Saturday, September 8, 2018

Pesident Trump Says He Will Use The Military To Build The Wall

Trump said he would prefer to fund the ambitious construction 'the old-fashioned way – get it from Congress – but I have other options if I have to.' he is pictured above speaking with the press on Air Force One on Friday

Daily Mail: Trump says he could use the MILITARY to build his wall if Congress won't fund it through Homeland Security's budget - and he won't rule out another government shutdown to get his way

* asked the president on Air Force One if he was considering using the Army Corps of Engineers to build his border wall
* Congress has been stingy with a Homeland Security budget for the project, providing barely $3 billion and leaving another $25 billion unfunded
* Pentagon officials say the Corps of Engineers is suited to perform the work and Trump has boasted about budget increases he has won for the Pentagon
* Trump says: 'We have two options: We have military, we have homeland security'
* He also said he won't take a government shutdown off the table if Democrats on Capitol Hill keep playing hardball because of immigration politics
* He believes a shutdown would be strategically and politically smart
* But many Republican lawmakers are counseling patience because they fear being blamed for a shutdown in the final month of re-elecion campaigns

President Donald Trump said Friday that he's considering using military resources to finish construction of his long-promised border wall instead of relying on Congress to fund the project through the Homeland Security Department's budget.

He also wouldn't eliminate the possibility of a government shutdown if Democrats continue to confound his efforts to appropriate money for the project on the U.S.-Mexico border.

'We have two options,' he told aboard Air Force One as he flew from Billings, Montana to Fargo, North Dakota. 'We have military, we have homeland security.'

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The mid-terms are less than 2 months away. Everyone is looking for an issue that will drive their base to vote. On the issue of immigration .... most Americans want something done, and this is not an issue that politicians want to run on if they believe they are vulnerable on it in their district.


  1. Why not the National Guard from bordering states?

  2. National Guard?

    Because the Posse Comitatus Act or misuse of application of it.

    There are plenty of engineers in the military who are full or part time.

    1/3 rd pf the Left would be all over this and all the rest of them if Schumer & Pelosi called up the Leftists fyrd.

    The fringe right would be all over this, too.

    The military could build the wall and turn the keys over to border control, but the Left would still go ape shit for real and the ones that did not would go through the motions, because it suited their political machinations.

    If you think the birther issue was bad, then try this.

    I think it is a good idea financially, morally, and in the long run politically, but you have to get over the short term speed bump and there may not be any feasible solution to that

  3. that act cited would thus preclude the regular army? I guess not since army engineers used in New Orleans
    Ah, well, it is only tax payers' money so who cares

  4. Chances of Fred meeting an active duty or reserve military engineer.

    Vanishingly small.

    Fred could get out the ivory tower echo chamber. He could meet military people who design large bridges or airport runways in the civilian.

    But why bother he thinks, he can watch CNN.

  5. Correction civilian life...

  6. Keep hiding behind Anon you girly boy
    No. I do not meet military engineers in civilian life but I am to meet up with a former dean of engineering this evening ...a man who has books out on robotics and is a close stick you head back under the rock and tend your own garden,

    cultivate one's own garden. To take care of one's own needs before trying to take care of others: “The mayor ought to cultivate his own garden before he starts telling the governor what to do.” This is the moral of Candide, by Voltaire: take care of your own, and the world will take care of itself.

  7. "No. I do not meet military engineers in civilian life..."

    How is that possible?

    Oh that is right, liberals try to run anyone from the military off campuses from ROTC to recruiters.

    Now, I remember how it is.

    Heck if a person was part of the VFW (Korea is foreign) or the American Legion, a person might run into a military engineer, retired or not retired.

    So how does that happen?

    Hmmm, that is a toughie!

  8. "that act cited would thus preclude the regular army?"

    Is that a question?

    You never heard of the act?

    The person trying to save the world from the right never heard of the act?

    I have heard of some tall tales in my life, but this is a whopper!

    Sleep through the 80s?


  9. DOES it ever occur to you that your need to harass, needle and stalk me borders on the criminal or at least the psychotic? GET your own life. Find something worthwhile to do. You spend it seems every day chasing after anything I post so you can make some insulting and not so clever remarks and think that somehow you are putting me down. You are not. You just reveal what a pathetic little putz you are.

    איר זענט אַ ביסל פּיץ, אַ ווערט וואָרמער פון אַ סירקימיסעד פאָרעסקין

  10. SO I reply to antitroll and you felt the need to set me straight. You were looking for debate or something.

    Wasn't anywhere near you, but here comes You.

    Anonymous said...
    You do not know what the F35 can do.

    You do not know what engine it has or how it can be configured.

    You do not know its radar cross section, range or payload.


    If they made a Top Gun movie today what Phrase would Tom Cruise not say?

    You don't know, because you are clueless.

    September 8, 2018 at 8:13 AM
    fred lapides said...
    If you know, tell us rather than berating someone for not knowing that which you claim to know but for which you offer up not a shred of information to back your rant

    September 8, 2018 at 12:05 PM


  11. It did not translate well, but it was a run of the mill, typical Fred insult like the last 3 months.
    איר זענט אַ ביסל פּיץ, אַ ווערט וואָרמער פון אַ סירקימיסעד פאָרעסקין

  12. Or earlier today there was this
    Anonymous said...
    "Many Nicaraguan businesses closed as 24-hour strike protesting 'political prisoners' "

    Why strike?

    Ortega is just being a good socialist imprisoning people.

    September 8, 2018 at 6:33 AM
    Anonymous said...

    September 8, 2018 at 7:08 AM


    Nice one Fred. It is the second time you posted it today. It is your typical anti-Republican anti-conservative stuff.

    However, you typically post it 3 at a time. Then ole 'I'll inundate them with pro-Leftist (or anti-Right) articles, then they'll give up and see my way strategy.'

    You post 3 (n) items from your Leftist point of view & I will post 3+1 (n+1) from the other point of view. I have been very consistent with that across the board. You're not special. You are run of the mill.

    You forgot your girlie boy or other taunts. Your Yiddish cussing was rather refreshing, if only because it was a different language.
