.

  5. I stand by my take, the Free Beacon is a garbage neocon hack rag.

    B, your capacity for delusion is boundless. Good luck getting an increased R majority this mid-term. I'd love to spend day in your reality where Team Trump is playing seventh level dimensional chess controlling the game as he plays 20 steps ahead of the rest the world. Singapore was a TV episode, a show where nothing happened.

    NK is getting sanctions relief. NK, thanks to Trump, now has international cred and standing that it never had before. Xi and Vlad stand firmly behind Kim. And he still has a vast nuclear program and viable nuclear deterrent. What does Trump have to show for his show? We got some old bones back. Whooppeee.

    But, yeah, it's all part of Trump and Pompeo's master plan. And a decade from now, when NK still has their nuclear deterrent, feel free to blame the usual suspects, Congress, Libs, "the media", and whatever an "anti-Trumper" is.

    Oh, and good luck with getting that China and Russia help. This isn't a hotel deal, those countries have interests beyond saving or making a buck.

  6. Anon,

    You keep claiming nothing happened. The actions by the parties on the ground simply don't bear this out. 1.)The South Koreans who stand the most to lose have support the process by roughly 80%. 2.)The Japanese lowered their alert level with regards to North Korea. 3.)South Korean and North Korean leadership are getting ready for another round of talks, another summit if you will. 4.)a US general with practical military experience described the talks as "moving in the right direction." While in the case of 4, it is only talk, however, whom to believe a general with real world experience or a talking head receiving their information from "experts" who messed things up to start with and that the current administration is working feverishly to clean up. I think experiential common sense says the general is more trustworthy.

    As for points 1 to 3, these represent concrete actions. I think the talking point that says nothing happened is thoroughly debunked by the actions of the parties on the ground. We can continue to delude ourselves into believing them though and you call me delusional.

    If you spent a day in my reality, you might actually learn something useful about how the world really works. My best guess is you either were/are a university professor, government bureaucrat, or a trust fund baby. This appears to be consistent with your approach here. Such people don't have to live in reality.

    As for sanctions relief, there has been some breaking of sanctions. It is as though NK lost somewhere between 60 to 75% of its income. Without this they would not have come to negotiate. So, we already have gotten some help from Russia and China here. Of course with anti-Russian hysteria that is WAY PAST insanity you risk undermining such support. As I have stated elsewhere, push to hard and you risk a coup against these governments. Don't push hard enough and not enough assistance is achieved.

    As to NK getting international cred, this is one of the more ridiculous talking points put forth by the main stream media. Actually it is the other way around. The US gets international cred. By agreeing to meet the US and to an extent the SK position now has a degree of credibility it didn't have before. Thanks to Trump and getting this meeting we now have a degree of international cred we didn't have before. After the mid terms we should be able to capitalize on this more.

    While the editor can defend his position, he explained why he linked to the article he linked to. It really does help to read from time to time. You might learn something.
