Thursday, August 9, 2018

This Is Why The Heads Of U.S. Intelligence Agencies Should Not Be Trusted

From left: FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testify on Capitol Hill in February, 2014. (Gary Cameron/Reuters)

Victor Davis Hanson, NRO: The Police Were Not Policed

How can Americans now trust the intelligence agencies shown to be corrupt in the very recent past?

No doubt Russia must be watched for its chronic efforts to sow more chaos in American elections — despite Barack Obama’s naïve assertion in 2016 that no entity could possibly ever rig a U.S. election, given the decentralization of state voting.

Lately the heads of four U.S. intelligence and security agencies — Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, FBI Director Chris Wray, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, National Security Agency Director Paul Nakasone, and National Security Adviser John Bolton — held coordinated White House press conferences to remind America of the dangers of Russian chicanery. Trump, who is prone to conflate documented Russian efforts to meddle and cause chaos with unproven accusations of Trump-Russia collusion, should heed their warnings and beef up U.S. counter-espionage efforts and cyber deterrence.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A good summary on the actions and unethical behavior of those who ran America's law enforcement and intelligence agencies during 2016 and at the start of the Trump administration. The sad part is that I cannot help but believe that this list compiled by Victor Davis Hanson is just the tip of the iceberg.


  1. Hanson is well known Trump supporter despite all evidence of Russian interference. If we are Not to trust our intel, then what is the point of having intel? And whom should we trust?
    Fact: intel nailed and indicted how many Russian spies thus far. Are they then innocent because Hanson does not believe our intel?

    This is a silly post, depending upon right of center magazine in full support of Trump. I note that the Nunnes revelations do not appear here. That would show how GOP and right wing fully supports Trump to close down what is coming out of Mueller work.
    Where, in passing, is the Nunnes revelation?

  2. Our intel no good? Look who else thinks, knows, the Russians very involved in our elections!
    Donald Trump sent the worst tweet of his presidency this morning

  3. Fred,
    Name me one incident where the Russians altered one vote in the 2016 election.

    Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein himself said not one vote was altered.

    Blaming Russia and then attacking those who question the intelligence .... intelligence that the intel community has yet to make public to the American public, is where we are today. Your attacking Hanson while avoiding the points that he outlines in his post is why his post is very important, and should be discussed not disparaged.

    As for Nunes. He is right. This is not a legal issue, if it was Mueller would have leaked this stuff and laid charges a long time ago. This has always been a political battle, and it is the only tool that those who hate Trump have right now. The problem is that it is not working, hence the over the top frustrations that now result in administration officials being attacked when they are in public, Republican politicians being gunned down at baseball parks, or even attacked while mowing the lawn.

  4. Democrats know they are losing these are their death throes

  5. Editor,

    I really couldn't have put this any better than you have. Fortunately you are more diplomatic than I am. I will try to be more diplomatic in the future. If I have offended anyone, I apologize.

    Frankly I figured out decades ago that US Intelligence is not trustworthy. I'm glad to see some are finally catching on.

  6. You think that you need an altered vote to help change election results? not media does not alter voting machines.
    Why is a certain troll consistently posting pro-Russian bullshit here?
    as for Poster: you think Am intel not trustworthy? sorry but I know some folks involved in that in the past and i would stake my money on them rather than a trolling piece of silliness

  7. Of course it is now a political matter since the GOP (again, Nunnes) is trying to defend Trump against mounting evidence of Russian connection. Ignore Trump for a moment: how many involved in the Trump campaign are now indicted, and with what charges? The GOP stated their aim is to protect Trump from the findings!

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