Monday, September 3, 2018

Pentagon Clarifies Why The U.S. Is Suspending $300 Million Aid To Pakistan

NDTV: Pentagon Clarifies On US Suspending $300 Million Aid To Pakistan

The remark comes amid news reports that the US has suspended $300 million in military aid to Pakistan as Islamabad was not doing enough to tackle terrorist groups

Washington: The United States continues to press Pakistan to "indiscriminately target" all terrorist groups, including the Haqqani Network, the Pentagon said on Sunday, claiming that recent reports distorted details of the Coalition Support Fund (CSF).

The remark comes amid news reports that the US has suspended $300 million in military aid to Pakistan as Islamabad was not doing enough to tackle terrorist groups.

"Unfortunately, recent reporting has distorted the details of the Coalition Support Fund (CSF) by stating several things out of context. The suspension of security assistance to Pakistan was announced in January 2018," Pentagon spokesman Lt Col Kon Faulkner said.

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump admin cancels $300M aid to Pakistan over terror record (NBC)
Update #2: U.S. Cuts $300 Million In Aid To Pakistan; Says It's Failing To Fight Militants (NPR)

WNU Editor: Pakistan is claiming that this money is theirs and that it is owed to them .... $300 Million Not Aid, It's Our Money, Should Reimburse: Pak Counters US (NDTV). On a side note, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and top U.S. military officer General Joseph Dunford will be in Pakistan this Wednesday .... Pakistan girds for 'exchanges' with Pompeo as U.S. halts military funding (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

What did good or service did Pakistan give us that was worth $300 million?

We ship supplies from Pakistani ports on Pakistani roads to Afghanistan.

We damn sure pay for port services in a pay as you go manner.

We hire Pakistani firms to ship the goods and at a fucking premium. This I know. The Pakistani firms would pay any road tolls.

So what the fuck do we owe them?

Barring full scale war, Pakistan wins. It is a supply line issue.

Perhaps we should go there. Just call a spade a spade. So we are not pulling out to abandon the Afghani people but because it is a chess game where we observe certain rules. And one of those rules is that of Pakistan does not 'allow' us a supply line, which our dear ally has cut in the past, the US cannot further prosecute the war.

If we fly stuff-in it gets prohibitively expensive. Herr Putin graciously say to it that the Central Asia stan kicked us out of their airports.

Now according to Kingsbury you can break the rules and win. It might be advantageous or necessary to break the rules. But there was one rule that could not be broken. You cannot break too many rules at one time. So the feckless, backstabbing kafir Pakistan government is winning and will win. That is unless we want full scale war. The UN, Russia, China might consider that one rule broken too many. Does not matter that they are total hypocrites. They operate under a slightly different rule set.

If we leave Afghanistan, China might have to fight the Taliban if the Pakistnis being the kafior dogs that they are do not backstab them.

How well will China or their client governments do in North Africa and surrounding regions if they fight the Taliban in a 3 year or longer war?

How many Uighurs can they imprison? They probably could go North Korean on them and there would be protests at first, but then Google, Facebook and others would bring people into line. Fanciful? Maybe. But remember most of the communists in America supported Stalin when he said to like the NAZIS especially the one in academia. With 9 to 1 odds it is an overrun. The media will see to it.

Letting China have Afghanistan is risky. They might win and crush the Taliban, Uighurs under their heel, but it also might be their undoing.

In the meantime we can support India and do everything short of open war to just royally fuckover the kafir backstabbers.

fred said...

It is nice to see you take so strong a stand on what we should forgot one thing: we give them this money mostly because they have nukes and will not let us anywhere near them and they claim to use their military to protect those nukes from bad guys grabbing them

Anonymous said...

"we give them this money mostly because they have nukes"

- assertion by Lib to spin a narrative. Lib cannot prove it but throws it out there so that it gains traction. Most people will resent the lie, but Lib know a small minority will swallow it hook line and sinker and that makes the stinker happy. Every so often the line rise up and more morons will glom onto the floater with gusto.

When did the payments start for the nuclear blackmail?

Come on and be a stand up guy for once in your life. Answer basic questions.

Do we pay Israel, France, Britain, China, Russia, North Korea blackmail money?

"In 2005, Benazir Bhutto testified that "Pakistan may have had an atomic device long before, and her father had told her from his prison cell that preparations for a nuclear test had been made in 1977, and he expected to have an atomic test of a nuclear device in August 1977."[12] However, the plan was moved on to December 1977 and later it was delayed indefinitely to avoid international reaction; thus obtaining deliberate ambiguity.[12] In an interview with Hamid Mir in Capital Talk which aired on Geo News in 2005, Dr. Samar Mubarakmand confirmed Bhutto's testimony and maintained that PAEC developed the design of an atomic bomb in 1978 and had successfully conducted a cold test after building the first atomic bomb in 1983"

You can read or you can look up porn.

I bet you choose not to get wiser, but dream of competing with Larry Flynt.

Anonymous said...

China would win in Afghanistan. You should see what they do to their own people. They have no UN rules they follow. No human rights they follow. No rules of law they follow. Plus they'd gain access to the middle east and more importantly real warfare experience. They might do it for fun just for a few years for that reason alone. However, their key focus is the south China Sea and taiwan. And the warfare experience gathered in Afghanistan is not what they are looking for before taking Taiwan .. and they cannot allow to be distracted from that goal, because proxy wars have a way of turning bad. So no. ..I don't see them opening Pandora 's box that is the quagmire named Afghanistan. They either will avoid conflict before taking Taiwan or cause conflict with a maritime force that's large enough to matter for their experience, but small enough to win and unconnected to the US. There's none really. They were itching it would be Vietnam and almost tried to start a war with them over an oil platform last year but luckily cooler heads prevaled. So right now they're in a tight spot. They need the maritime warfare experience and major warfare experience (air to air combat) to reliably overwhelm Taiwan and be able to credibly inflict intolerable costs in conventional warfare to the US. And they are just not there yet and perhaps never will as our alliances are actually spending more now, finally realising the threat that China (and Russia) pose. So for China it's all about timing and getting ahead in the right field of warfare experience - and the first war has to be against someone the US would hesitate to intervene. If they feel confident enough they might skip the learning step and go for Taiwan directly, but that might be a fools play. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

It's a deal we/the US has with them. Trading access for money. That money goes not to the Pakistani people but straight into the pockets of the ruling class. Trump wants their attention to renegotiate the terms. Soon 2 years into his presidency and you still haven't caught up to how he operates. To Trump, the Power of the purse is the starting block. Hence his focus on growing the US economy. With the US economy now being twice the size of China, he's on a historic winning track. If only the left would get their heads out of their ass*s and start to support their president (and I'm saying this as a European who leans left in my country, where the left hasn't gone batsh*t crazy like in the US). The US can actually win this renegotiation world wide because your economy is so strong at the moment. But you have to do it now, while you're on top. And this worldwide change will grow your economy by several more trillion AND ironically, the way Trump does it (and I think purposefully like a mad dog himself) strengthens our alliances. The EU gets it. That's why Junkers already came to the table. Under Trump NATO is also stronger now, especially to the east front (Russia,Russia!).. but your seem to be so political that you're like Pavlov's dog. When you see or hear the name Trump, you're not thinking, and your mouth starts to foam and you shout treason, bigot, racist.
It's so weird what's going on with you guys, you have a historic chance and you might mess it up