Sunday, August 19, 2018

Tweets For Today


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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fred said...

No. we can trust you
glad you give us a percentage of how sure you are...that is taking a firm stand
Simply put: we do not know the outcome of the trial as yet and speculation is but speculation
We do not know what was said my the witness to the Mueller investigation and why this or that was done is guesswork that is at best not very convincing
And of course you spit your low self esteem venom here at CNN...tell us then what sources you do trust, believe in?
So far, your record is NOT to affirm much of anything but to busy yourself dossing up venom, ie, a metamucil for your hate
Like Trump? say so! that is ok. Many do. But, no. You prefer not to take a stand but to stoop and poop

Unknown said...
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RussInSoCal said...

I'm still amazed by that massive mammal chasing - and almost catching - the smallish boat.

