Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Growing Russian And Chinese Presence In The Atlantic Is Raising Concerns In The Pentagon

Russia's Borei-class ballistic missile submarine Alexander Nevsky. Russian Ministry of Defense

Warzone/Drive: The Scope, Not The Scale of Russian And Chinese Naval Ops In The Atlantic Is Worrisome

What Russia and China are doing in and below the Atlantic Ocean might be more concerning than how many ships they have there in total.

The U.S. Navy’s top officer has warned that Russian submarines are prowling the Atlantic Ocean at rates not seen since the end of the Cold War and that China is beginning to increase its naval activity closer to American shores. Though there has certainly been an uptick in these activities, the available evidence points to the nature of those operations, rather than the exact number of ships as being the real source of concern.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson explained his worries in an interview that Voice of America, or VOA, published on Aug. 6, 2018. It’s not the first time he has raised these concerns and he had directed the Navy to reactivate the 2nd Fleet to oversee naval operations in the northwest Atlantic in May 2018. That command will hold a formal establishment ceremony at Naval Station Norfolk on Aug. 24, 2018.

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WNU Editor: The Chinese is who I would be focused on.


  1. China is the obvious longer term threat. South African ports are on the bow of the PLAN. Then Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua are possible bases. For what? Chinese carrier battle groups, subs, spy ships, the whole enchilada. Airbases, naval ports, barracks for Chinese combat troops. That’s the future.


  2. They had best take a class in humility first. Better yet, two classes or the whole endeavor will be a bust.

    1. China's downfall is already becoming clear. It's its hubris. 1.5bn people and they jack each other off for reaching half (!) the gdp of the United States. The US only needs 350 million people for what the Chinese are trying to do for decades now. When will this mysterious Chinese century come we've been told for decades now would be around the corner? All I see is Chinese leadership embarrassing itself. Encircled. Making enemies of neighbours. Losing the trade war. Now being found to forcefully resettle 1 million of its own people. The trillions of dollars they have stolen from all of us. The environmental disaster over there. If that's what a Chinese century is supposed to be like, good luck when the economy slows down, which it now has. We pulled our assets about 3 months ago and already will have offset the moving costs in about another month. Best move ever. Thailand and Vietnam are so much better for manufacturing and you don't get pressed into sending money to the party. Biggest mobile factories in the world are now in Thailand (samsung plants actually). Bye, one wanted your leadership at the height of your power. Now that you're in unstoppable decline, which will become impossible to mask soon, no matter how much you manipulate your currency in the last months, the knives will come out. The Vietnamese will not forget that you threatened them with war (!) over an oilfield. Your neighbour India also doesn't seek your leadership or friendship. How many Indians go to China to work? To live? 0. They all go to the US. To work and live there. Who in his or her right mind would want to live in China, a country that's completely on its way to a authoritarian/totalitarian state? The brain drain and money drain is already happening. No one wants to have their big brother future of a social point system ffs... My company (conglomerate) did the same thing when the execs got tired of being bullied. They left China. And we're not even the trend setters. Competition of ours also left this year. How this is not worldwide market news is beyond me. They'll catch up eventually once everyone has made their nice shorts gains.

  3. Anon 1,
    I agree with you except one one thing: that's not a long term threat, that's a short one. Xi is as impatient as Hitler was, and all his success against the rest of the world is empowering him. And if it was not enough, this guy purge the "party" and have with him only "Yes Sir" men. This mean any crazy dream would strongly be approved with his advisers. We have to be ready.

  4. jac, there's another man more impatient than Hitler or Xi, another who started a conflict against the world, and it lead the White House.
