Sunday, September 2, 2018

Ukraine And Russia Trade Blame For The Assassination Of Top Separatist Leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko In Eastern Ukraine

RFE: Russia, Ukraine Trade Blame Over Zakharchenko Killing

Ukraine and Russia are trading blame for the killing of a top separatist leader in eastern Ukraine.

Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the head of the head of the breakaway separatist entity known as the Donetsk People’s Republic, was killed in an explosion at a cafe in Donetsk on August 31.

Zakharchenko's killing was the latest in a series of violent deaths of separatist officials and commanders in eastern Ukraine, where the Moscow-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces since 2014 in a war that has killed more than 10,300. Many of the assassinations have been blamed on fellow rebels.

But Russia was quick to blame Kyiv for Zakharchenko's death.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is only going to escalate the war .... US ready to boost arms supplies to Ukraine naval and air forces, envoy says (The Guardian).

More News On Ukraine And Russia Trading Blame For The Assassination Of Top Separatist Leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko In Eastern Ukraine

East Ukraine mourns rebel leader after blast -- AFP
Deputy PM Dmitry Trapeznikov becomes interim Donetsk People’s Republic head -- TASS
Russia says talks on Ukraine in 'Normandy format' not possible now: Ifax -- Reuters
Kremlin warns Ukraine peace deals at stake after murder of rebel leader -- The Telegraph
Lavrov: Killing of rebel leader in Ukraine aimed against Minsk treaty -- DW
Lavrov calls murder of Donbass leader ‘blatant provocation’ -- RT
Zakharchenko's Murder Organized by Ukraine's Special Operations Forces - Adviser -- Sputnik
The three most likely culprits in Ukraine separatist leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko's assassination -- Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner
All You Need To Know About Bombing Of Top Separatist Leader In Ukraine And Why It Matters -- Joseph Trevithick, Warzone/The Drive


  1. Let the 2018-19 Assassination Games begin!

  2. Russia needs to accept that Ukraine is the west's red line. Go further and there will be war.

    The west needs to understand that the promise of no further east expansion of nato was taken verbatim and that we broke that promise.

    But Russia needs to also understand this promise was not to be made and impossible to keep in a world with people who wish to be free.

    So in the end, the western alliance is growing and growing and our economies are so big that even tiny Italy (with just 60 million people) has a much money as Russia with its 140 million people.

    There's no way out for Russia. The only way would be to partner with china. But China will come for their territory and resources sooner or later. China will be around 2bn people by 2050 abs Russia will be down to 120 million due to demographic changes, but Russia needs to defend the largest territory on earth (even bigger than china's or the US's territory)

    Also fact: the young people in Russia dont want the old ways of putin. They want to be free and have less corruption.. every single Russian (under 40) that I know doesn't want putin and wants the western model.

    We don't want conflict with russians at all. We don't want Russian territory. We want people to live freely. And the sooner Russia understand that and sees the horrific alternativ of living like slaves under chinese rule (who will treat non Chinese as second class citizens), the better. We need and we want Russia to be part of the "west" (the west has grown far beyond its borders and the idea of living freely is accepted in the far east including Japan. .So it's not even a match, but Russia could help a lot on stemming the threat china''s ruling party poses to all free man. I hope they recognise this opportunity and join us eventually. ..a joined Russia/Nato. ..what a glorious thought and world this would be

    1. The sad thing is, if anyone could bring the west and Russia together, it'd be Putin and he'd go down as the most important politician in this century. But for whatever reason he just cannot change his old way of thinking the west is bad. We all have read that the biggest "catastrophe" in Putin's mind is the break up of the Soviet union. But it's so superficial to think that way. We share so much with Russia it doesn't matter what name is on the package. Russians and Europeans are bound by blood. Our values are the same. Our attitudes and humour is similar. Russians and Chinese? Not so much. I truly hope Russia and the West will stop this nonsense and finally work together. And I also hope that cnn stops this Russia hysteria. It's almost an offence to know and like russians these days. The atmosphere has become so toxic because of cnn it's damaging not just the presidency and foreign relations but it's a stain on our history and who we are as people. It's shameful, really and I'm embarrassed. (However, Russian meddling is real. .but not as big of a deal as cnn wants you to believe it is so you keep watching their show and they keep making money. ..that's the weakness of our system tbh and I'm not proud of it..I'm all for free press but 2 years of slander is a bit much to stomach)

    2. Thanks god you are wrong, because if ukraine would have been west's red line it would have been world war 3 already 2014

  3. We are going to war.

    The best generation, since the Long March generation, will make it so.

    That generation by and large has not known war, especially not the coddled one.

    Ukraine is not the only flashpoint nor China.

    Consider the West.

    A certain cabinet maker opined that targeted sanctions against Russian individuals was the way to go. There is something to be said for that. Washington took them up on that. We have all those sanctions, while we have all that Trump Derangement Syndrome by the DNC, by GOPe, by cabinet makers, by the MSM and by profs who write snazzy little books on racism.

    With the exception of cabinet makers none of those people have been to war or have skin in the game (unless nukes fly).

    Obama sent task Force Smith to Estonia while cutting the defense budget. All the while liberals grow ever more hysterical over Russia.

    From Vox (so libtards must believe) Obama cut the budget from 2012 to 2013. We are just now reaching parity.

    But at the same time period as the cuts Obama sent Task Force Smith. Obama never had skin in the game.
