Wednesday, August 15, 2018

U.S. Blocks Transfer Of F-35s To Turkey

Turkish F-35 seen during its roll-out ceremony. Lockheed Martin

Warzone/The Drive: No Stealth For You!: Trump Signs Defense Bill That Blocks Transfer Of F-35s To Turkey

The law is sure to rattle the already precarious relationship between Turkey and the U.S. and it could have serious consequences for the F-35 program.

The escalating F-35 saga between Ankara and Washington D.C., which you can read about here, hit a crescendo today when President Donald Trump signed the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) at Fort Drum in upstate New York. Language in the bill specifically stops the delivery of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters to Turkey—a NATO ally and one of the first international partners on the program dating back two decades. Turkey has plans to buy 100 of the stealthy fighters, 30 of which are already on order, and has invested $1.2B into the program so far.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There is going to be blow-back from Turkey because of this.


  1. Turkey has only itself (=Erdogan) to blame. Under him everything got worse. Now they'll form alliance with Russia instead of West. What a choice. Good luck and good riddance. Please return your Nato membership club cards :)

  2. They will probably block transfer if shelled pistachios and carpets so it could really hurt us.
