Friday, August 17, 2018

Political Change In Sweden?

A supporter of the Sweden Democrats listens to a speech by party leader Jimmie Ã…kesson at last weekend's festival. Julia Lindemalm for NBC News

NBC: Far-right Sweden Democrats hope to topple century of socialism

A party with its roots in neo-Nazism and white nationalism may be on the verge of an election victory.

SÖLVESBORG, Sweden — Around 4,000 far-right supporters gathered on the grounds of a ruined castle last weekend to plot the downfall of the socialist ideas that have come to define their progressive country.

Their views — anti-immigration, anti-establishment and often anti-Muslim — are not new amid the populist tsunami that's crashed into much of the West.

But this is Sweden, where socialists have dominated every election for the past 101 years, making the Nordic nation something of a lodestar for leftists around the world.

Some polls predict that the supporters' favored party, the Sweden Democrats, with roots in neo-Nazism and white nationalism, will win as much as 25 percent of the vote in an election scheduled for Sept. 9. Such a result would likely earn the Sweden Democrats more seats in Parliament than any other single party.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I see the same trend in the French Canadian province of Quebec where I live. Massive immigration is resulting in a backlash among French Quebecers who see their culture and language threatened by newcommers who are not interestd in assimilating. The ruling provinicial government just called an election, and they are trailing in second place, and IMHO this is the issue that will unseat them from power. Will the same happen in Sweden .... I do not know .... but the trendlines tell me that change is in the air, and calling these people neo-Nazis or racists is only going to galvanize them to vote.


  1. It is clear that this is a work from a foreign reporter.. I had to stop reading it, way to high cringe-factor.
    He is interviewing seniors. Trying to make everyone prejudice. Not bringing forward the fact that SD has more immigrants voting for it then any other party.

    And pinning the word "nazi" to SD.

    The old tiresome record yet again.

    This is why ordinary Swedish citizens are voting for SD.

    1. Sounds like the same playbook the left in the U.S. is using, it's almost as if these ideas are being distributed worldwide..

    2. Yeah no shit. The latte sipping,kale eating bunch on the left is condescending to everyone who doesn't follow what they determine is the correct ideology.

      Ideology as follows. Please write down and rehearse as prayers before sleeping and in the morning:

      1. all white people, especially white men are racist. No other race or group is racist. Only those white men. How come? Don't you dare to ask you piece of scum. You're worse than Hitler and should lose your job! Got that? Good let's move on to the next point...

      2. Illegal Immigrants are always saints and we need more of them. Illegal border crossings are not a crime. It's a human right. And someone who commits that crime deserves preferential treatment and those idiots who spent money and followed the law are nothing but racists and fools and shouldn't complain.

      3. Any war is always the white man's fault. Don't believe it? People should fire you, you fascist pig!

      4. All institutions anywhere are always favoring the White man. It's a big conspiracy to suppress other races. Trump is a racist. Omarosa is a saint. Police are racist too. Even the black ones (when it fits the narrative), but only when serving in police. Don't get it confused OK? If an Asian or black is not a police officer and commits a hate crime, it's not a hate crime but a misunderstanding.

      5. Women are absolute saints and never corrupt and we should bend over backwards to applaud their absolutely non-sexist slogans and clubs at work. Sexism only exists when done by a man. You don't agree? Omfg! Your children should denounce you and change their name, you monster!!!

      There's of course many more righteous points - covering lifestyle, ecology, socio economy,
      Genders etc and all are important for you to rehearse daily and follow 100% if you're white. If you're Asian or black, don't worry. .you can't be racist or do anything wrong anyways. ..or if you're a female comedian on the left. don't have to be funny anyways. ..good enough you got up and grabbed a microphone you precious flower! :) And if you're a minority and woman, you're set for life. Go shoot someone while cursing Trump hate speech. People will give you a prize, you morally superior go glow like a star and will have a talking head job on CNN with 7 figure salary and a book deal and everyone will applaud. .except for those damn white entitled men. ..those entitled racists.. we gotta shout them down and intimidate them all in public!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Hans! I am always happy to read your commentary and get your insight in matters regarding your country.

  4. I love the phrase " far-right" being use on anyone not following the Marxist line.

  5. Far right ,people who want to live in orderly civil societies.
