Saturday, September 1, 2018

Pentagon Cancels $300 Million In Aid To Pakistan Over Their Support Of Militants

U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis attends the swearing in ceremony for new Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, U.S., July 30, 2018. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Reuters: Exclusive: Pentagon cancels aid to Pakistan over record on militants

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said it has made a final decision to cancel $300 million in aid to Pakistan that had been suspended over Islamabad’s perceived failure to take decisive action against militants, in a new blow to deteriorating ties.

The so-called Coalition Support Funds were part of a broader suspension in aid to Pakistan announced by President Donald Trump at the start of the year, when he accused Pakistan of rewarding past assistance with “nothing but lies & deceit.”

The Trump administration says Islamabad is granting safe haven to insurgents who are waging a 17-year-old war in neighboring Afghanistan, a charge Pakistan denies.

But U.S. officials had held out the possibility that Pakistan could win back that support if it changed its behavior.

Read more ....

Update: Pentagon canceling $300M in aid to Pakistan, citing record on militants: report (The Hill)

WNU Editor: Pakistan is not going to change its relationship with these militant groups .... even with this cut-off of U.S. aid. A different strategy will need to be formulated and used by the U.S..


Andrew Jackson said...

Pakistan is the enemy.

jac said...

I agree with you, Pakistan will have money support from China.

Anonymous said...

If China supports Pakistan, will China convert to Islam?

Anonymous said...