Sunday, September 2, 2018

This Russian Oligarch Admits That He Colluded With The Americans Before The 2016 Election. But It Is Not What You Think

Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Russian President Putin

John Solomon, The Hill: Russian oligarch, Justice Department and a clear case of collusion

In a 20-month search for evidence of collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, none that is compelling has emerged.

Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress he found none. The U.S. intelligence community has given a similar assessment, though it did prove convincingly that Moscow meddled in the 2016 election through cyber warfare. And, so far, special counsel Robert Mueller has not offered any collusion evidence, though his work continues.

But, for the first time, I can say there is evidence of collusion between Russians and Americans — specifically, the sort that is at the heart of counterintelligence work.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above Hill post is my my read post for today, as well as Zero Hedge's analysis .... Russian Oligarch And Putin Pal Admits To Collusion, Secret Meetings (Zero Hedge).


  1. Now we’re learning how this misinformation got around, and the evidence points to Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, the outfit that financed the infamous Steele dossier. -WSJ

    One faction is going after another faction by lying and using the press. They will falsely imprison people, financially ruin them and worse until they get back into full power.

    They have to be totally defeated.

    George W. Bush was playing kissy face with them at McShame's funeral.

    George Bush, McShame, McConnell, Sessions, Paul Ryan another members of GOPe do not have the balls to confront these people and jail them.

    So there was one lie. It will pass.

    Then there is this second lie going after the NRA and esquire Cleta Mitchell.

    These people will not stop until they win or they are imprisoned.

  2. Glenn Simpson needs to be in prison.


  3. It’s Not Just Robert Mueller. President Donald Trump Faces Six Separate Investigations And Lawsuits.
    Prosecutors are digging into the president’s business from which he refused to divest.

  4. "Prosecutors are digging into the president’s business from which he refused to divest."

    You bad guy. Bad guy! Bad guy!

    I mean Bad Dog!

    Your refused to divest yourself of a business and out into a bank certificate potentially earning less than inflation.

    Bad guy! I mean Bad Dog!

    What do you want Fred. The president to divest and put the money on a roulette wheel.

    I know you live in a crap shack of a house, but your envy of Trump is pathetic.
