Friday, September 7, 2018

Report: President Trump Spends An Unbelievable Amount Of "Time And Emotional Energy" To Comfort The Families Of The Fallen

U.S. President Donald Trump returns to the White House in Washington. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Business Insider: Trump reportedly went to extraordinary and unusual lengths to console grieving military families

* President Donald Trump found it extremely "tough" to handle the deaths of US service members, according to excerpts from journalist Bob Woodward's soon-to-be-released book "Fear," an advanced copy of which was obtained by The Washington Examiner.
* Trump reportedly invested an unbelievable amount of "time and emotional energy" into comforting the families of the fallen.
* In some cases, he would make up details about the fallen with their families to tell them "what they wanted to hear."

Talking to the family of a daughter or son killed on a foreign battlefield is often one of the most emotionally fraught responsibilities of an American president. And President Donald Trump went to extraordinary and unusual lengths to comfort them, according to a bombshell new book.

Trump reportedly devoted a truly surprising amout of "time and emotional energy" to comforting Gold Star families, even going so far as to make up stories to comfort some of these families, an excerpt from journalist Bob Woodword's new book "Fear," which was obtained by The Washington Examiner, revealed. Former chief strategist Steve Bannon is said to have commented that these calls and exchanges with families, especially those with small children, had a "big impact" on the president.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Meeting the families of the fallen must be the hardest part of his job.


  1. But he's an emotionally unstable person who rips families apart and works for Russia. Cnn told us so.

  2. They are trying to discredit him by showing him being compassionate to veterans. The way this compassion is expressed may be rather dubious, but the thing is, even Trump's supporters generally see him as being willing to bend the truth. Whether or not he has compassion is a more contentious issue and, whoops, they let him have it.

    1. I know. My point is CNN bends the truth by disproportionally portraying only the bad side of him. And when Obama was in office everything was peachy. From the disastrous red line debacle, to the failed and catastrophic pivot to Asia (which brought us the militarised south China Sea, all while gutting the US military), to the fast and furios incident, and the unprecedented amount of gag orders under him. CNN loved him,accepted all his failings as great and even when Netanjahu -typically a rock solid US partner called Obama pretty much an idiot (and Putin called him a child) CNN never questioned Obama's leadership. Not once. And on Trump like 95% negative coverage, while Trump is avidly trying and succeeding in strengthening the US - and albeit by arguable methods also NATO. Cnn today is worse than fox back then. Way worse. The metoo hypocrisy is another thing. The siding with the left to intimidate people who don't agree with them yet another. Crickets on CNN. Outrage actors. They are the true traitors to what America used to be. A place where all opinions are accepted. Today everyone is called a racist, bigot and worse. The left claims to smell Trump supporters. The left calls themselves the elite. How fing arrogant can one group be?

  3. Woodward book bad. Oh. This part ok. Comfort here but refuses to go to war zones and is a draft dodger and insulted McCain as a non-hero
    in sum: pick and choose here

  4. "In military terms, John Sidney McCain III was born with two silver spoons in his mouth."

    "His record as a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy was dismal. He piled up demerits left and right for breaking the rules, and barely passed his schoolwork, graduating 894th in a class of 899."

    i.e PRIVILEGE!

    On the other hand at least John McCain passed a college entrance exam unlike other people.

    "He barely passed flight school. And then he crashed two airplanes and damaged a third"


    " He tried to fly his propeller-driven A-1 fighter-bomber under a row of pylon-supported electric power lines. "

    " damaged the lines so badly that thousands of people lost power."

    "In the U.S. Navy, for a pilot to crash one plane was pushing it. To crash two often resulted in an official investigation to determine if he should be taken off flight status. How McCain got away with crashing two airplanes and smashing power lines in Spain was a mystery, although other pilots thought it had to do with his family connections. "

    PrIvIlEgE ?

    "By his own admission, then, McCain failed to follow instructions in combat. He did not try to evade the missile."

    No wonder Trump disliked him.

  5. OK...I was an average C student in my high school grades. I ended up with a PhD from a distinguished university . Why put down a dead many who served his nation honorably, worked tirelessly in the Senate and tried to bring the two sides of the aisle closer?Pissing on a grave is not very courageous, dignified, or mature

  6. "honorably, worked tirelessly in the Senate"

    Crossing the aisle to work with Ted Kennedy is not honorable.

    McShame crossed th aisle so many times wand when it came time to do more than say sweet nothings, they did not vote for him nor did they continue to say sweet nothings.

    McCain: His early years, his middle years and especially his late years.

  7. "OK...I was an average C student in my high school grades. I ended up with a PhD from a distinguished university"

    No college entrance exam


    Your thesis or is that under locked the same vault as Mr & Mrs Obama's theses?

    Are we talking about a real thesis or a popularity contest?

    "Many College Professors Started Using Grade Inflation To Protect Bad Students From Being Drafted Into The Vietnam War"

    Many bad things go on in colleges. The least of them is not grade inflation.

    For example, human trafficking goes on in colleges.

    So you have an PhD and ...?

    That proves what?

    Ben Rhodes got a Master of fine Arts, becuase he wants to be a novelist.

    Where's the beef?

    Where's the novel?

    A stunning profile of Ben Rhodes, the ASSHOLE who is the president’s foreign policy guru

    Well, Ben might have wrote 2 novels. Depends on how you count.
