Friday, September 7, 2018

U.S. Air Force Is Revealing Only Now That An RQ-4 Global Hawk Drone Crashed Off Spain Last June

Remnants of a RQ-4 Global Hawk that was recovered on June 26, 2018 off the coast of Spain. USNI News Photo

Daily Mail: Huge $123m US Air Force drone is recovered from the Atlantic Ocean after crashing off the coast of Spain

* The RQ-4 Global Hawk plunged into the Gulf of Cadiz at 11am ET on June 26
* Officials only acknowledged crash on Thursday after two months of silence
* It's the second time one of the reconnaissance drones has crashed in a year

A huge US Air Force drone worth $123 million has been recovered from the Atlantic Ocean after crashing off the coast of Spain.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk, which has a wingspan of 131 feet, plunged into the Gulf of Cadiz at 11am ET on June 26 near the US Navy's base in Rota, some 4,500 miles away from its home base in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

US officials only acknowledged the crash to USNI News on Thursday after two months of silence. The incident is particularly embarrassing as it is the second time a Global Hawk has crashed in the last 12 months.

Read more ....

Update #1: Update: U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk Drone Crashed Off Spain Last June (The Warzone/The Drive)
Update #2: Exclusive Photo: Crashed $123M RQ-4 Air Force Drone Fished Out of the Atlantic (USNI News)

WNU Editor: This drone must have been carrying some sensitive equipment for the US Air Force to keep the crash secret until now.


  1. There is not a Clinton in the White House to give the Chinese the technology to China for free.

    So if the Chinese wanted the tech, they would have to use spies or recover the crashed drone.

  2. Former President Bill Clinton approved the sale of sensitive U.S. missile technology to China following donations from a key missile manufacturer to his campaign, in a move prescient of the Clinton Foundation’s <“pay-to-play” activities.

    Clinton exporting jobs oversea to foreigners, who can't do the job.

    Then the Democrat, mean, despicable person, makes sure they can.

  3. "Sometime in April 1996, intelligence analyst Ronald Pandolfi wrote a report for the CIA warning about military implications of Hughes Electronics' sharing of missile expertise with the PRC. The CIA decided not to distribute the classified report to select government officials, as is routinely done with intelligence estimates, saying it was insufficiently rigorous. The report would be kept from Congress until late 1998"

    So why would the mean, sucky Bill Clinton and his political appointees want to keep the truth from Congress?

    Did I say appointees? I meant lackeys.

    The communists have a much more descriptive term, running dogs.


    If you can't keep up. Don't step up.

    Minute 3:50

    When Fred can't keep up, when he can't come up with facts to refute you, he whips out his "Snark" line.
