Friday, September 7, 2018

Former President Obama Slams President Trump For Abuse Of Power And Causing Division Within The Country

Politico: Obama delivers full-throated rebuke of Trump's presidency

In a rare public address, Obama says Trump poses such a threat to America that it forced him to speak out.

URBANA, Ill. — The night before the 2016 election, Barack Obama said Donald Trump was “uniquely unqualified” on the economy, “temperamentally unfit” on foreign policy, couldn’t be trusted with the nuclear codes and had “utter contempt for the values that make this nation great.”

Friday, the former president took the stage here in a University of Illinois auditorium and said it had been all that and worse.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: What struck me about his speech were the following. He believes he is the one who deserves to be credited for the booming economy. It clearly irks him that no one is giving him that recognition. The two times that he mentioned Donald Trump .... he did not say President Donald Trump. He started strong .... but after 10 - 15 minutes he lost his audience by spending too much time defending his administration's history. My read at the beginning was that the audience wanted to be fired up .... but after one hour these people were not fired up at all. As for the main stream media's reaction .... they loved the speech (see below).

More News On Former President Obama's Speech At The University of Illinois

Read former President Barack Obama's speech taking aim at President Donald Trump -- Mass Live
Obama issues scathing critique of Trump, ‘politics of fear’ -- AP
Obama rebukes Trump and Republicans for 'abuses of power,' urges Democrats to vote -- Reuters
Obama slams Republicans: Trump is 'capitalizing on resentment' -- CNN
In defining speech, Obama takes down Trump, his politics and enablers; warns of 'dire' consequences of not voting -- ABC News
Obama slams 'crazy stuff' coming out of Trump White House, hits politicizing of Justice Department -- NBC
Obama jumps back into political fray, calls out Trump by name: 'He is a symptom, not the cause' -- Washington Times
Barack Obama returns to politics with Donald Trump take-down -- DW
Obama speaks out against Trump and attacks 'politics of fear and resentment -- The Guardian
Obama attacks 'crazy stuff' from Trump White House -- BBC
Barack Obama gives scathing critique of Donald Trump and US 'politics of fear' -- ABC News Online


  1. MAGA CHUDS GO!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The “I” inspiring.

  3. Obama did not help the South Side of Chicago; he did not help Illinois, He did not help the nation.

    Obama minimized results for the US while maximizing them for them for his family.

    This is known as a local optimum versus a global optimum.

    Years from now tards will point his rich descendants and one, he must have been a great man.

  4. Obama voices his support for the deep state...

  5. Papadopoulos' defense attorney, Thomas Breen, pointed fingers at President Donald Trump.
    "The President of the United States hindered this investigation more than George Papadopoulos ever did," Breen said.
    Breen told a rapt courtroom that Papadopoulos has already faced his penalty over the past year, and realized he needed to disavow the Trump administration in favor of the truth.

    1. Quoting lawyers now when it fits your narrative, eh little parrot

  6. Obama says Trumps economic goals are unrealistic, and not possible. Two years into Trumps presidency, he also says the impossible economy is thanks to him.. What a joke.

    1. Hey,wow. Slow there, OK?
      Now we all know that criticising any of Obama's actions makes you a horrible being, major racist and bigot all at the same time and Van Jones gets to put a pike through your eyes for your sins of speaking out. Now if you don't want to lose your job and family over this you better be a little parrot and agree with everything Obama did.
      I'll show you how:

      Red line debacle? -> Obama showed courage. It takes a man to break his word of crossing red lines.

      Fast and furios -> those border agents who got killed were assholes who were about to separate families to do drugs with Caucasian Mexican smugglers (white males are the worst! )

      That "pivot to Asia" thing that made China's military go into overdrive and led to the 9dash line and a militarisation of the south china sea all while gutting our military at the same time? Pure genius. 3d chess on the world stage. How? Too complex to explain. If someone asks you just say Obama is a 3d chess player

      Hope you get it

      Now go, little parrot, and be like Fred. You can do it.

  7. 1) Papadopoulos's defense attorney gets paid whether his client goes to jail or is free.

    2) What the attourney says before his client gets sentenced by a judge is different than what he will say in the future.

    3) Papadopoulos's wife wanted to fight. She obviously believes her husband did nothing wrong. Meanwhile Breen skates over to bill another client.

  8. GDP never broke 3% in Obama's terms. The US economy grew at 1.6% during Obama's last year in office. Only in his own narcissistic little mind is he responsible for the Trump economic boom.



    1. Yeah but don't forget little parrot wants to believe so bad

  9. Why then trump at 35 percent approval?

    1. Don't think those numbers are correct, little parrot

  10. Where'd you pull that number from, Fred?

  11. Russ,

    Fred does not trust Rassmussen. Yet Fred does not know how to measure forecast error using MAD, MSE, or MAPE.

    Everything he thinks that he know is because he trusts this or that witch doctor/shaman.

    1. The English degree? Haha little parrot doesn't need to think for himself. He just needs to repeat the daily narrative. That's his job.

  12. Fred could take a metapoll, which is a basket of polls.

    I think that concept eludes him.

  13. Abuse if Power: The Obama Edition

    - Fast & Furious
    - Fat & Furious
    - The non-disclosure agreement and hiding the medical condition of illegal border crossers.

    Just to name a few.

    If bungling is the game Obungler is the name,

  14. Obama undermined world peace by destroying US foreign policy and one of the results is the 'refugee crisis', a wave of millions of war criminals and criminals flooding Europe and destroying it's social fabric. Thanks Obama.

    1. Obama got the Nobel peace price for doing nothing. Remember that? And he didn't even decline it. He just took it. His first act. What a tool

  15. Anon 2:52AM

    Do not forget about FAT & Furious

    That is where Obama went to Mexico and advertised food stamps

    The illegal border crossing/ welfare debate keeps American politics roiled.

    If that was one of Obungle's goals, then Mission Accomplished.

    While the countryis roiled, it is hard to focus on other things like China.

    The debate of the day is any topic the idiot, infantile Left says it is due to them rocking the boat and generally (m)ucking things up.
