Thursday, September 6, 2018

These Are The Trump Officials Who Have Publicly Denied Writing The Anonymous New York Times Op-Ed

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Business Insider: All the Trump officials who have publicly denied writing the anonymous New York Times op-ed

* A deluge of White House senior officials have denied writing the bombshell anonymous New York Times op-ed article, whose author the paper described only as "a senior official in the Trump administration."
* There was speculation that Vice President Mike Pence was the author because of the column's use of the word "lodestar," but he denied having written it.
* Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested the op-ed article was written by a "disgruntled deceptive bad actor" and said the author should leave the White House.

As speculation swirls over the identity of the author of the controversial New York Times op-ed article, described by the paper only as "a senior official in the Trump administration," a lineup of White House officials have denied writing it.

The author of the anonymous op-ed article, published on Wednesday, said there was a "quiet resistance" against President Donald Trump within his administration.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Someone wrote this op-ed. Maybe one day we will find out who that is.


  1. Someones a little over sensitive....

  2. Trump is not overly sensitive.

    Stirring shit up is the opposition's attempt to keep Trump from governing.

    To wit look at all the Democrat demands for the Kavanaugh hearing.

    do NOT call the Democrats HYSTERICAL

    How many of the protesters were paid?

    Seriously, most of us were at work and yet these people have time to throw tantrums?

  3. Sir--
    there are these days people who work different shifts or work remotely or take days off to do what they consider important

    The GOP is keeping important materials from viewing and that is disgusting in light of the importance of these hearings. If Kavanaugh had guts and was sure of his record he would announce he wanted everything available so his record was fully known

  4. "there are these days people who work different shifts or work remotely or take days off to do what they consider important"

    Where was Robert Creamer and when did he pay them?

    The Left has a long and evil history of paying protesters.

    It is standard practice to scan ads before or during political events to see who and how many protesters, Democrats are hiring.

    The woman in the picture posted above does have a blue collar job. If she did she would look way more intelligent. My guess is that she has a make work Leftists job, which means she has no real skills and thus brain development.

    Paid protesters at Kavanaugh hearings? Twitter abuzz after photo shows activist receiving cash

    Doctors Claim They Saw Protesters Get Paid to Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing

  5. A military vet who had been stationed in Japan told me of the regular protests by the Japanese communist party (no doubt funded by the same people who funded Gus Hall).

    The protesters would protest during the lunch hour. They would get paid by the Japanese communist party and then go back to their day job.

    The Shyster Democrats of the American news rooms would dutifully cover the protest and show the discontent with the American military.

  6. So Trump talked to Woodward and ...?

    Bernstein lied. So why would not Woodward lie?

    Nolte: If CNN and Carl Bernstein Are Willing to Lie About the Little Things…
