Sunday, September 9, 2018

Regime Change — American Style

Pat Buchanan: Regime Change — American Style

The campaign to overturn the 2016 election and bring down President Trump shifted into high gear this week.

Inspiration came Saturday morning from the altar of the National Cathedral where our establishment came to pay homage to John McCain.

Gathered there were all the presidents from 1993 to 2017, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Vice Presidents Al Gore and Dick Cheney, Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Henry Kissinger, the leaders of both houses of Congress, and too many generals and admirals to list.

Striding into the pulpit, Obama delivered a searing indictment of the man undoing his legacy:

“So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty, trafficking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage. … It’s a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born of fear.”

Speakers praised McCain’s willingness to cross party lines, but Democrats took away a new determination: From here on out, confrontation!

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Pat Buchanan's prediction may turn out right. I have never seen anything like this. This visceral hatred for a duly elected President has not only severely damaged the U.S. electoral process (Russia fixed the election), but it has ruined the credibility of other institutions like the media (fake news), the intelligence community (Russian dossier), and the U.S. Justice Department (the FBI targeting then candidate Donald Trump). There are going to be consequences from this .... and it will not be what progressives/Democrats/media/never-Trumpers/etc. are expecting.


  1. Robert Mueller Likely Used FBI and Foreign Intel to Set-Up George Papadopoulos in July 2017…

    - Conservative Treehouse

    Eleven (11) DOJ or FBI officials have been fired, resigned, or demoted. This is a far higher total than Papandoulos, Cohen, Manafort, & Flynn.

    Large organization sweep stuff under the rug, so that there are no prosecutions but merely letting people quietly go (As well as you can n a media environment) screams FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!

    Yes, the DOJ & FBI should be discredited. They can get their cred back, but it will take a long time.

    Outside of the rank & file, these organizations are crap.

    11 versus 4 for parking tickets.

    Parking tickets is not Russian collusion, so the Leftards, arch liberals, Leftwingers and wingnuts should have a come to Jesus moment and not side with the devil everyday.

  2. 1) McCabe - Fired under investigation (slow walked)
    2) Comey - Fired under investigation (slow walked)
    3) Sally Yates - Fired
    4) Peter Strzok Fired under investigation (How did he have a clearance; You can have sex with someone not your spouse, but you have to be 'officially' separated. Well, since he was and is carrying water for the Democrats rules do not apply.)

    5) Bruce Ohr - Fired Under investigation (Back Channel & cut out man for the Democrat party. His ugly wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS. How did he have a clearance. How did he get past the conflict of interest in filling out his OGE?

    6) Mary McCord - Resigned
    7) Bruce Carlin - Resigned
    8) James Rybicki - Resigned
    9) Lisa Page (a.k.a. Hot Buns) - Resigned
    10) James Baker - Demoted/Resigned
    11) Mikey Stan Fired/Resigned

  3. Parrot links a Communist News Network article whereby CNN makes an affinity chart of anyone Trump has met, seen, or ever heard about.

    Walid Phares? Really?

    Those of us who are not Leftist radicals know about Walid Phares. There is no there there, Parrot.

  4. Only a political parrot could view the chart Global Mean Sea Level (6,000 BC to Present) and not see how the chart, which follows it, is pure propaganda.

    Think of the two charts together as a Rorschach test or an IQ test.

    One could refer to the articles on Misleading Graphs and read about Improper scaling or truncated graphs.

    I learned this in 8th grade. It never occurred to me that person could get 7 levels higher and still be essentially a drone.

    After you read about Misleading graphs and reading the linked article, you should absolutely know that NASA will lie to you to maintain their funding.

    I never knew the U.S. had so many species of parrot.

  5. Anon 9:53 AM links to WaPo article behind a paywall about Walid Phare

    Can't see the article, but surmising that Anon 9:53 AM is an archiberal (they have a WaPo subscription), I suspect ANon 953 is in a lather about this

    "Phares, a Maronite Christian who reportedly served as an ideologue of Lebanese militiamen during the civil war in the 1980s" - Jerusalem Post

    The Lebanese Civil War started when PLO set up checkpoints on roads and started murdering motorists who were Christan and not Muslim.

    So I have to ask Anon 953 do you like seeing Christians being murdered?

    Are you pro-genocide?

    Do you hate Israel. The Lebanese Christians were Israeli allies in 1982. So if one hated Israel, they would hate their allies as well.

    Do we have an anti-Semite in our midst?

  6. Blogger fred lapides said...
    anon: hardly convincing of anything

    Anonymous said...
    And when the little parrot has nothing to counter, the little parrot falls back to the narrative he rehearsed. Good little parrot :)

    September 9, 2018 at 6:45 AM
    Anonymous said...
    My advice is to let Fred just be. Some people will never wake up to what their own side is doing and will just keep on saluting. This is not about winning arguments by logic, this is about not giving an inch to you. Because you think Fred may be wrong or just stupid, but Fred believes you are a bad person. Your side is bad and Obama is good. Nothing can change that because Fred needs to believe he is on the good side, it's human nature

    September 9, 2018 at 6:48 AM

    I do not know Fred, but at least 3 of us are not convinced by you one iota.

    More like you convince us the other way.

    Also James let you have it in the last 3 months. He is disgusted with you. I do not think he is to keen on me either, but he is disgusted with you. I tried finding the posted comment and I failed, but I know I saw it. For once the internet was not my database with a well worded search string. I did see where his last post January 2018, so maybe I'll search 1,800 blog posts.

  7. How about this for our sanity and well being:
    Post a comment that comments ONLY upon the posted article. Do NOT post any statements or references to the person you are opposing in your comments? That is NOTHING personal...refer only to ideas, facts, etc as they refer to the topic. NOTHING that disparages, insults, snarks the others posting comments. That would go a long way to making this site more valuable

    1. But that's the thing why people here don't like discussing ideas and facts with you ..because you post links and believe they are facts. They are not. You're posting --narratives-- most of the time. That's why your nickname parrot fits so well. You are repeating sh*t you believe to be facts. You call Trump a putin puppet and traitor --with no evidence--.

      I am the one giving you the nick name parrot. Little parrot because over time I realised the size of your intellect. And I'm the one who told you for two years to wait for evidence-a cornerstone of any judicial system. And you are the judge, jury and lynch mob.

      Oh and on top you are the smut site operator that sides with Stormy Daniels and calls Trump vulgar. High horse and all.

      Go repeat your narratives, little parrot. I wait for evidence and results.

  8. "Post a comment that comments ONLY upon the posted article. Do NOT post any statements or references to the person you are opposing in your comments? That is NOTHING personal...refer only to ideas, facts, etc as they refer to the topic. NOTHING that disparages, insults, snarks the others posting comments. That would go a long way to making this site more valuable"
    Somebody's whining about his own behavior.

  9. "Post a comment that comments ONLY upon the posted article. Do NOT post any statements or references to the person you are opposing in your comments? That is NOTHING personal...refer only to ideas, facts, etc as they refer to the topic. NOTHING that disparages, insults, snarks the others posting comments. That would go a long way to making this site more valuable"
    Thus spake the mighty Lapides, who fortunately monitors other blog commentary for the well being of others. How unselfish.

  10. Lapides,
    A succinct explanation of your entire life.

  11. ??? a snarker must snark, as in the Trudeau snark elsewhere by this same snarkster, which was taken from a snarking site, almost in full. ps: Darwin suggested diversity was a very healthy thing for evolution
    That time of the year: cast some bread upon the waters and wash away this year's sins

  12. Darwin married his cousin.

    Some people only parrot. They are data immune.

    "Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s wife, Eleanor, was his fifth cousin once removed; she didn’t even have to change her name. ...

    And scientific geniuses like Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin married their cousins, too.
    From 1650 to 1850, a given person was, on average, fourth cousins with their spouse, according to Erlich’s data"

    Go Ahead, Kiss Your Cousin
    Heck, marry her if you want to

  13. Lapides,
    As usual your retort is devastating.
    " Darwin suggested diversity was a very healthy thing for evolution"
    Apparently Lapides, Darwin missed you, think of the time and money he could have saved. You seem to whine about snark constantly, but indulge in it to your heart's content. So answer a question, "Why are you here?".
    You are a first class whiner, sniveler, snarker extraordinaire, fortunately you have absolutely no self awareness that goes along with your ignorance in a fabulous way.

  14. Troll on and on we laugh at you
    Even those who along with what may be s position you perhaps have have come to see you as not healthy

  15. Lapides,
    "Even those who along with what may be s position you perhaps have have come to see you as not healthy"
    Superlative sentence construction Lapides. Being the chair of an English Department has done wonders for you. I heard you were even published, modern day miracles never cease.

  16. Anon 331

    To be fair Me Lapides is 89 although 2 or 3 years ago he said he was 84. He might get confused easily. Then there is the fact that he might be diabetic or pre-diabetic. He wrote something the other day in the evening hours that suggested he was cross that he had low blood sugar. That may explain a lot.

    I have a relative, who after she retired did not write well. Her grammar went downhill. Still she probably earned Masters and Mr. Lapides has a PhD. Perhaps Woody Allen is correct. 90% of success is merely showing up.

    So there is age, but I think a lot of it is that he is dyed-in-the wool, a parrot.

  17. Anon@ 3:51,
    All you say is more than likely quite true and should be borne in mind.
    However that gives little enough excuse for behavior as exhibited by Mr. Lapides. I myself have made many a misstep in life I wish undone, but the unceasing and unintelligible litany proffered by Mr. Lapides without defense or coherence cannot at times be unanswered.
