Monday, August 13, 2018

Only 13% Of The World’s Population Enjoys A Free Press


  1. It’s only free so long as you follow the rules.

  2. Hate to say it but there is no such thing as a "free press". Freedom is an illusion and a free press is propaganda. In the US the "press" is largely controlled by people or groups with sufficient money to make an impact. The press has no professional standards, no professional association to govern the "profession", no code of ethics, no licensing process, and no process to discipline dishonest practitioners (and there are thousands). The press does not report honestly or fairly. The press is a joke.

  3. If, Anon, what you say is accurate, can you provide data, stats, facts, rather than your subjective opinion? Otherwise, what you say is a joke

  4. only 13% "ENJOYS" a free press.... enjoys???
    Press long gave up being honest or enjoyable.. they are in it to make money, not to inform you.. if you think anything else after the last decade and CNNs "BREAKING NEWS" and "ORANGE ALERTS" (which started right after 9/11 when they noticed they can make even more money by keeping people constantly at the edge and outraged).. I would side with Trump on this.. the "fake news" is in fact the enemy of the people.. NOT real news.. but the opinion people, the leaving out of facts, the opinion making, the lying .. god I used to like the news, now it is just ... like listening to complete morons who get paid very very well to tell you lies and nonsense.. it's a perverted system at the moment that makes people unhealthy and causes violence and really bad behaviour (currently mostly on the left,but in general)

  5. blah blah blah: cliches....why then does this site like so many others get, as does the tv news, its news from the press that you say is no good? How many links at this site refer to the press that you claim is no good? calling the press fake news is often now cited as the first step toward dictatorships...not by chance our Founding Fathers wanted a free press. Or that Paine, writing as journalist, pushed the people finally to take up arms against the British
