Saturday, September 1, 2018

Tweets For Today


  1. Replies
    1. Fred no one cares what you have to's the same humdrum all day. If I wanted to fry my brain I'd just watch cnn like u

  2. It’s Not the 'Future of Work,' It’s the Future of Workers That’s in Doubt

    For Labor Day, a call for a new union strategy from three prominent workers’ advocates.

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  5. Better an ivory tower than mole-like underground with worms like you. ps: I remain a registered Democrat. You remain? of merely spew venom and stand for nada, zip, nothing. Like McCain? we do not know. Like Trump? we do not know. So much easier to remain with a made up name and with no positions so you can crank out your hate

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  8. ok. then do not talk to me via comments. resolved that issue.

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  11. Don’t tell me about unions
    You have no idea about what I know

  12. I thought we had agreed we will keep from babbling about each other
    In short
    Stop referring to me
    Clear enough?

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  14. Russia To Stop Carrying US Astronauts To The Space Station In April

    It is happening because we have this group think thang going on.

    We have these phules crying "Wussia, Wussia, Wussia"

    I believe Russia is one of our top 2 enemies and we should be on guard.

    But DANG these phules want go to War or near War instead of the usual jockey-ing. Oh and these phules will tell us how to fight, but will not fight,. How kind of them! How thoughtful!

    So the International Space Station (ISS) will convert to a Russian space station, because you know who the usual suspects are.

    Should one of our astronauts get stranded in outer space it will be Obama's, Comey's, Mueller's , Hillary's and the MSMS's fault.

    1. Nope
      Why russkies now pissed?
      Gop passed sanctions and ignored trump connection to putin

  15. "Why russkies now pissed?" - Fred
    "Gop passed sanctions and ignored trump connection to putin" -Fred

    Why the lie. Veteran new junkies, who comment often, look up congressional vote tallies. So Why go there? Why lie? Unf8cking Believable!

    Roll Call Vote 115th Congress - 1st Session

    Question: On the Amendment (Crapo Amdt. No. 232 As Modified )

    Statement of Purpose: To impose sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation and to combat terrorism and illicit financing.

    Vote Counts: YEAs 97
    NAYs 2
    Not Voting 1

    But there were 5 US lawmakers who voted against the bill: 4 libertarians and 1 progressive independent.

    Those lawmakers were US Reps.
    Justin Amash (R-Mich.),
    Thomas Massie (R-Ky.),
    John Duncan Jr. (R-Tenn.),

    and US Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

    IVN = Indpendent Voter Network

  16. Sometimes a great notion.

  17. Congress and senate applied sanctions and gop and dems agreed
    And so putin found his puppet not helping him
    And so putin did this
    But some person blames dems and obama?

    1. Do you have any evidence for your claims or is it just more of the "what cnn says doesn't need to be proven" program? 2 years into this and you still do it. You're a dumb, dumb man indeed. Perhaps the dumbest on this blog

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    1. Aizino,please ffs get with the program. Only if Trump or republicans do something it's bad and "treason" - heck, you won't even need evidence for calling them traitors. It's hip and fun to do. Try it.
      Don't - under any circumstances - not ever ever - suggest Democrats colluded or paid Russians to do favors and influence an election. That is -not- treason, but honorable. Get it? The right is bad and treasonous. The left is full of saints. It's not that hard to remember. Just watch cnn every day and you'll catch up eventually of how this goes. People on the right (especially men! ) are monsters, rapists, entitled and traitors. On the left...just beauty, sunshine and fairy dust.
