Thursday, August 23, 2018

Will Brazil's Next President Be A Jailed Criminal?

France 24: Jailed Lula's Brazil presidential poll lead increases

RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) - Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva may be incarcerated and potentially prevented from standing in October's presidential election but the leftist leader's advantage in polls continues to grow.

Figures published by pollsters Datafolha on Wednesday showed the former president's share of the vote has risen to 39 percent from 30 last month.

It means he now has more than double the number of his nearest challenger, right wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who is up to 19 percent from 17 last month.

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WNU Editor: Stranger things have happened in Latin America. So why not elect a convicted and jailed criminal to the top office in Brazil.


  1. Wasn't Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison for plotting terrorist acts
    by South Africa before he became the internationally celebrated president of South Africa? Not sure how being a convicted prisoner disqualifies him, especially considering the circumstances of his conviction, which many Brazilians apparently believe was politically motivated. Let the voters decide.

  2. I agree with Mr. Anonymous and would add one should look at the role of Wall Street/City of London financier interests behind not only the jailing of Lula, but the removal of Dilma Roussef from power earlier. Under Dilma, Brazil was moving into closer economic and political alignment with Russia and China, something that the financier interests violently opposed. The case was the same for Argentina under Cristina Kirchner. The financier interests' solution in both countries was regime change under the cover of a corruption investigation.
