Wednesday, August 15, 2018

These 5 Countries Are Impossible To Conquer

Blake Stilwell, We Are The Mighty: These are the 5 countries that are most impossible to conquer

Historically, all empires either fall or morph into some other empire... and then fall. We don't use the term "empire" to describe nation-states that much anymore.

Regardless of what we call some countries, they are still able to project power outside their borders, being it globally (like the United States) or regionally (like Iran).

But when it comes to having to defend their home turf, some countries are just not going to roll over for any reason.

These are those countries:

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Afghanistan is on the list, but not Pakistan or Iran.


  1. As a rule any nuclear armed nation should be impossible to conquer because on the brink of defeat they push the button and its over.

  2. Add Australia, the distances,terrain, and guerilla warefare expertise make it a death sentence.

    1. No one in his right mind would attempt to conquer a continent filled with Nopes. I wouldn't live there if people paid me to do so

  3. Fazman,

    I suspect America would use its nuclear arsenal to defend you even at the risk of our own destruction even if we knew we could stay safe by staying out of it. This is what we do for our allies.

    While I believe many of our "allies" are questionable and leave much to be desired, Australia has been a good ally and I am sure if the roles were reversed and you had the nuclear arsenal you would do the same for us.:-)

    While America would certainly not be easy to invade, I do have some issues with some of the things this author wrote which I will get to later. Suffice it to say as lafiv Iv writes it is the nuclear arsenal that explains why America has not been invaded. Enemies and potential enemies do not fear an American resistance formidable as it may be. Time permitting I will address some of these. As these are complicated issues that cannot be broken down into talking points, this will take some time which I do not readily have at the moment.

  4. If you really pulled the gloves of in regards to the population I think you could subdue any nation. If one person cross the line, then kill the village or 1000 people or similar. That would foster feat and a sentiment to turn in rebels. If the resistance remains hidden in isolated pockets then kill what you can and send the populace in as slave soldiers with the families as hostages. My point is that anything is possible especially if you dont care about the conquered people. Offcourse there is the point about nuclear retaliation preventing the invasion from occuring without massive damages for the attacker.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. America conquetable? Are you out of your mind? There's more weapons in the uS than any invasion force could handle. And then there's the hillbillies who rape you after they shot you or mutilated you with bear taps. And then all the lefties who will bore you to death with their kale recipes and hot yoga talk. No, sir, no. No one will try it
