Friday, September 7, 2018

China Is Eyeing The South Pacific

A map of the South Pacific. Image: Wikimedia Commons

Kerry K Gershaneck, Asia Times: China’s plan for conquest of the South Pacific

China's militarization of South China Sea features allows its fighters to reach deep into the South Pacific, jeopardizing US bases while advancing Beijing's 'neo-colonial' ambitions

Beijing’s militarization of islands and features it claims in the South China Sea is by now widely seen as a threat to freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most strategically important waterways.

What’s gone less noticed, however, is how Beijing could use those emerging forward bases to project power into the South Pacific, where critics say Beijing harbors “neo-colonial” ambitions and the United States maintains crucial naval and air force bases on Guam.

A Pentagon report released last month that said China was likely training for air strikes against US and allied targets will have brought China’s emerging power projection capabilities into the Pacific into stark and urgent relief among policymakers in Washington.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is an excellent analysis on China's long term goals in the South Pacific. A must read.


  1. The "pivot to Asia". Obama's legacy.

    Those 3 words, mastermind Obama gave us, brought us

    1. A rapid militarization of the south china sea, incl. artificial islands
    2. The public announcement of the 9 dash line (and an almost certain military conflict down the road)
    3. Now expanding to the South Pacific

    Thanks, Obama. Just like the red line, you showed the world your genius. You are the best, the brightest and you even made the economy grow at 10% all while you received your Nobel Peace Price for... yeah what was the narrative on that one? Oh right, for courage.. right.. I forgot (didn't sleep well tonight, sorry guys..) COURAGE of gutting the US military.. that was a smart move there.. after all, there's no bad guys in the world who would abuse that situation

  2. Who is president now for the past two years and what is he doing about this or anything? You want to credit Trump for the economy but blame Obama for major Chinese expansion...get real

    1. Uhm excuse me but when was the 9dash line announced? Who was president? Obama

      Who did beforehand announce the pivot to Asia despite gutting the military? Obama

      And, the economy did in fact do worse through all 8 years of Obama.

      I think it's you who wants the cake and eat it too

  3. All these bases were built under the watchful eye of President BamBam.

    What is Trump suppose to do once they are built? Nuke them.

    Trump has to 1st renegotiate trade treaties 1st.

    - Europe done
    - Mexico was close, but was not sealed , because Canada
    - Canada deal is going nowhere because Trudeau is in Freud Stage 1

    Then he can deal with China. Many commentators have said it will be easier to deal with China once the other 3 deals get done. We are talking economic pundits not political pundits.

    If you do to China what is being done to North Korea and Iran, chances are high for a war.

    So it would be nice to wrap up Iran and North Korea first.

    We had an embargo against a world power before. We embargoed Japan because they were murdering millions of Chinese. December 7th happened.

    So if we have major trade war with China we need our ducks in a row.

    Little known fact: Not one bleeding heart liberal marched in Washington due to the Japanese genocide of millions of Chinese.

    1. Facts don't matter to today's left nor liberals. It's sad. The outrage and like me economy

  4. Trump has to ungut the military, which Obama gutted before taking on China.

    I see this.

    I live this.

    The difference is like night and day.

  5. No Scam Too Small, Ep. 5: Trump directed his "charitable" Foundation to make an illegal donation to Florida's Attorney General. Just days later, the Florida AG decided not to pursue a case against Trump University (which itself was later forced to pay $25 million for ripping off students).
    --Manafort In Plea Talks With Mueller To Avert Second Trial
    --That Anonymous Op-Ed Was About Saving the GOP — Not the Republic
    --Good grief, now Trump is acting like the Mueller investigation is only about George Papadopoulos. He's intentionally ignoring: Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Rick Gates, Alex van der Zwaan, Sam Patten, Konstantin Kilimnik and 25 named Russian intelligence officers.
    --At Rally, Trump Praises Physical Violence, Warns Impeachment Could Turn U.S. Into “Third World Country”
    --Fox News Hosts Pile On Trump at End of ‘Embarrassing’ Week
    --Did Trump Once Criticize the Obama White House for 'Attacking' Bob Woodward? | TRUE

  6. - Good grief, now Fred is just acting like he did in JAN2018, MARCH 208, MAY 208, JULY 2018, expecting, praying, dreaming if the end of Trump.

    This will be the week.

    Come one what else does the little bugger have to look forward too?

    Hobby? That would take a brain

    Afternoon delight? Way past that.

  7. childish snark=girly boyish and not clever and sans ideas

  8. "Fred good you bad"

    - Fred on September 7, 2018 at 9:46 PM

    Now guess Fred's psychological age.

    - Low blood sugar?
    - Senility?
    - Lack of psychological development?

  9. Fred posts a science article or two in between posting smut.

    What is apparent is that he does not read those science articles or if he does his low reading score keeps him from understanding the gist of those articles.

    Must be tough be functionally illiterate.

  10. go forth and sin no more
    If you have nothing to say, why babble?

  11. "there is this to worry about" - Scaredy Cat

    Well, if the free porn king would actually read the science articles he occasionally posts, he might remember articles like this

    "The trial will test the M-001 vaccine candidate,"

    I am told that audiovisual takes a lot of bandwidth, so the cat's noggin must be stuffed full in information.

    So the cat must be an interesting conversationalist at the dinner table due to all the information he downloads.
