Thursday, August 16, 2018

Retired U.S. Navy Admiral William McRaven Wants His Security Clearance Revoked In Solidarity With Former CIA Director Brennan

Retired U.S. Navy admiral William McRaven, commander of the SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, asked President Donald Trump to revoke his security clearance in a gesture of solidarity with former CIA chief John Brennan

Daily Mail: 'I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance. You have humiliated us and divided us.' SEAL admiral in charge of bin Laden raid savages Trump for 'McCarthy era' attack on John Brennan

* President Donald Trump canceled former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance on Wednesday
* Brennan is a longtime CIA agent who ran it during the Osama bin Laden raid
* He has become a fierce Trump critic on Twitter and was a key figure in the launch of the Russia probe
* Brennan blasted Trump in a New York Times op-ed on Thursday, saying the president is targeting him in order to keep 'collusion' a secret
* Retired Navy Admiral William McRaven piled on later in the day, writing in The Washington Post that he hoped Trump would revoke his clearance too
* Rob O'Neill, the Navy SEAL credited with killing bin Laden, says he disagrees with McRaven – who was his commanding officer during the 2011 raid

William McRaven, commander of the U.S. Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday for revoking the security clearance of former CIA chief John Brennan – and asked that his be canceled as well.

The decorated retired Navy admiral, in an open letter published in The Washington Post, defended Brennan as 'one of the finest public servants I have ever known' and accused Trump of using 'McCarthy-era tactics.'

'Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John,' McRaven wrote of Brennan. 'He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don't know him.'

'Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.'

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WNU Editor: Former CIA Director Brennan is now doubling down in accusing President Trump of colluding with Russia to steal the U.S. Presidential election .... Trump campaign colluded with Russia, former CIA director Brennan writes in op-ed (CBC/AP). More here .... Brennan hits back at Trump and calls denials of Russian collusion 'hogwash' (The Guardian). As to what is my take .... former CIA Director Brennan's accusations that President Trump committed treason for talking with Russian Presdient Putin last month makes me wonder how did this person ever get to be CIA Director .... Ex-CIA Director Brennan Accuses President Trump of 'Treason' (July 16, 2018). As for retired U.S. Navy Admiral William McRaven's wish to have his security clearance revoked in solidarity with former CIA Director Brennan, this is the intelligence community circling the wagons to defend one of their own .... Former US security leaders blast Trump for yanking clearance (AP).


  1. Can those people please provide proof for anything? Otherwise it's slander. Accusing someone of treasonous behaviour is outrageous. .and cnn keeps giving all those people airtime. Where's "innocent until proven guilty"?? Oh no... rights are only there for Obama. .not that pig Trump. No rights for him!....a shouting mob of ex-officials is not justice. Fred,go join them. Go shout like them. Heil to cnn! The new facists are clothed in suits not brown shirts. let's have mob lynching because Cnn and clapper and brennan shout real loudly and keep telling us stuff without any evidence. Makes all perfect sense

  2. They do it to get under his skin. They are banking more on a slip up then then the collusion.To be honest trump needs to be quite and not talk. He hurts himself to much on twitter at times. One thing is I don't understand.. Is if your not in government why would you have clearance boggles me.

  3. yo, anon--drag me in?
    do you know how those guys still have clearance and why? do you know the procedure for removing clearance and how many reasons for doing so?
    do you realize that Trump has already stated he is doing this because he is angry at the Russian investigation
    do you realize he has already listed all the former heads of CIA, NSA, And FBI to remove clearance and all because they know enough to know about the Mueller investigation? So call me names if you will but when so many patriotic people come under the ax so that draft dodging Putin loving Trump can continue to conceal his taxes and his debts to foreign nations and can cavort with the head of an enemy state and do lord knows what, then sorry, your names no longer bother me and in fact suggest it may well be time to see just who it is you are supporting

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  5. Lapides regardless of what their names are a clearance is not a "right" and the President has the authority to withdraw it without consulting anyone, much less you. "do you know the procedure for removing clearance and how many reasons for doing so?" you have proved your incompetence in this area many times, all on your own.

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  9. Mr. AS, you are in OVERDRIVE today! Git some! Yaaassssss!


    The other Smith

  10. Brennan and anyone like him are enemies of the United States.

  11. " AZuLike said...
    One thing is I don't understand.. Is if your not in government why would you have clearance boggles me. "

    You can't influence peddle without it. You'd be excluded from the juiciest off the record conversations.

    This is why the DC swamp critters are going nuts. If canceling security clearances becomes the new normal, a lot of the current corruption would become a lot harder to impossible.

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