Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Russia Begins Patrols On The Golan Heights

Abandoned UN checkpoint in Golan Heights. © / RT

The Telegraph: Russia exerts growing clout in Middle East as it begins patrols in Golan Heights

Russian military police have begun patrolling the demilitarised zone between Israel and Syria in the Golan Heights, highlighting Moscow's increasing clout as a Middle Eastern power broker following its intervention in the civil war there.

“The Russian military police are pioneers in renewing patrols of the Golan Heights,” Lt Gen Sergei Kuralenko told journalists at a damaged United Nations observer post.

“There is almost no danger besides from mines. The whole demilitarised zone is under control now.”

Following the start of the Syrian conflict, militants drove out the UN peacekeepers that had served in the area since 1974.

The pockmarked guardhouses and discarded ammo and rocket-propelled grenade launcher boxes testified to the fierce fighting between Bashar Assad's regime and the Nusra Front before government forces pushed the al-Qaeda-linked jihadist group from the post and the wider area last month.

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More News On Russia Beginning Patrols On The Golan Heights

Russia to help UN with patrols along Syria-Israel frontier -- FOX News/AP
In Syria's Golan, Russia seeks handover to UN -- Times of Israel
Russia plays referee on the Golan Heights -- Asia Times
RT films abandoned UN checkpoints at Golan Heights after terrorists kicked out -- RT


fred said...

Basically, they are there to hold in check their Iranian allies so that Israel will not have cause to bomb

Anonymous said...

the devil will try one more time to penetrate the walls of israel.....danger...... they come for bloody war..... dear God.