Monday, September 3, 2018

Unlike U.S. Senator McCain, Why No Press Coverage Of U.S. Senator Jeremiah Denton When He Passed Away?

Joseph P. Duggan, Spectator: The Senate’s Unremembered Ex-POW

Such a contrast to the excess of the last several days.

His path to distinguished service in the United States Senate led through the Naval Academy, aerial combat over hostile territory, and long years of confinement, beatings, and torture in the Hanoi Hilton.

He was a man worth remembering.

No, his name was not John McCain.

Six years before McCain’s election to the Senate, Alabama voters sent retired Rear Admiral Jeremiah Denton to Washington’s upper chamber.

Both the parallels and the divergences in Denton and McCain’s lives tell something about the last few decades of our political history.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: U.S. Senator Jeremiah Denton was not politically useful to the main stream media, so he never got the plaudits. And that in a nutshell illustrates how the U.S. main stream media operates in covering U.S. political news.


  1. Dear Editor:
    Sen Denton a hero, for sure, though Trump would say "NO" since he was "merely a captive," but his political career did not last very long and had no significant impact on American politics. Seems then you are riding a hobby horse while McCain being buried in order to badmouth Sen McCain, the MSM and support Trump. Ask, then, how many readers at your site have even heard of this American hero and how many know of Sen McCain? Our heroic military from Viet Nam scarcely remembered these days except perhaps for older people.

  2. "Denton is best known from this period of his life for the 1966 televised press conference in which he was forced to participate as an American POW by his North Vietnamese captors. He used the opportunity to send a distress message confirming for the first time to the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence and Americans that American POWs were being tortured in North Vietnam. He repeatedly blinked his eyes in Morse code during the interview, spelling out "T-O-R-T-U-R-E". He was also questioned about his support for the U.S. war effort in Vietnam, to which he replied: "I don't know what is happening, but whatever the position of my government is, I support it fully. Whatever the position of my government, I believe in it, yes sir. I am a member of that government, and it is my job to support it, and I will as long as I live.""

  3. Denton did far more damage to the North Vietnamese cause in prison than McCain did.

  4. Denton earned his way into the Naval Academy.

    McCain got a child of an alumni admission.

    Maybe Fred approves since he never took an SAT or a GRE to get into college.

    Meritocracy means something to people who are not liberal.

  5. Compare Denton and McCain after captivity

    Denton was released from the captivity and earned the rank of Rear Admiral.

    "McCain decided to leave the Navy. It was doubtful whether he would ever be promoted to the rank of full admiral, as he had poor annual physicals and had not been given a major sea command."

    Fred of the ivory tower would not know of how promotion work in the military based on merits. It is a foreign concept to him. Maybe if Amazon delivered a telescope to his tower, Fred could see the rest of the world and how it world. Then maybe he would get off his hobby horse.

  6. People like McCain now, but did people like Larry Flynt (& our very own illustrious resident in that category) bad mouth McCain, when he ran for president in 2008?

    "And if you think there's little political content to Who's Nailin' Paylin? whatsoever, well, you may be right, but there is an indirect connection between Palin, Flynt and McCain that suggests that, deep in the background, Flynt is settling another one of his age-old scores ..." The Guardian

    My guess is that if we visit a certain blog and look at the 2008 entries, we might find a certain someone hurling invective at McCain. But now since McCain can be used as a prop to further the agenda, xer likes McCain.

  7. Fred. I am not bad-mouthing Sen. McCain. I am just pointing out how the main stream media covers politics.

  8. Andy
    you dislike the guy for his politics. Ok. I like him for his military service. He was a hero, despite what draft dodging Trump said when he dissed McCain. The Russians too believed that allowing yourself to be captured made you a traitor to the state. That is also Japanese attitude.
    We differ. Ok. Happy Labor Day

  9. His military service where he cut a power line in Spain?

    Or maybe his military service where he crashed his training aircraft?

    That military service?

    Can you washout of flight school if you daddy is an admiral and your grand papa is an admiral?

    If so, please give an example.

  10. The mainstream media is a propaganda machine.

    It was stated lat year by a well known pundit with 20 to 30 million listeners that the MSM is no longer an arm of the Democrat Party.

    The Democrat Party is an arm of it.

    Think about it for a little while.

    Then consider Isaac Asimov. Was he right?

  11. dribble on with cliches and nonsense
    Show us your heroic record before badmouthing others
    to gossipy and needle and whine is true girly boyish

  12. Cliche?

    It is a fact that "during the early to mid-1960s, two of his flight missions crashed and a third mission collided with power lines"

    How many crashes do you get if you are not the son of an admiral?

    Silver spoon in his mouth McCain should have been cashiered before the Vietnam War.

    Please up your game from grade school insults to High school insults Fred.

    Try substituting "beta boy" for "girly boyish."

    Trust me you playground friends will be impresssed.

  13. "You sound like ever divorced man's former wife."

    You sound like you have experience being divorced.

    Did the big liberal mistreat a woman and she exited stage right?

  14. Fred,

    Apparently McCain would have more support on here from the Alt Right if he had bone spurs and a rich daddy in real estate.

    It's funny how selective their moralizing is.

    Maybe McCain should have had his lawyers pay off someone in Records to clean up his flight record before he ran for politics.

    Too bad he didn't have a whore or two - that would definitely have helped with the Breitbart set.

    But before you reply Aizanon,

    GFYslf in advance.

  15. Aizanon's FOX mainstream works for his Russian Mafia Stoogident hunting down and shaming people who are working for a living. As specially black people.

    It's not enough to be a traitor. To get real cred with the ALt Aizanon-Right, you have to be a racist. Never forget, that comes first.

    No matter who you marry.

  16. aNON 2.03 & 2.22 (same person)

    1) This is how the Breitbart set thinks about what FOX did

    Nolte: Fox News Mocks ‘Cosby Show’ Actor Geoffrey Owens for Working Real job

    "what would it cost Fox to send a reporter across the bridge from Manhattan to Jersey, to interview him and treat him like a man as opposed to a carnival attraction?" - Nolte

    There are a lot of liberals at Fox like Shep Smith. I had to look his name up since I do not watch Fox News and have not for over a decade. Because they carry a few extremely popular pundits, you think it is right wing tell us more about you than about Fox.

    So dude get out of the basement, get some fresh air. Stop huffing H2S.

  17. 2) Every politician since George Herbert Walker Bush, who has ran for president, has been accused of avoiding the Vietnam War except for McCain.

    So Trump avoided the War and?

    I told my sons to avoid the military if there was a war. I told them that if a war starts the 1st wave will be ground up in a meat grinder because of stupid dumb ass liberals

    I told them that after things get going good then you join. You might still die, but your chances of living are higher after getting rid of all the stupid liberal BULLSHIT.

    Training with broomsticks is BULLSHIT, but liberals will make you do it.

    Who got us into the war? JFK & LBJ. McNamara did not believe we could win, but he held onto the tiller and said nary a word. So why would you join the military when Libs are in their full glory?

    Trump is there, because Washington is broke. Period. If Jeb had not been such a pussy, the match up would have been between him and Hillary. JEb said:

    "Former Florida governor Jeb Bush said Sunday that many who illegally come to the United States do so out of an "act of love" "

    He talked about his Hispanic wife

    That is nice Jeb. Now, sit down. And he did after lost the primaries.

  18. So Jeb has a Hispanic wife and loves illegals. Well, la-de-da. I have a brown spouse, who is a legal immigrant. This is not about brown immigrants. This is about illegals.

    It has gotten worse since the pusillanimous Carter came up with 'undocumented' instead of 'illegal'. You know liberal is lying, when they use euphemisms.

    Trump was possible, because Washington D.C., Democraps & GOPe, are fucked up. Period.

    A) Unemployment is low.
    B) GDP is up.
    C) Border crossing are still problematic (lower it seems but still up & down) , but asshole Leftists are saying that it is trending down and was before Trump took office. It would take an a-hole to make that argument. I found charts that showed otherwise.

    At least we do not have Obama advertising food stamps in Mexico and that ______did.

    PS if the libtards running Fox news (and there are a number of them) want to make it up to Elvin Tibideaux, they can have him make an appearance on the morning show and pay him 5 figures. It is not uncommon to pay people to appear.

  19. "Too bad he didn't have a whore or two - that would definitely have helped with the Breitbart set."

    McCain is noble.

    He traded his wife who waited for him for 5 years for another wife that was 16 years younger and far richer (than his 1st wife or him).

    He may also have catted around before 190. After 1980 who knows?

    The media mostly reports the affairs that it wants to report. For example, it never reported all of the DC Madam's clients just select ones.

  20. ohn McCain sex claim hits US election
