Sunday, September 2, 2018

President Trump: No Political Necessity To Keep Canada In The New NAFTA Deal

Reuters: Trump says Canada not needed in NAFTA deal, warns Congress not to interfere

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday there was no need to keep Canada in the North American Free Trade Agreement and warned Congress not to meddle with the trade negotiations or he would terminate the trilateral trade pact altogether.

“There is no political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal. If we don’t make a fair deal for the U.S. after decades of abuse, Canada will be out,” Trump said on Twitter.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: From what I am reading .... both sides are far apart. There has been no willingness to compromise from both sides, and .... more importantly in my opinion .... both sides do not feel any political pressure to compromise. On the U.S. side .... the economy is booming so that the perception is that even if tariffs are imposed on Canada, they will not hurt the U.S. economy. On the Canadian side, many of my Liberal government contacts want this to be used a wedge issue in next year's federal election, and while it will hurt the Canadian economy, the Trump administration will be blamed for it. Bottom line .... I am now starting to wonder if this is all going to blow-up.

More News On President Trump's Remarks That There Is No Political Necessity To Keep Canada In The New NAFTA Deal

Trump Slams Canada Over NAFTA Talks: We Shouldn't Have to Buy Our Friends -- Newsweek
Trump again threatens to leave Canada out of new NAFTA deal -- CNN
Trump says no need to keep Canada in NAFTA -- Nikkei Asian Review
Trump: Canada 'will be out' of trade deal unless it's 'fair' -- AP
Trump gives Canada 90 days to accept new NAFTA terms -- France 24
Trump blasts trade talks with Canada: We shouldn't have to buy our friends -- The Hill
Trump Slams Canada’s ‘Decades of Abuse’ After Nafta Talks Stall -- Bloomberg
The Falling Apart Of The Deal (NAFTA) -- Phil Levy, Forbes


  1. The population of Canada is about the same as the state of California yet the laters GDP is about $1 trillion US dollars higher. Remarkable but true fact that should inform the knowledgeable in Canada that they need to make major changes to their governance. But hey the Canuks signed a trade deal with the EU so maybe that’s good enough for Tredeau and his europhile coterie.

  2. A wedge issue?

    Surely you jest.

    According to some shining, benighted knight Michael Tomasky using a wedge issue is an right wing thing to do.

    Is Justin becoming alt-right?

    Is he in danger of becoming a NAZI?

    I just want to know, because I knew what a wedge issue was, but I looked it up anyway to see what nuance about wedge issues, I might not know.

    Much to my dismay I learned that a wedge issue is a dirty right wing tactic, but something that the alt left is considering using for the 1st time in the 2015-2015.

  3. So Justin is willing to put tens of thousands of Canadian out of work, so that Liberal Party has a chance of increasing seats.

    Stay classy neo-Lib Trudeau.

    Stay classy.

  4. Premier Rachel Notley pulls Alberta out of federal climate plan over Trans Mountain ruling

    I thank neo-Lib Trudeau, arch-liberals of the Federal court, and other Left-wingers.

    These people truly rock. Thanks to them I have cheaper gas and thus no reason to switch over renewables.

    A pipeline through the hillbilly country of British Columbia, would mean that the central part of the U.S. would no longer have cheap gas and we would have to pay world-wide market prices.

    I do not expect Justin to understand economics. He seems to have a hard time with quantitative analysis. To wit:

    "From 2002 to 2004, he studied engineering at the École Polytechnique de Montréal, a part of the Université de Montréal"

    But he can bullshit better than most.

    "He also started a master's degree in environmental geography at McGill University, before suspending his program to seek public office among other reasons."

    Environmental Geography

    Think about that one.

    Alas, little Justin could not do the course work because even shaman's need to know a little mathematics to fool the natives

  5. "He mentioned advocates of female genital mutilation in the same breath as deniers of climate change — people who hold viewpoints that will never be valid, no matter how long they have been expressing those views or how loudly they do so."

    Arch-liberal and wingnut Trudeau "has learned to wear his shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house."

    I am not sure he is tolerable in polite company. He compares people ,who do not believe in 4 degree Celsius temperature increase due to CO2 to people who butcher women.

    What do we know? We know that Justin bails out of any college major that is heavy in math.

    Justin cannot calculate and determine temperature increase. He also cannot calculate how much damage and how many jobs will be lost with his trade war.

    He can't. He did not develop the capacity.


  6. The one thing I would like to see from the Trump admin is to go slower on these tariffs and re-done trade agreements. While I generally support them I fear they will lose their sting as people and countries grow used to them and adjust accordingly as is already beginning to occur.
    I would fear a situation where the dollar is no longer the world's go to place of haven in hard times, trade, and however else it is used.
