Saturday, September 8, 2018

F-35C Aerial Refueling Mishap Will Cost Millions To Repair

The F-35 jet notched its first major mishap last month when a F-35C sucked in parts of a refueling basket during a mid-air refueling operation. The next-generation fighter is shown here being refueled by a Super Hornet earlier this summer. (U.S. Navy photo)

Defense News: Navy F-35C suffers first major airborne mishap

The Navy’s next-generation F-35 fighter jet reached an unwanted milestone last month when a carrier-based Lightning II suffered a major airborne mishap.

It took place on Aug. 22, when an F-35C from the “Rough Raiders” of Strike Fighter Squadron 125 was being refueled in-flight by a F/A-18F Super Hornet operating from the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, according to Cmdr. Ron Flanders, a spokesman for Naval Air Forces.

“During the refueling, part of the refueling basket broke off, and that debris was ingested into the engine of the F-35," he said.

Read more ....

Update #1: Severe F-35C Aerial Refueling Mishap to Cost Millions (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: The F-35 has only one engine. This could have ended badly if the engine was seriously damaged/destroyed by this debris.


  1. I would assume that a trillion dollar program like the f35 has simulated refueling basket break offs with subsequent engine ingestion. It would be normal failing test procedure, one hopes

  2. No big deal.

    The basket belongs to the tanker aircraft. It may have been defective due to wear and tear before the refueling.

    If any aircraft refueled with that F18 and the basket broke off, it probably would have had similar chances to be ingested. It is what jet engines due. They grab air and anything entrained in the flow.

    The problems that the F35 is a more expensive toy.

    So you swap out your more expensive engine and move on.

    The engine is ...

    Too many dickheads here anyway

  3. "hit box, waste of trillions" - Antifah

    Says the accountant, scientists and war college graduate

  4. Except you don't need to be an accountant, scientist or war college graduate to make an easy assessment that everyone else is making: It's a shit box with trillions wasted on it.

  5. You do not know what the F35 can do.

    You do not know what engine it has or how it can be configured.

    You do not know its radar cross section, range or payload.


    If they made a Top Gun movie today what Phrase would Tom Cruise not say?

    You don't know, because you are clueless.

  6. If you know, tell us rather than berating someone for not knowing that which you claim to know but for which you offer up not a shred of information to back your rant

  7. I don't know, if I am suppose to know.

    So how am I suppose to tell you?

    Besides, you probably didn't take chemistry, because you couldn't be bothered.

    And you are the nice person that said 'STFU', when I suggested you learn calculus, because it would open up whole new worlds to you. You know they teach some calculus concepts to 6th graders. So does that rule you out from learning it?


    adjective > limited in outlook or lacking in tolerance; not liberal; bigoted; prejudiced

    In my opinion, you are a bigot, an extreme one. No one can tell comrade professor anything. No sirree bob!

    Me on the other hand I learn

    I quoted a Telegraph article about cabin pollution. I thought the reporter would point the truth. So I thought the article would be factual. No way. 4 pilots jumped my shit and one of them helpfully provided a link to some drawings of commercial aircraft showing the cabin air system. I retired the Telegraph article that I had read. The article is still useful, but as an example of press malfeasance.

    You are like a Woodrow Wilson Minute Man that works hand in hand with CNN defending something. CNN's 23% Year of year drop in ratings?
